Md. Code Regs. tit. 07, subtit. 01, ch. 07.01.10 - Office of the Inspector General

  1. § - Purpose
  2. § - Definitions
  3. § - Responsibilities of the Inspector General
  4. § - Responsibilities of the Department and the Local Departments
  5. § - Cooperation with Other Agencies


Md. Code Regs. tit. 07, subtit. 01, ch. 07.01.10
Effective date: February 27, 1995 (22:4 Md. R. 235)
Regulation .02A amended effective March 10, 1997 (24:5 Md. R. 407)
Regulations .01_06 repealed and new Regulations .01_.05 adopted effective November 27, 2000 (27:23 Md. R. 2146)
Regulation .03C amended effective November 1, 2010 (37:22 Md. R. 1553)
Regulation .03D adopted effective November 19, 2007 (34:23 Md. R. 2025)
Regulation .05C adopted effective November 19, 2007 (34:23 Md. R. 2025)

Authority: Human Services Article, §§ 2-203, 2-205, 2-209, and 3-602, Annotated Code of Maryland; Federal Regulatory Reference: 45 CFR 74 ; Executive Order 01.01.1994.06B

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