1. § 590-270-1 - Definitions
  2. § 590-270-2 - Healthcare Associated Infection Quality Data Set Filing Description
  3. § 590-270-3 - Nursing-Sensitive Patient-Centered Health Care Quality Data Set Filing Description
  4. § 590-270-4 - Submission Requirements
  5. § 590-270-5 - Standards for Data; Notification; Response
  6. § 590-270-6 - Public Access
  7. § 590-270-7 - Waivers to Data Submission Requirements
  8. § 590-270-8 - Compliance
  9. § 590-270-9 - Summary Tables of Reporting Requirements by Facility Unit Type

SUMMARY: This Chapter defines health care quality data sets and the provisions for filing the data sets by health care providers to the Maine Health Data Organization.

The provisions include:

Identification of the organizations required to report;

Establishment of requirements for the content, form, medium, and time for filing health care quality metrics data;

Establishment of standards for the data reported; and Compliance provisions.


EFFECTIVE DATE (filing 2005-279, major substantive):
August 6, 2005 - Sections 1, 2, 5-10
October 1, 2005 - Sections 3, 4
AMENDED (filing 2006-2 10, major substantive):
May 24, 2006 - Sections 1, 2, 4-10
January 1, 2007 - Section 3
AMENDED (filing 2007-325, major substantive):
September 8, 2007 - Sections 1-5, 7-11
January 1, 2008 - Section 6
AMENDED (filing 2008-228, major substantive):
June 22, 2008 - Sections 1-6, 8-12
January 1, 2009 - Section 7
November 5, 2009 - filing 2009-581 (EMERGENCY, major substantive)
July 2, 2010 - filing 2010-217, major substantive
May 23, 2012 - filing 2012-106, major substantive
August 17, 2013 - filing 2013-176, major substantive
June 1, 2016 - filing 2016-072, major substantive
6/22/2019- filing 2019- 081, major substantive

STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 22 MRS §§8704 sub- § 4 , §8708- A, §8712, §8761; 24-A MRS §6951(2), (3)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.