Md. Code Regs. tit. 13A, subtit. 11, ch. 13A.11.08 - Workforce and Technology Center

  1. § 13A.11.08.01 - Scope
  2. § 13A.11.08.02 - Definitions
  3. § 13A.11.08.03 - Referral
  4. § 13A.11.08.04 - Admission Criteria
  5. § 13A.11.08.05 - Admission Decision and Appeal Process
  6. § 13A.11.08.06 - Financial Participation
  7. § 13A.11.08.07 - Services
  8. § 13A.11.08.08 - Discharge Planning
  9. § 13A.11.08.09 - Discharge
  10. § 13A.11.08.10 - Disciplinary Action
  11. § 13A.11.08.11 - Client Orientation
  12. § 13A.11.08.12 - Employment Skills Training
  13. § 13A.11.08.13 - Career Assessment Services
  14. § 13A.11.08.14 - Medical Services
  15. § 13A.11.08.15 - Records
  16. § 13A.11.08.16 - Protection, Use, and Release of Personal Information
  17. § 13A.11.08.17 - Accreditation and Licensing
  18. § 13A.11.08.18 - Administrative Operations
  19. § 13A.11.08.19 - [Repealed]


Md. Code Regs. tit. 13A, subtit. 11, ch. 13A.11.08
Effective date: April 16, 1990 (17:7 Md. R. 850)
Regulation .01 amended effective October 1, 2001 (28:19 Md. R. 1687)
Regulation .02 amended effective October 1, 2001 (28:19 Md. R. 1687)
Chapter revised effective August 28, 2006 (33:17 Md. R. 1438)
Regulation .02B amended effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23)
Regulation .04E amended effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23)
Regulation .05A amended effective January 21, 2013 (40:1 Md. R. 21)
Regulation .07 amended effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23)
Regulation .08A amended effective November 30, 2009 (36:24 Md. R. 1859)
Regulation .08G repealed effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23)
Regulation .09C amended effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23)
Regulation .09D repealed effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23)
Regulation .10C amended effective November 30, 2009 (36:24 Md. R. 1859)
Regulation .12B, E amended effective January 21, 2013 (40:1 Md. R. 21)
Regulation .14G amended effective November 30, 2009 (36:24 Md. R. 1859)
Regulation .14H amended effective January 21, 2013 (40:1 Md. R. 21)
Regulation .15 amended effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23); November 30, 2009 (36:24 Md. R. 1859)
Regulation .16B amended effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23)
Regulation .18B amended effective November 30, 2009 (36:24 Md. R. 1859)
Regulation .19D, E amended effective January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 23)
Regulation .02, .04, and .07 amended effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .08 recodified from Regulations .09 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .09 recodified from Regulations .10 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .10 recodified from Regulations .11 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .11 recodified from Regulations .12 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .12 recodified from Regulations .13 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .13 recodified from Regulations .14 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .14 recodified from Regulations .15 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .15 recodified from Regulations .16 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .16 recodified from Regulations .17 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .17 recodified from Regulations .18 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .18 recodified from Regulations .19 effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)
Regulation .19 Repealed effective July 20, 2015 (42:14 Md. R. 881)

Authority: Education Article, § 21-301 -21-304, Annotated Code of Maryland

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