120 CMR 700.05 - Standard of Review

(1) The Parole Board may, by a majority vote of all of the members, issue to a Parolee under its supervision a Certificate of Termination of sentence, provided that in the judgment of the Parole Board such termination shall be in the public interest.
(2) Factors taken under consideration by the Parole Board in determining whether a certificate of termination is in the public interest shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) The Parolee's criminal history;
(b) The nature and severity of the Parolee's underlying offense for which the Parolee was granted a permit to be at liberty;
(c) Whether the Parolee is under investigation by a law enforcement authority;
(d) The Parolee's history of violating the terms or conditions of parole;
(e) The Parolee's history of adjustment in the following areas: social, family, work, and attitude towards supervision;
(f) Health;
(g) Community service or involvement in the community; and
(h) Positive pro-social accomplishments.


120 CMR 700.05
Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1485, eff. 12/23/2022.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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