Md. Code Regs. - EMS Operational Program Medical Directors

A. An EMS operational program shall have an EMS operational program medical director appointed by the EMS operational program.
B. Qualifications of an EMS Operational Program Medical Director. An EMS operational program medical director shall:
(1) Be licensed to practice medicine in Maryland;
(2) Be familiar with the design and operation of EMS operational programs and systems including medical dispatch and communications;
(3) Have experience in and current knowledge of emergency care of patients who are acutely ill or injured; and
(4) Possess current knowledge of the Maryland EMS System including:
(a) Applicable laws and regulations,
(b) The Maryland Medical Protocols for Emergency Medical Services Providers,
(c) Applicable EMD protocols,
(d) Disaster and mass casualty plans,
(e) Organization and structure, and
(f) Medical quality assurance process.
C. Duties of an EMS Operational Program Medical Director.
(1) The EMS operational program medical director shall:
(a) Be responsible for providing medical oversight of patient care, including emergency medical dispatch, in the EMS operational program;
(b) Approve, participate in, and provide medical expertise for the EMS operational program in:
(i) A comprehensive quality assurance plan covering all aspects of EMS patient care, including emergency medical dispatch under COMAR 30.03.04,
(ii) Standard operating procedures for the EMS operational program under the Maryland Medical Protocols for Emergency Medical Services Providers,
(iii) Appropriate EMS provider remedial and continuing educational programs,
(iv) Credentialing of EMS providers,
(v) Timely review and approval of medical equipment used by the EMS operational program to implement the Maryland Medical Protocols for Emergency Medical Services Providers, and
(vi) All aspects of the EMS operational program which impact patient care, including planning, development, and operations;
(c) Provide timely approval of applications to MIEMSS for licensure and certification and renewal of licensure and certification for all EMS providers affiliated with the EMS operational program;
(d) Review patient care disciplinary matters under COMAR 30.02.05 concerning EMS providers affiliated with the EMS operational program; and
(e) Provide a liaison to the medical community as well as regional and State EMS medical directors.
(2) The EMS operational program medical director may delegate any of the duties listed in §C(1) of this regulation to an assistant medical director.
D. The EMS operational program shall notify MIEMSS immediately of any proposal to change its medical director.


Md. Code Regs.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.