Md. Code Regs. 13A.14.10.03 - Fund Uses and Limitations

A. An award under the Fund:
(1) Shall be applied only toward a:
(a) Fee required for national accreditation; or
(b) A program improvement cost;
(2) May be made only to:
(a) An approved accrediting organization on behalf of a provider for the actual expense of the application fee; or
(b) The provider as reimbursement for a program improvement cost;
(3) May not be:
(a) Used for costs incurred by the applicant for:
(i) Facility improvement; or
(ii) Staff training; or
(b) Made for an amount greater than the actual amount of the:
(i) Fee charged by the accreditation organization; or
(ii) Program improvement cost; and
(4) May not exceed:
(a) $1,500 for a family child care provider;
(b) $2,500 for a child care center serving 100 or fewer children; or
(c) $3,000 for a child care center serving more than 100 children.
B. This Fund may not pay for the cost of an accreditation fee or a program improvement cost if that cost is already covered by another funding source.
C. An award may not be made to a provider who has already received an award under the Fund but who has not completed the accreditation process.
D. The Office may approve reimbursement of a cost only if it was incurred within 12 months before the date of application for accreditation support.


Md. Code Regs. 13A.14.10.03
Regulation .03 amended effective May 16, 2011 (38:10 Md. R. 616)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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