99-346 C.M.R. ch. 24, § 14 - Errors and Program Abuse
A. Reporting Errors
and Program Abuse. Subgrantees are required to report any suspected or alleged
Errors or Program Abuse. Any individual may also report suspected Errors or
Program Abuse by telephone 1- 800-452-4668 or (207) 626-4600, in writing to
MaineHousing, Attn: HEAP Errors and Program Abuse, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME
04330 or by email at LIHEAPcompliance@mainehousing.org. Any report should
include at minimum, the name and address of the person being reported and any
details of the suspected Errors and Program Abuse.
B. Investigation. MaineHousing will
investigate all reported and alleged Errors and Program Abuse and may
investigate the previous three (3) Program Years and may place Benefits on hold
during the investigation. Applicants will be notified and given the opportunity
to respond and provide additional documentation. MaineHousing will make a
determination on the appropriate action, based on the response. If an Applicant
fails to respond or fails to provide the documentation requested, the Applicant
may be subject to denial, an Overpayment or other actions available under the
law. If Errors and Program Abuse are confirmed or Applicant fails to respond,
Applicant will receive a written notification outlining the facts of the
decision, the reason for the decision, the Overpayment due (if applicable), and
any avenue available to request an Informal Review or Fair Hearing. If
MaineHousing determines the Errors were at no fault of the Applicant,
MaineHousing will not require an Overpayment from the Applicant.
C. Overpayments. If an Applicant is required
to pay an Overpayment (including any Overpayments due from the previous three
(3) Program Years) the Applicant may pay the full amount of the Overpayment,
enter into an agreeable payment arrangement and/or be subject to recoupment by
MaineHousing. MaineHousing may exercise its right to recoup Overpayments by
collecting up to 100% of a Household's current Program Year's Benefit and 50%
of a Household's future Program Years' Benefits until the Overpayment has been
paid in full.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.