103 CMR 943.01 - Inmate Disciplinary Plan

(1) The county correctional facility shall develop and implement a written plan for inmate discipline. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:
(a) rules of inmate conduct and penalties for violations;
(b) placement in detention in awaiting action status;
(c) informal and formal disciplinary procedures;
(d) disciplinary hearing procedures;
(e) sanctions; and
(f) appeal process.
(2) The inmate discipline plan shall establish a code of offenses to specify acts prohibited within the county correctional facility and penalties that may be imposed for various degrees of violation. To ensure that all inmates have knowledge of the rules, the rules shall be posted in a conspicuous place given to each inmate during orientation, and shall also be translated into those languages spoken by a significant number of inmates.
(3) The county correctional facility shall provide training for all staff who interact with inmates so that they are thoroughly familiar with the code of offenses, the sanctions available, the rationale for the rules, and the procedures to be followed.
(4) The county correctional facility shall review the written discipline plan and rules of inmate conduct on an annual basis and update them, if necessary, to ensure that they are consistent with constitutional and legal principles.


103 CMR 943.01

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.