231 CMR 2.02 - Definitions

(1) The meanings of words as defined in M.G.L. c. 112, § 60A shall apply in 231 CMR unless otherwise required by the context.
(2) The following words, as used in M.G.L. c. 112, §§ 60A to 60O and 231 CMR, shall have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:

Architect Emeritus. An architect who has retired from the active practice of architecture in the commonwealth and has been issued a certificate of registration as an Architect Emeritus by the Board.

Architect Officer. An Officer of a Business Enterprise who is registered to practice architecture in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

A.R.E. The current Architectural Registration Examination as prepared by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB).

Board. The Massachusetts Board of Registration of Architects.

Business Enterprise. A corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or other form of enterprise. Business Enterprise shall not be deemed to include a solo practitioner, meaning a personally licensed architect conducting business in his or her real name or via a business certificate issued pursuant to M.G.L. c. 110, § 5.

CACB. The Canadian Architectural Certification Board.

Certificate of Registration. A license issued by the Board pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112, § 60C which authorizes an individual to engage in the practice of architecture in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Continuing Education. Post-licensure learning that enables a registered architect to increase or update knowledge of and competence in technical and professional subjects related to the practice of architecture to safeguard the public's health, safety, and welfare.

Continuing Education Hour (CEH). One continuous instructional hour (50 to 60 minutes of contact) spent in Structured Educational Activities intended to increase or update the architect's knowledge and competence in Health, Safety, and Welfare Subjects. If the provider of the Structured Educational Activities prescribes a customary time for completion of such an Activity, then such prescribed time shall, unless the Board finds the prescribed time to be unreasonable, be accepted as the architect's time for Continuing Education Hour purposes irrespective of actual time spent on the activity.

Design Professional. An individual who is licensed, registered or otherwise authorized to practice their respective design profession as defined by the statutory requirements of the professional registration laws of Massachusetts.

Examination. The Architect Registration Examination (A.R.E.) as prepared by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) and accepted by the Board.

Intern Development Program or IDP. A comprehensive program of training and practical experience in the practice of architecture administered by NCARB or an equivalent intern development program.

NAAB. The National Architectural Accrediting Board.

NCARB. The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

Officer. An individual who in the case of a corporation is a president, a treasurer, a secretary, a director, and such other officer as appointed by the board of directors in accordance with the bylaws; in the case of a limited liability company is a manager (or, in the case of a limited liability company in which management of the business is vested in one or more members, is a member); and in the case of a partnership, is an equity partner. Persons having equivalent authority and responsibility in another form of business enterprise shall also be deemed Officers.

Plans. Any drawings or graphic representations, any combination of drawings or graphic representations, or any reproduction of the same, whether in print media or electronic media, which are prepared for the purpose of illustrating proposed or intended designs for the construction, enlargement or alteration of any building or project.

Practice of Architecture. Performing or agreeing to perform or holding one's self out as able to perform professional services in connection with the design, construction, enlargement or alteration of a building including consultations, investigations, evaluations, preliminary studies, aesthetic design, the preparation of plans, specifications and contract documents, the co-ordination of structural and mechanical design and site development, administration of construction contracts and any other similar service or combination of services in connection with the design and construction of buildings, regardless of whether one or all of these services are being performed and regardless of whether these services are performed in person or as the directing head of an office or organization performing them; provided, that the practice of architecture shall not include the practice of engineering as defined in M.G.L. c. 112, but a registered architect may perform such engineering work as is incidental to the practice of architecture.

Registered Architect. Any person duly licensed as an architect by the Board and thereby authorized to engage in the practice of architecture in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Registration Card. The evidence of initial and annual registration as an architect issued by the Board.

Registration Period. The one-year period between registration renewals which begins on September 1st of each calendar year and ends on August 31st of the next calendar year.

Responsible Control. That amount of control over and detailed professional knowledge of the content of technical submissions during their preparation as is ordinarily exercised by a registered architect applying the required professional standard of care. Except as permitted by 231 CMR 4.01(5): Professional Conduct, review and correction of technical submissions after they have been prepared by others does not constitute the exercise of responsible control because the reviewer has neither control over nor detailed professional knowledge of the content of such submissions throughout their preparation.

Specifications. Any written instructions, or reproduction of the same, describing any material or method of construction, enlargement or alteration of any building or project.

Technical Submissions. Plans, drawings, designs, specifications, studies and other technical reports prepared in the course of practicing architecture.


231 CMR 2.02
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1327, eff. 12/2/2016.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.