103 CMR 410.07 - New Commitments or Admissions

CDCU shall review the mittimus to identify the inmate's sentence, offense and sentencing statute and shall determine whether the sentence complies with statutory requirements.

(1) CDCU shall enter relevant data into the IMS Sentence and Offense screens. In the case of a returned parole violator or return from escape, the Parole Return screen or the Escape Return screen shall be utilized to enter relevant release and return dates for computation purposes.
(2) CDCU shall calculate the inmate's dates utilizing the IMS Sentence screen, and ensure by manual calculation that the sentence structure and date computation are accurate.
(3) Any release date computations not calculated correctly in IMS shall have the release dates manually calculated and entered into IMS by CDCU. CDCU will also check the IMS Manual Date Computation check box. The names of all inmates sentenced by a Massachusetts court whose release dates do not calculate correctly in IMS shall also be maintained on a central list by CDCU.
(4) Once the sentence structure and date computation have been reviewed for accuracy, the CDCU employee conducting this review will check the certification box in the sentence screen in IMS. The committing sites will receive via email a notice advising them to print the certified Inmate Sentence Listing (ISL) for both new commitments/admissions and added data on a daily basis by CDCU. The Records Manager or designee shall place the certified ISL in the inmate's institutional six-part folder and issue a copy to the inmate.


103 CMR 410.07
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1334, eff. 3/10/2017.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.