Md. Code Regs. 13A.14.06.12 - Copayments

A. Parental Copayments.
(1) An individual or family who uses CCS Program services shall contribute financially to the cost of those services, except for the following, who are exempt:
(a) TCA applicants or recipients pursuant to Regulation .08A(1) of this chapter;
(b) SSI recipients; or
(c) A CCS customer for a voucher issued for a voluntary closure period as defined in Regulation .02B of this chapter.
(2) Except for additional vouchers issued for voluntary closure days, parental copayments are paid to a provider based on the provider's payment schedule and shall include a minimum copayment, as listed on the child care voucher and in accordance with Regulation .11A(2) of this chapter.
(3) Except as exempted under §A of this regulation, parental copayments are assessed for three or fewer children who are receiving child care subsidy services. Copayments are assessed for services provided to an eligible child as follows:
(4) Parental copayments are determined on the basis of family size and income as set forth in Regulation .03H of this chapter.
B. Regional Weekly Copayment Tables.
(1) These regional weekly copayment tables are based on three units of service per day. For the two-unit and one-unit regional weekly copayments, multiply the figures in §B(2) and (3) of this regulation by 2/3 and 1/3 respectively.
(2) Copayments for a Child 24 Months Old and Older in Family Child Care or Center Care.
(a) Copayments Amounts for First (Youngest) Child in Care.

Copayment Level Region U Region V Region W Region X Region Y Region Z Region BC
A $4.56 $4.03 $5.60 $7.22 $5.54 $4.12 $5.15
B 7.29 6.45 8.95 11.55 8.77 6.59 8.24
C 11.85 10.49 14.55 18.77 14.31 10.71 13.40
D 17.32 15.33 21.26 27.44 21.00 15.65 19.58
E 22.79 20.17 27.98 36.10 27.69 20.59 25.76
F 29.18 25.82 35.81 46.21 35.31 26.36 32.98
G 35.56 31.47 43.64 56.32 43.15 32.12 40.19
H 41.03 36.31 50.36 64.99 49.85 37.06 46.37
I 43.77 38.73 53.54 69.32 53.08 39.54 49.46
J 45.59 40.34 55.61 72.21 55.38 41.18 51.52
(b) Copayments Amounts for Second and Third Children in Care.

Copayment Level Region U Region V Region W Region X Region Y Region Z Region BC
A $2.74 $2.42 $3.36 $4.33 $3.23 $2.47 $3.09
B 5.47 4.84 6.71 8.66 6.69 4.94 6.18
C 9.12 8.07 11.19 14.44 11.08 8.24 10.30
D 12.76 11.30 15.67 20.22 15.46 11.53 14.43
E 18.24 16.14 22.38 28.88 22.15 16.47 20.61
F 22.79 20.17 27.98 36.10 27.69 20.59 25.79
G 28.27 25.01 34.69 44.77 34.15 25.53 31.94
H 31.91 28.24 39.17 50.54 38.77 28.83 36.07
I 34.65 30.66 42.52 54.88 42.00 31.30 39.16
J 36.47 32.27 44.76 57.76 44.31 32.95 41.22
(c) A copayment is not assessed for subsequent children in a family who are:
(i) The oldest children in the family pursuant to §A(3) of this regulation; and
(ii) Receiving CCS Program services.
(3) Copayments for a Child Younger than 24 Months Old in Family Child Care or Center Care.
(a) Copayments Amounts for First (Youngest) Child in Care.

Copayment Level Region U Region V Region W Region X Region Y Region Z Region BC
A $5.82 $4.88 $7.62 $9.05 $7.17 $4.53 $6.84
B 9.31 7.81 12.20 14.48 11.47 7.25 10.95
C 15.13 12.70 19.82 23.53 18.63 11.79 17.80
D 22.12 18.56 28.97 34.39 27.23 17.23 26.01
E 29.10 24.42 38.12 45.25 35.83 22.67 33.69
F 37.25 31.25 48.79 57.92 45.86 29.01 42.46
G 45.40 38.09 59.46 70.59 55.89 35.36 51.46
H 52.38 43.95 68.61 81.45 64.49 40.80 59.08
I 55.87 46.88 73.18 86.88 68.79 43.52 62.77
J 58.20 48.83 76.23 90.46 71.66 45.34 65.31
(b) Copayments Amounts for Second and Third Children in Care.

Copayment Level Region U Region V Region W Region X Region Y Region Z Region BC
A $3.49 $2.93 $4.57 $5.43 $4.30 $2.72 $4.11
B 6.98 5.86 9.15 10.86 8.60 5.44 8.21
C 11.64 9.77 15.25 18.10 14.33 9.07 13.69
D 16.30 13.67 21.35 25.34 20.06 12.69 19.17
E 23.28 19.53 30.49 36.20 28.66 18.13 27.38
F 29.10 24.42 38.12 25.25 35.83 22.67 33.69
G 36.09 30.28 47.26 56.11 44.43 28.11 41.31
H 40.74 34.18 53.36 63.35 50.16 31.73 46.38
I 44.23 37.11 57.94 68.78 54.46 34.46 50.08
J 46.56 39.07 60.99 72.40 57.33 36.27 52.62
(c) A copayment is not assessed for subsequent children in a family who are:
(i) The oldest children in the family pursuant to §A(3) of this regulation; and
(ii) Receiving CCS Program services.
C. A family using informal care shall pay a copayment amount which is equal to the amount produced by multiplying the appropriate percentage from the following table by the informal care weekly rate in the jurisdiction where the child resides:
(1) Copayments Amounts for First (Youngest) Child in Care.

Copayment Level Copayment Percentage
A 5%
B 8%
C 13%
D 19%
E 25%
F 32%
G 39%
H 45%
I 48%
J 50%
(2) Copayments Amounts for Second and Third Children in Care.

Copayment Level Copayment Percentage
A 3%
B 6%
C 10%
D 14%
E 20%
F 25%
G 31%
H 35%
I 38%
J 40%
(3) A copayment is not assessed for subsequent children in a family who are:
(a) The oldest children in the family pursuant to §A(3) of this regulation; and
(b) Receiving CCS Program services.
D. Determination of Weekly Copayments.
(1) In Regulation .03H of this chapter, the contractor shall find the family size and income to identify the corresponding copayment level letter, and:
(a) Refer to the weekly copayment tables for regulated care listed under §B of this regulation to locate the appropriate regional weekly copayment for the:
(i) Youngest child in the family in care; and
(ii) Second and third oldest children in the family in care; and
(b) Determine the weekly copayment for informal child care by multiplying the appropriate regional weekly copayment percentage by the appropriate weekly informal rate, which may not exceed the rates listed in §C of this regulation by the appropriate weekly informal rate, which may not exceed the rates listed in Regulation .11D of this chapter.
(2) For any family size greater than ten, the weekly copayment is the same as for a family of ten.


Md. Code Regs. 13A.14.06.12
Regulations .12 adopted effective July 21, 1976 (3:15 Md. R. 785)
Regulation .12A amended effective June 16, 1978 (5:12 Md. R. 966); December 28, 1979 (6:26 Md. R. 2072); September 5, 1980 (7:18 Md. R. 1739); February 6, 1981 (8:3 Md. R. 225); October 26, 1981 (8:21 Md. R. 1705); December 6, 1982 (9:24 Md. R. 2388)
Regulation .12A, D amended effective September 14, 1981 (8:18 Md. R. 1477)
Regulation .12C, D amended effective June 26, 1981 (8:13 Md. R. 1137)
Regulations .12 adopted effective October 1, 1996 (23:19 Md. R. 1374)
Regulations .12 amended as an emergency provision effective August 1, 1997 (24:16 Md. R. 1140)
Regulations .12 amended as an emergency provision effective October 6, 1997 (24:21 Md. R. 1443); amended permanently effective December 29, 1997 (24:26 Md. R. 1755)
Regulation .12 amended effective January 1, 1997 (23:26 Md. R. 1858)
Regulations .12 amended effective May 1, 2000 (27:8 Md. R. 797)
Regulation .12 amended effective January 1, 2002 (28:24 Md. R. 2127)
Regulation .12B, C amended effective February 1, 2004 (31:1 Md. R. 30)
Regulation .12B amended as an emergency provision effective October 15, 2007 (34:23 Md. R. 2019)
Regulation .12 amended effective March 24, 2008 (35:6 Md. R. 699)
Regulations .12 adopted effective January 4, 2010 (36:26 Md. R. 1996)
Regulation .12 repealed and new Regulation .12 adopted effective November 29, 2010 (37:24 Md. R. 1659)
Regulation .12 amended and recodified from Regulation .10 effective 42:6 Md. R. 512, eff.3/30/2015

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