Md. Code Regs. - Eligible Use of Grant Funds

A. Grants for construction activities and techniques may be made to local jurisdictions and nonprofit organizations to provide assistance to families of limited income who are owner-builders or self-help rehabilitators for the following purposes:
(1) To assist, train, and supervise on self-help construction activities and techniques;
(2) To assist in project development, including but not limited to:
(a) Preparation of plans for self-help housing;
(b) Preparation of contracts for professional services;
(c) Application for project funding;
(d) Packaging households' applications for assistance;
(e) Preparation of subdivision maps;
(f) Review of engineering plans and specifications for construction and rehabilitation projects; and
(g) Compliance with appropriate requirements of funding agencies and local government;
(3) Administrative costs of providing technical assistance for the activity funded by the Department; and
(4) Any other costs approved by the Department in its sole discretion.
B. Grants for information and technical assistance may be made in connection with a project receiving a grant from the Program for construction activities and techniques, to local jurisdictions and nonprofit organizations to provide owner-builders and self-help rehabilitators information and technical assistance, including:
(1) The cost savings of owner-building and self-help rehabilitation;
(2) Construction materials and methods;
(3) The identity of local material sources and technical resources;
(4) Financing requirements and opportunities;
(5) Site acquisition;
(6) Insurance and legal requirements;
(7) Building codes, standards, and housing codes;
(8) Other available housing alternatives; and
(9) Any other information or technical assistance determined by the Department to further the purposes of the Program.
C. Grants may only be awarded in connection with a project.
D. Grants may not be used for the purchase of land, materials, tools, and construction equipment or for any costs of construction.


Md. Code Regs.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.