06-096 C.M.R. ch. 161, § 3 - Emission Control Limits

A. Work Practice Standards, Fountain and Cleaning Solution VOC Limits

Any owner or operator of a facility that utilizes any type of heatset, coldset or sheet fed offset web lithography printing press, or letterpress printing press system is subject to the following requirements for:

(1) Work Practice Standards. Each owner or operator shall use the following work practices:
(a) New and used VOC-containing ink, fountain solution and cleaning solvent, including solvents mixed on the premises, shall be stored in a nonabsorbent, non-leaking container. Such a container shall be kept closed at all times except when the container is being filled, emptied or is otherwise actively in use.
(b) Spills and leaks of VOC-containing ink, fountain solution and cleaning solvent shall be minimized. Any leaked or spilled VOC-containing ink, fountain solution or cleaning solvent shall be absorbed and removed immediately to a sealed storage container. Spills of hazardous waste may also be subject to reporting pursuant to 38 MRSA §1318-B(1) and the Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 06-096 CMR Chapters 850-857.
(c) Absorbent applicators, such as cloth and paper, which are moistened with VOC containing ink, fountain solution or cleaning solvent, shall be stored in a closed, non-absorbent, non-leaking container for disposal or recycling.
(d) VOC-containing ink, fountain solution and cleaning solvents shall be conveyed from one location to another in closed containers or pipes.
(e) Cleaning shall be performed to minimize associated VOC emissions.
(f) VOC waste containing materials as well as any hazardous waste may not be stored in any container which is rusted, bulging or leaking. For specific details, refer to the Standards for Generators of Hazardous Waste, 06-096 CMR Chapter 851. Additionally, the tanks and containers used to store VOCs or hazardous waste must be compatible with the waste stored in them, be labeled and stored according to hazardous waste management rules. Refer to Maine's Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 06-096 CMR Chapters 850-857, as well as the federal regulations: 40 CFR 265.172 and 40 CFR 265.177 regarding incompatible containers and wastes.
(2) Fountain Solution VOC Requirements for heatset, sheet fed and coldset offset lithographic and letterpress presses. Any owner or operator of a subject printing press shall meet the following emission requirements:
(a) Heatset Web Offset VOC Requirements for on-press fountain solution shall achieve one of the following limits for fountain solution used on each heatset press;
(i) If the fountain solution contains only alcohol substitutes, maintain the as-applied VOC content of the fountain solution at or below 5.0 percent, by weight, and use no alcohol in the fountain solution.
(ii) If the fountain solution contains alcohol; maintain the as-applied VOC content of the fountain solution at or below 1.6 percent, by weight.
(iii) If the fountain solution contains alcohol and is refrigerated, maintain an as-applied VOC content of the fountain solution at or below 3.0 percent, by weight and refrigerate to sixty degrees Fahrenheit or less.
(b) Sheet-Fed Web Offset VOC Requirements for on-press fountain solution shall achieve one of the following limits for fountain solution used on each sheet fed press:
(i) If the fountain solution contains only alcohol substitutes, maintain the as-applied VOC content of the solution at or below 5.0 percent, by weight, and use no alcohol in the fountain solution.
(ii) If the fountain solution contains alcohol; maintain the as-applied VOC content of the fountain solution at or below 5.0 percent, by weight, or
(iii) If the fountain solution contains alcohol and is refrigerated; maintain the as-applied VOC content of the solution at or below 8.5 percent, by weight and refrigerate to sixty degrees Fahrenheit or less.
(iv) Exemption: sheet-fed presses with sheet size of 11 x 17 inches or smaller or with total fountain solution reservoir of less than one gallon.
(c) Coldset Web Offset Requirements for on press fountain solution shall maintain the as-applied VOC content of the fountain solution used on each non-heatset press at or below 5.0 percent, by weight, and use no alcohol in the fountain solution.
(d) Where it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Department that a subject lithographic printing press cannot be operated with fountain solutions meeting the limits in this Section for reasons of technological and/or economic infeasibility, the Department may establish site-specific limits based upon evidence of technological or economic feasibility, subject to approval by the EPA.
(3) Cleaning Solvent Limits. The owner or operator of an offset lithographic or letterpress printing presses shall use cleaning solvents that have a composite partial vapor pressure less than 10 mm Hg at 20[DEGREE]C, or have a VOC content less than 70 percent by weight.
(a) Fountain Solution Limits for Sheet-Fed Web Offset or Letterpress presses: sheet-fed presses with sheet size of 11 x 17 inches or smaller or with total fountain solution reservoir of less than one gallon.
(b) Fountain Solution Limits for Coldset Web Offset or Letterpress presses: sheet-fed presses with sheet size of 11 x 17 inches or smaller or with total fountain solution reservoir of less than one gallon.
(c) Cleaning Solution Limits: For non - press or press parts cleaning processes, a facility is allowed to use a maximum 110 gallons of higher VOC content cleaning solvents within any consecutive twelve month period. This includes cleaning solutions used on electronic components of a press, pre-press cleaning operations (e.g. platemaking), post-press cleaning operations (e.g. binding), cleaning supplies (e.g. detergents) used to clean floors (other than dried ink) in an area around a press, or cleaning performed in parts washers or cold cleaners.
B. VOC Emission Control Requirements for Heatset Dryers

An owner or operator of a Lithographic or Letterpress heatset dryer system whose actual emissions are greater than 25 tons per year of VOC emissions from the dryer, before controls, shall be equipped with a control system and shall operate the control system to meet the following requirements.

(1) Exemption: Heatset presses used for book printing and heatset presses with maximum web width of 22 inches or less are excluded from the add-on control requirements.
(2) A control system first installed before the effective date of this Chapter the control system shall reduce VOC emissions from each dryer by at least ninety percent or maintain a maximum VOC outlet concentration of twenty ppmv, as hexane (C6H14) on a dry basis, whichever is less stringent.
(3) A control system first installed on or after the effective date of this Chapter, the control system shall reduce VOC emissions from each dryer by at least ninety-five percent or maintain a maximum VOCs outlet concentration of twenty ppmv, as hexane (C6H14) on a dry basis, whichever is less stringent.
(4) An owner or operator of a heatset lithographic or heatset letter press printing press and dryer(s) equipped with a control system shall maintain the dryer air pressure lower than the pressroom air pressure at all times the press is operating and ensure that:
(a) The capture system and control device are operated at all times that the printing press is in operation; and the manufacturer's minimum recommended operating temperature for the control device or as such other minimum operating temperature as specified in a BACT or CAM analysis included in a license issued after 1997, shall be maintained whenever the presses are in operation, and
(b) The control device is equipped with the applicable monitoring equipment specified in Section 4 C ompliance Test Methods, and the monitoring equipment is installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications or as otherwise specified in a BACT or CAM analysis included in a license issued after 1997 at all times the control device is in use.
C. Any owner or operator shall demonstrate compliance with this section through the applicable coating analysis and test methods specified in Section 4 C ompliance Test Methods of this Chapter and in accordance with the capture efficiency test methods in Chapter 126.


06-096 C.M.R. ch. 161, § 3

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