740 CMR 3.02 - General Provisions

(1) Compliance with 740 CMR 3.00 . Any permission granted by the Authority directly or indirectly, expressly or by implication, to any person or persons to enter upon or use the Port Properties or any part thereof (including persons doing business with the Authority, its lessees, sublessees, permittees, licensees and all other persons whomever, whether or not of the type indicated) is conditioned upon compliance with 740 CMR 3.00 and entry upon or into the Port Properties or any part thereof by any person shall be deemed to constitute an agreement by such person to comply with said 740 CMR 3.00.

The Executive Director, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Port Director are authorized to act for the Authority in connection with the enforcement of all rules and regulations contained herein.

(2) Restricted Areas . All areas of the Port Properties except those areas open to the public are restricted and no person shall enter Customs, Immigration or Public Health areas, other areas under the jurisdiction of the United States Government, any private offices, buildings or any restricted area on the Port Properties posted as being closed to the public except:
(a) Persons assigned to duty or having official business therein.
(b) Authorized representatives of the Authority.
(c) Authorized representatives of the United States Government.
(d) Persons having prior permission of the Authority.
(e) Passengers under appropriate supervision, entering thereon for purposes of embarkation or debarkation.
(3) Soliciting, Advertising, Sales. No person unless duly authorized by the Authority shall, in or upon any area, lobby, sidewalk, stairway or any other appurtenance of the Port Properties:
(a) Sell, or offer for sale any article of merchandise.
(b) Carry on any commercial activity.
(c) Solicit any business or trade.
(d) Solicit alms or funds for any purpose.
(e) Post, distribute, or display signs, advertisements, circulars, printed or written matter.
(4) Use Of Port Properties.
(a) No person shall travel on any portion of the Port Properties, except upon the roads, walks, or places provided for the particular class of traffic; nor occupy the roads or walks in such manner as to hinder or obstruct their proper use.
(b) No person shall place, discharge, or deposit in any manner offal, garbage, or any refuse in or upon any of the Port Properties.
(c) No person shall enter the Port Properties with a dog or other animal except a "seeing eye" dog or one properly confined for shipment or on a leash or in such a manner as to be under positive control.
(d) Passengers shall not be permitted to board or come ashore except in the presence of authorized steamship or steamship agent personnel.
(e) Unless otherwise provided in a lease or other agreement, no person shall use any area of the Port Properties for storage of cargo or property without permission of the Authority. If, notwithstanding the above prohibition, a person uses such areas for storage as aforesaid without first obtaining such permission, then the Authority can order the cargo removed.
(f) Heater valves, hydrants, sprinkler valves and devices, blower motors or any other Port Property machinery or equipment shall not be tampered with at any time. No person other than an authorized Port Property employee shall be permitted to operate such devices, machinery or equipment.
(g) The owner, driver and occupants of any vehicle leaving any of the Port Properties or any part thereof shall be deemed to consent to a search of such vehicle by the Police.
(h) The Police shall have the right to remove from the Port Properties or any part thereof any unauthorized vehicles and the Authority shall have the right to retain such vehicle until the owner and/or operator thereof shall reimburse the Authority for all costs of removal and storage of said vehicle.
(i) The Police shall have the right to search the premises of the Port Properties or any part thereof at any and all times.
(5) Conduct.
(a) No person shall, at or upon the Port Properties, do or omit to do any act if the doing or omission thereof endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property.
(b) No person who is unable to give satisfactory explanation of his presence shall loiter in or about any toilet, corridor, stairway, lobby, waiting room or other appurtenance of the Port Properties.
(c) No person shall commit any disorderly, obscene, indecent, or unlawful act, commit any nuisance, or abandon any personal property on the Port Properties.
(d) No person shall violate the posted "no smoking" restrictions on the Port Properties.
(6) Firearms and Explosives. No person except Police, Guards, authorized post office or custom employees, or members of the Armed Forces of the United States and Massachusetts National Guard on official duty, shall carry any firearms or explosives on the Port Properties without permission. All persons, other than those in the excepted classes, shall while on the Port Properties surrender all such objects in their possession to the Police.
(7) Accidents. All persons involved in any accident occurring on the Port Properties shall make a full report thereof to the Police or Guard as soon after the accident as possible and before leaving the Port Properties. Such reports shall be made available to the Police upon request.
(8) Preservation of Property.
(a) No person shall destroy, injure, deface or disturb, tamper with, or attempt to destroy, injure, deface or disturb any building, sign, equipment fixture, marker or any other structure or the property on the Port Properties.
(b) No person shall injure, or deface, destroy or disturb the trees, flowers, shrubs or other vegetation or trespass on lawns or seeded areas on the Port Properties.
(9) Identification. Any and all persons entering on any of the Port Properties or any portion thereof shall upon entrance thereon identify himself upon request to the Police or any authorized representative of the Authority, such identification to include but in no way be limited to name, address, current employer, union affiliation, if any, and under what right said person seeks admittance to the Port Properties or portion thereof.


740 CMR 3.02

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.