Md. Code Regs. tit. 26, pt. 2, subtit. 11, ch. 26.11.18 - Control of Agriculturally Related Installations

  1. § - Definitions
  2. § - Applicability
  3. § - Grain-Drying and Grain-Handling Installations
  4. § - Control of Orchard Heaters in Areas I, II, V, and VI
  5. § - Control of Odors from the Reduction of Offal
  6. § - Control of Emissions from Certain Food Preparation Installations


Md. Code Regs. tit. 26, pt. 2, subtit. 11, ch. 26.11.18
Effective date: July 18, 1980 (7:12 Md. R. 1148)
Regulation .01 amended, and .06 adopted effective February 10, 1984 (10:26 Md. R. 2341)
Regulation .06B amended effective July 2, 1985 (12:11 Md. R. 1050)
For the history of this subtitle before June 18, 1980, see the Administrative History of COMAR 26.11.01.
Chapter recodified from COMAR 10.18.20 to COMAR 26.11.18
Regulation .05 amended effective January 23, 2023 (50:1 Md. R. 9)

Authority: Environment Article, Title 2, Annotated Code of Maryland

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