310 CMR 32.51 - Requirements for the Sale or Distribution of Type I Sludge

(1) No person shall sell or distribute, or offer for use, sale, or distribution any Type I sludge unless, pursuant to 310 CMR 32.00, the Department has approved such sludge as Type I sludge and that approval is valid at the time the Type I sludge is sold or distributed, or offered for use, sale, or distribution.
(2) No person shall use or obtain Type I sludge unless such sludge has a valid Approval of Suitability.
(3) Labelling of Type I sludge. Each container in which Type I sludge is sold, distributed, or transported or offered for use, sale, or d!stribution shall itself prominently display or, if such display is not practicable, shall be accompanied by a shipping paper which shall prominently display the following:
(a) identification of the material as Type I sludge,
(b) the date of issuance of the Department Approval of Suitability for the Type I sludge and the expiration date thereof,
(c) instructions for land applying the material in accordance with proper agricultural practice, including but not limited to, identification of proper agronomic application rates which shall not cause exceedance of the nitrogen requirements of the crop to be grown or intended to be grown, and
(d) type I sludge containing molybdenum shall be accompanied by a written label or bill of lading that states the following: "This product contains molybdenum. Under certain site conditions, if used on soils growing crops that will be used to feed ruminant animals (e.g., cattle, sheep and goats) there is a small risk that molybdenosis could occur. This risk is greater for alkaline stabilized biosolids. Animal managers are advised to refer to additional information on the site conditions of concern and management options at ( http://www.mass.gov/eea/docs/dep/water/wastewater/a-thru-n/mobiosolids.pdf )." A statement indicating whether the biosolids have been alkaline stabilized shall also be included.
(e) all other instructions and information required by law.


310 CMR 32.51
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1322, eff. 9/23/2016. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1328, eff. 9/23/2016.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.