103 CMR 464.05 - Definitions

Classification Board. A committee of three DOC employees which make recommendations concerning an inmate's custody level and program participation.

Commissioner. The chief executive officer of the Department.

Department. Department of Correction.

Deputy Commissioner of Clinical Services and Reentry. A Department Deputy Commissioner whose duties include, but are not limited to, the management of the Classification Division, Inmate Education and Training Division, Reentry and Program Services Division, and the Health Services Division.

Earned Income. Income derived from a source of employment including wages, salary, and commissions, consistent with the Internal Revenue Service codes.

Employer. Any employer, either public or private, other than the Department.

Employment Services Coordinator. The staff person, appointed by the Superintendent of a facility/institution, responsible for the operation of the work release program.

Facility/Institution. A state correctional institution, or a county correctional facility.

Inmate. For the purposes of 103 CMR 464.00, any person serving a sentence under the law or otherwise in the legal custody of the Department.

Inmate Management Systems (IMS). The Department's automated information system that provides processing, storage and retrieval of inmate-related information needed by Department personnel and other authorized users within the criminal justice system.

Superintendent. The chief administrative officer of a state correctional institution.

Work Release. The release of an inmate into the community for the purpose of participating in a work release program.

Work Release Program. Any program, established pursuant to M.G.L. c. 127, ยง 49, which is designed to provide inmates with an opportunity to earn compensation, to render services on a volunteer basis, or to attend interviews or counseling sessions designed to secure or continue employment opportunities.


103 CMR 464.05
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1353, eff. 12/1/2017.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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