103 CMR 936.02 - Academic and Vocational Education

(1) Written policy and procedure shall provide for an education program available to all eligible inmates that includes, but is not limited to, the following components:
(a) basic literacy training;
(b) preparation for the general education development test; and
(c) instruction in the English language for those for whom English is not the native language.
(2) Written policy and procedure shall provide, where possible, inmate access to vocational training programs, relevant to skills demanded in the local job market.

This requirement shall not be applicable to jail facilities.

(3) The county correctional facility shall ensure that all academic and vocational education personnel meet certification requirements as stipulated by the Commonwealth's Department of Education or are working toward said certification.
(4) The county correctional facility's educational program shall allow for flexible scheduling that permits inmates to enter and to proceed at their own learning pace.
(5) The county correctional facility shall provide academic and vocational counseling so that inmates are placed in the phase of the educational/vocational programs most suited to their needs and abilities.
(6) The county correctional facility shall ensure that each educational program is supported by specialized equipment, including classrooms, administrative space, chalkboards, and necessary teaching supplies and equipment.
(7) The county correctional facility shall ensure that a record is kept of each inmate's participation in any educational/vocational programs.
(8) The county correctional facility shall provide for formal recognition of inmates for specific educational accomplishments.
(9) The Sheriff/facility administrator shall submit the individual's educational record to the parole board pursuant to M.G.L. c. 127, ยง 135 for use in considering the individual's eligibility for parole.


103 CMR 936.02

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.