Md. Code Regs. - Record of Proceedings

A. Record Required. The Secretary shall prepare an official record of each hearing.
B. Contents. The record shall consist of:
(1) All documents giving rise to the proceeding;
(2) All requests for hearing;
(3) All notices of proceedings;
(4) All prehearing orders;
(5) All questions;
(6) All motions, pleadings, petitions, and requests and the ruling on each;
(7) All briefs and memoranda;
(8) All documentary and tangible evidence received or considered;
(9) A statement of each fact of which official notice is taken;
(10) Each proffer of proof and the ruling on the proffer;
(11) Each objection and the ruling on the objection;
(12) Any staff memorandum submitted to an individual involved in the decision-making process by an official or employee of the Department who is not authorized to participate in the decision-making process;
(13) All matters placed on the record after an ex parte communication;
(14) Each proposed finding of fact, conclusion of law, and order proposed by a party or the presiding officer;
(15) Each exception to a proposed finding of fact, conclusion of law, or order proposed by the presiding officer;
(16) Each intermediate, proposed, and final ruling or order, including each report or opinion issued in connection with that ruling or order; and
(17) The recording of the hearing and, if made, of any prehearing proceeding, and any transcript made of the recording.


Md. Code Regs.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.