Md. Code Regs. tit. 13A, subtit. 04, ch. 13A.04.02 - Secondary School Career and Technical Education

  1. § 13A.04.02.01 - Scope
  2. § 13A.04.02.02 - Definitions
  3. § 13A.04.02.03 - Career and Technical Education Development Standards
  4. § 13A.04.02.04 - Enrollment Criteria
  5. § 13A.04.02.05 - Selection Criteria
  6. § 13A.04.02.06 - Federal Funds


Md. Code Regs. tit. 13A, subtit. 04, ch. 13A.04.02
Effective date: September 21, 1979 (6:19 Md. R. 1520)
Regulation .01 repealed and new Regulations .01-.03 adopted effective August 7, 1989 (16:15 Md. R. 1651)
Regulations .04 and .05 adopted as an emergency provision effective September 23, 1991 (18:21 Md. R. 2303); emergency status extended at 19:5 Md. R. 574 (March 6, 1992); emergency status expired August 31, 1992 (Emergency provisions are temporary and not printed in COMAR)
Chapter revised effective November 9, 1992 (19:22 Md. R. 1989)
Regulation .01B, C amended effective August 15, 1994 (21:16 Md. R. 1387)
Regulation .02C amended effective August 15, 1994 (21:16 Md. R. 1387)
Regulation .03B amended effective August 15, 1994 (21:16 Md. R. 1387); November 1, 1999 (26:22 Md. R. 1695); October 19, 2009 (36:21 Md. R. 1592)
Regulation .03C amended effective August 15, 1994 (21:16 Md. R. 1387)
Chapter revised effective January 7, 2016 (42:26 Md. R. 1595)
Regulation .01 - .06 amended effective March 22, 2021 (48:6 Md. R. 238).

Authority: Education Article, §§ 2-205(h) and 21-201-21 -203, Annotated Code of Maryland

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.