780 CMR, § 5101.1 - Scope

The provisions of 780 CMR 51.00 shall be known as the Massachusetts Residential Code and are comprised of the International Residential Code 2009 (IRC) with Massachusetts amendments. The Massachusetts amendments to the IRC are:

R101.1 Replace as follows:
R101.1 Title. The Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) hereby adopts and incorporates by reference herein the International Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings 2009 (IRC). The IRC together with modifications as set forth herein shall collectively comprise the Eighth Edition Massachusetts Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings hereinafter referred to as "this code."
R101.1.1 Add subsection:
R101.1.1 Appendices and Appended Regulations. In adopting the IRC, BBRS does not adopt Appendices A through F or N through Q, but does adopt IRC Appendices G through M as modified herein. BBRS also incorporates into this code the unique Massachusetts regulations 110.R1 trough 110.R7 of the Eighth Edition of the MA State Building Code (780 CMR).
R101.2 Add a first sentence as follows:

This code shall be the building code for all towns, cities, state agencies or authorities in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143, § 94.

R102.2 Replace as follows:
R102.2 Other Laws. Massachusetts General Laws (M.G.L.) and the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) are often referenced in this code. It is the code user's responsibility to determine all applicable laws and regulations relevant to sections in this code.
R102.2.1 Add subsection:
R102.2.1 DDS Facilities. Additional building features required by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) do not change the classification of residences operated or licensed by DDS as dwellings subject to this code.
R102.2.2 Add subsection:
R102.2.2 Municipal Bylaws or Ordinances. When provisions of this code conflict with municipal bylaws and ordinances, this code shall govern unless the bylaws or ordinances were promulgated in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143, § 98.
R102.4 After the word "codes" in the first sentence, add the following: ", regulations,"
R102.4.1 Add the following subsections:
R102.4.1 Specialized Codes. Referenced codes include the specialized codes of M.G.L. c. 143, § 96 and other codes and regulations listed in R102.4.2 through R102.4.12. The specialized codes are hereby incorporated into this code. Other codes and regulations shall be considered part of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference.

Note 1. Work regulated by the specialized codes shall be designed, installed and inspected by individuals authorized to do so in accordance with the specialized codes. However, the impact of work regulated by the specialized codes and other codes and regulations on work governed by this code shall be subject to inspection by the building official.

Note 2. Work regulated by the Architectural Access Board regulations (521 CMR) shall be enforced by the building official. See M.G.L. c. 22, § 13A.

Note 3. Work regulated by the Board of Sheet Metal Regulations shall be enforced by the building official. See M.G.L. c. 13, § 102.

R102.4.2 Gas and Fossil Fuel Burning Appliances. Reference to the International Fuel Gas Code shall be considered reference to the Massachusetts Fuel Gas and Plumbing Code (248 CMR). Gas fired appliances are governed by the Massachusetts Fuel Gas and Plumbing Code. Oil fired appliances are governed by the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations (527 CMR).
R102.4.3 Mechanical. The provisions of the International Mechanical Code shall apply to the installation, alterations, repairs and replacement of mechanical systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and/or appurtenances, including ventilating, heating, cooling, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems, incinerators and other energy-related systems.
R102.4.4 Plumbing. Reference to the International Plumbing Code shall be considered reference to the Massachusetts Fuel Gas and Plumbing Code (248 CMR). For sewerage disposal or water connections also see310 CMR 15.00: The State Environmental Code, Title 5: Standard Requirements for the Siting, Construction, Inspection, Upgrade and Expansion of On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems and for the Transport and Disposal of Septage and 314 CMR 3.00: Surface Water Discharge Permit Program, 5.00: Ground Water Discharge Permit Program and 20.00: Reclaimed Water Permit Program and Standards.
R102.4.5 Property Maintenance. Reference to the International Property Maintenance Code shall be considered reference to this code, the specialized codes of M.G.L. c. 143, § 96, and 105 CMR 410.000: Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation (State Sanitary Code, Chapter II).
R102.4.6 Fire Prevention. Reference to the International Fire Code (IFC) or International Mechanical Code (IMC) for fire prevention issues shall be considered reference to the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations (527 CMR). If 527 CMR does not address an issue covered by the IFC or IMC, then that said reference code shall apply. If a conflict regarding fire prevention requirements exists between 527 CMR and 780 CMR the more stringent standard shall apply.

Note: Building code requirements in the IFC and IMC are made a part of 780 CMR and are enforceable by the building official.

R102.4.7 Energy. The provisions of Chapter 11 and/or the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) shall apply to all matters governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency. See Chapter 11 for guidance.
R101.4.8 Architectural Access. See the Architectural Access Board regulations at 521 CMR.
R102.4.9 Environmental Protection. See the Department of Environmental Protection regulations at 310 CMR and the Division of Water Pollution Control regulations at 314 CMR.
R101.4.10 Elevators. See the Massachusetts Board of Elevator Regulations at 524 CMR.
R102.4.11 Electrical. Reference to the International Electrical Code shall be considered reference to 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
R102.4.12 Sheet Metal. See the Board of Examiners of Sheet Metal Workers regulations at 271 CMR.
R102.5 Delete subsection.
R102.7 Delete the following phrase:

"the International Property Maintenance Code or the International Fire Code,"

R102.7.2 Add subsection:
R102.7.2 Laws in Effect. Unless specifically provided otherwise in this code, and narrow to the provisions of this code, any existing building or structure shall meet and shall be presumed to meet the provisions of the applicable laws, codes, rules or regulations, bylaws or ordinances in effect at the time such building or structure was constructed or altered and shall be allowed to continue to be occupied pursuant to its use and occupancy, provided that the building or structure shall be maintained by the owner in accordance with this code.
R102.7.3 Add subsection:
R102.7.3. Laws Not in Existence. In cases where applicable codes, rules or regulations, bylaws or ordinances were not in existence at the time of such construction or alteration, the building or structure shall be maintained by the owner in accordance with this code.
R102.7.4 Add subsection:
R102.7.4. Less Stringent. In cases where the provisions of this code are less stringent than the applicable codes, rules or regulations, bylaws or ordinances in effect at the time of such construction or substantial alteration, the applicable provisions of this code shall apply, provided that such application of these provisions can be reasonably demonstrated to not result in danger to the public, as determined by the building official.
R103 Replace entire section R103 as follows:
R103.1 Municipal and State Enforcement. This code shall be enforced, and enforcement officials shall be appointed, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143, §§ 3 and 3A and M.G.L. c. 22. Reference to The Department of Building Safety shall be considered reference to the building official.
R103.2 Add the following to this subsection:
#9. EV Ready Space locations per R404.2.
10. Solar-ready Zone in accordance with Appendix RA
R104.1 Replace as follows:
R104.1 General. The building official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this code in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143.
R104.4.1 Add subsection:
R104.4.1 Coordination of Inspections. Whenever in the enforcement of this code, or another code or ordinance, the responsibility of more than one enforcement official of the jurisdiction is involved, it shall be the duty of the enforcement officials involved to coordinate their inspections and administrative orders as fully as practicable so that the owners and occupants of the building or structure shall not be subjected to visits by numerous inspectors or multiple or conflicting orders. Whenever an enforcement official observes an apparent or actual violation not within the official's authority, the official shall report the findings to the official having jurisdiction.
R104.8 Replace as follows:
R104.8 Liability. All claims of liability relative to building officials shall be governed by M.G.L. c. 258.
R104.10 Replace the last sentence with the following two sentences:

The details of action granting modifications shall be recorded and entered in the files of the building official and a copy forwarded to the BBRS within seven days. A building official may seek assistance from the district's State building inspector for modifications.

R104.10.1 Replace as follows:
R104.10.1 Areas Prone to Flooding. The building official shall not grant modifications to any provision related to areas prone to flooding as established by this code without the granting of a variance to such provisions by the building code appeals board. Also, no variance to requirements of this code can be solely utilized to argue for lawful construction/reconstruction where such construction/reconstruction would conflict with requirements of M.G.L. c. 131, § 40: Removal, Fill, Dredging or Altering of Land Bordering Waters (the Wetlands Protection Act), and/or 310 CMR and 314 CMR, as applicable.
R104.10.2 Add subsection:
R104.10.2 Matters Not Provided For. In recognition of the inherent difficulty of drafting a functional code that contemplates every situation that may arise in the area of building safety, this section provides the building official, the building code appeals board, or the BBRS itself, with reasonable discretion to ensure that all life safety issues that may arise in the enforcement of this code may be appropriately addressed. Matters not specifically provided for in this code regarding structural, egress, fire, energy, sanitary or other requirements essential to occupant safety shall be determined by the building official or, in the case of an appeal, the building code appeals board. If this provision is used, the building official shall notify the BBRS in writing within seven days of such determination. For highly specialized buildings and structures that conform to unique code requirements or nationally recognized standards not required in this code, registered design professionals shall provide sufficient information to the building official to support their approval.
R105.1 Replace as follows:
R105.1 Required. It shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, remove or demolish a building or structure; or to change the use or occupancy of a building or structure; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by this code without first filing a written application with the building official and obtaining the required permit.
R105.2 Replace as follows:
R105.2 Work Exempt from Permit. Except for activities which may require a permit pursuant to other laws, by-laws, rules and the specialized codes, a building permit is not required for the following activities:


1. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, but not garages, provided the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet (18.58 m2)
2. Fences not over six feet (1829 mm) high.
3. Retaining walls that are not over four feet (1219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge, or that retain over four feet of unbalanced fill.
4. Sidewalks and driveways.
5. Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work.
6. Prefabricated swimming pools that are less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep.
7. Swings and other playground equipment.
8. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall which do not project more than 54 inches (1372 mm) from the exterior wall and do not require additional support.
9. Decks not exceeding 200 square feet (18.58 m2) in area, that are not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above grade at any point, are not attached to a dwelling and do not serve the exit door required by subsection R311.4.
R105.2.1 Add the following note:

Note: Pursuant to the terms of the specialized codes of M.G.L. c. 143, § 96, this exemption might not apply to emergency repairs conducted under those specialized codes.

R105.2.2 Replace as follows:
R105.2.2 Ordinary Repairs. A building permit is not required for ordinary repairs.
R105.2.3 Delete subsection.
R105.3 Replace items 3. and 4. as follows:
3. Indicate the use and occupancy for which the proposed work is intended. If the work involves a care facility or residence licensed by a State agency, indicate the agency name and appropriate licensing regulation on the permit.
4. Be accompanied by construction documents and other information as required in Subsection R106.1. Construction documents shall list any building features required by a Massachusetts agency for licensed care facilities that are beyond the requirements of this code. Any additional building features required by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services shall not result in a change in the classification of a DDS operated or licensed residences for five or fewer occupants and their compliance with this code.
R105.3.1.1 Replace as follows:
R105.3.1.1 Determination of Substantially Improved or Substantially Damaged Existing Buildings in Flood Hazard Areas and Coastal Dunes. For applications for reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition or other improvement of existing buildings or structures located in an area prone to flooding as established by Table R301.2(1), the building official shall examine or cause to be examined the construction documents and shall prepare a finding with regard to the value of the proposed work. For buildings that have sustained damage of any origin, the value of the proposed work shall include the cost to repair the building or structure to its predamaged condition.

In determining the value of the proposed work, the building official shall consider the following:

A substantial improvement means any repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition or improvement of a building or structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the building or structure before the improvement or repair is started. If the building or structure has sustained substantial damage, all repairs are considered substantial improvement regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not include:

1. Improvements of a building or structure required to correct existing health, sanitary or safety code violations identified by the building official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions; or
2. Any alteration of an historic building or structure, provided that the alteration will not preclude the continued designation as an historic building or structure. For the purpose of this exclusion, an historic building is:
2.1. Listed or preliminarily determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places; or
2.2. Determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Interior as contributing to the historical significance of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined to qualify as an historic district; or
2.3. Designated as historic under a state or local historic preservation program that is approved by the Department of Interior.

If the building official finds that the value of proposed work equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the building or structure before the damage has occurred or the improvement is started, the building official shall determine it to be substantial damage or substantial improvement.

Applications determined by the building official to constitute substantial improvement or substantial damage shall require all existing portions of the entire building or structure to meet the requirements of Section R322.

R105. Add subsection:
R105. Determination of Substantial Repair of a Foundation. When work to repair or replace a foundation results in the repair or replacement of a portion of the foundation with a perimeter along the base of the foundation that equals or exceeds 50% of the perimeter of the base of the foundation measured in linear feet the building official shall determine it to be substantial repair of a foundation. Applications determined by the building official to constitute substantial repair of a foundation shall require all existing portions of the entire building or structure to meet the requirements of Section R322.
R105.3.1.2 Add subsection:
R105.3.1.2 Other Requirements. The following requirements must be satisfied before a building permit is issued:

Zoning: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 40A or St. 1956, c. 665.

Railroad Right-of-way: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 40, § 54A.

Water Supply: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 40, § 54; also refer to 310 CMR 22.00:

Drinking Water and/or 310 CMR 36.00: Massachusetts Water Resources Management Program, when applicable.

Wastewater: in accordance with 310 CMR 15.00: The State Environmental Code, Title 5: Standard Requirements for the Siting, Construction, Inspection, Upgrade and Expansion of On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems and for the Transport and Disposal of Septage and 314 CMR 3.00: Surface Water Discharge Permit Program, 5.00: Ground Water Discharge Permit Program 7.00: Sewer System Extension and Connection Permit Program, and 20.00: Reclaimed Water Permit Program and Standards

Debris Removal: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 40, § 54 and M.G.L. c. 111, § 150A; also refer to DEP Regulations 310 CMR 7.09(2) and 310 CMR 7.15, when applicable.

Workers Compensation Insurance: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 152, § 25C(6).

Hazards to Air Navigation: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 90, § 35B.

Construction in Coastal Dunes: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 131, § 40 and the Coastal Wetland regulations at 310 CMR 10.21 through 10.35.

R105.7 After the word "work" insert the phrase "and be posted conspicuously"
R105.8.1 Add subsection:
R105.8.1 Workmanship. All work shall be conducted, installed, protected and completed in a workmanlike and acceptable manner so as to secure the results intended by this code.
R106.1 At the end of the first paragraph add the following:

All plans and specifications for work designed by a registered design professional shall bear the seal and signature of the responsible registered design professional in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143, § 54A. See also www.mass.gov/dpl for policy on electronic seal and signature for certain registered design professionals.

R106.3.3.4 Add Subsection:
R106.3.3.4 Fire Department Review. For permits that include fire protection system work, construction documents shall be filed simultaneously with the head of the local fire department and building official for review and approval. The fire department shall complete its review within ten-working days after receiving the documents. Upon the fire department's request, the building official may grant one or more extensions up to a total review period maximum of 30-days. If the fire department review is not received within the allowed time frame the building official may upon review deem the documents in compliance. If the head of the local fire department disapproves such construction documents, he or she shall notify the building official (refer to M.G.L. c. 148, § 28A) in writing citing relevant sections of noncompliance with this code or the section of the referenced standards of Chapter 44.
R106.5 Replace as follows:
R106.5 Retention of Construction Documents. Sets of approved construction documents shall be retained by the building official in accordance with M.G.L. c. 66, § 8.
R107.1 Add this last sentence:

Prior to issuing a certificate, the building official shall consult with the head of the fire department.

R107.3 Replace as follows:
R107.3 Temporary Power. See 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
R108.3 Replace as follows:
R108.3 Building Permit Valuations. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at time of application. If, in the opinion of the building official the valuation is underestimated on the application, the permit shall be denied, unless the applicant can provide detailed estimates acceptable to the building official. Final building permit valuation shall be set by the building official.
108.5 Delete this subsection.
108.6 Replace as follows:
108.6 Work Commencing Before Building Permit Issued. Any person who commences any work on a building or structure governed by this code before obtaining the necessary building permit shall be in violation of this code and subject to penalties. See Section 114.
R109.1 At the end of this subsection add the following:

It shall be the duty of the permit holder to provide access to and means for inspections of work required by this code. The building official may require the permit holder or his representative to attend these inspections.

R109.1.2 At the end of the sentence add the following and delete the exception: 'and as otherwise required by the specialized codes'.
R109.1.3 After the word "flooding" add "and coastal dunes".
R109.1.5 Add a second sentence as follows:

The building official shall inform the applicant of the required points of inspection at the time of the permit application.

R110.1 Add a last sentence as follows:

Conformance is required to all applicable specialized codes and when applicable, 310 CMR 7.00: Air Pollution, 310 CMR 15.00: The State Environmental Code, Title 5: Standard Requirements for the Siting, Construction, Inspection, Upgrade and Expansion of On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems and for the Transport and Disposal of Septage, 310 CMR 22.00: Drinking Water or 310 CMR 30.000: Hazardous Waste, prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.

R110.2 Replace as follows:
R110.2 Altered Buildings or Structures. A building or structure, in whole or in part, altered to change from one use group to another; to a different use within the same use group; the maximum live load capacity; or the occupancy load capacity shall not be occupied or used until a certificate has been issued certifying that the work has been completed in accordance with the provisions of the approved permits and applicable codes.
R110.2.1 Add subsection:
R110.2.1 Massachusetts' Licensed Care Facilities. Certificate of Occupancy inspections for Massachusetts licensed care facilities, including inspection of special building features required by the licensing agency, shall be limited to verifying compliance with the provisions of this code.
R110.3 Add an item 10. as follows:
10. If a care facility is licensed by a State agency, then the name of the agency and the name and number of any relevant Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) that apply regarding building features and a list of those building features above and beyond those required by this code.
R111 Delete this section.
112.1 Replace as follows:
112.1 General. Appeals of orders, decisions, determinations and failures to act made by any state or local agency or any person or state or local agency charged with the administration or enforcement of the state building code or any of its rules and regulations, except the specialized codes, relative to the application and interpretation of this code shall be addressed by the building code appeals board in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143, § 100.
R112.2.1 Delete subsection.
R112.2.2 Delete subsection.
R112.3 Replace as follows:
R112.3 Qualifications. See M.G.L. c. 143, § 100, and 780 CMR 113.
R112.4 Replace as follows:
R112.4 Administration. See M.G.L. c. 143, § 100, and 780 CMR 113.
R113.1 After the words "demolish or" add the following phrase "change the use or"
R113.2 After the words "demolition or" add the following phrase "change the use or"
113.2.1 Add subsection:
113.2.1 Notice Issuance. Every notice or order shall be in writing and shall be served on the person responsible:
1. Personally, by any person authorized by the building official; or
2. By any person authorized to serve civil process by leaving a copy of the order or notice at the responsible party's last and usual place of business or abode; or
3. By sending the party responsible or their agent authorized to accept service of process in the Massachusetts a copy of the order by registered or certified mail return receipt requested, if he is within the Massachusetts; or
4. If the responsible party's last and usual place of business or abode is unknown, by posting a copy of this order or notice in a conspicuous place on or about the premises in violation and by publishing it for at least three out of five consecutive days in one or more newspapers of general circulation wherein the building or premises affected is situated.
113.3 Replace as follows:
113.3 Enforcement. Violations to this code shall be enforced in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 143, §§ 6 through 10 and § 94, M.G.L. c. 148, and M.G.L. c. 148A, and any other applicable state law.
113.4 Insert after the word "alters" the text ", makes a change of use"
R115 Add section:



R115.1 General. Unsafe or dangerous structures are governed by M.G.L. c. 143, §§ 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
R202 Add and/or revise the following defined terms:

Clean Biomass Heating Systems. Wood-pellet fired central boilers and furnaces where the equipment has a thermal efficiency rating of 80% (higher heating value) or greater; and a particulate matter emissions rating of no more than 0.15 lb/MMBtu PM heat output.

Electric Vehicle. An automotive-type vehicle for on-road use, such as passenger automobiles, buses, trucks, vans, neighborhood electric vehicles, electric motorcycles, and the like, primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from a rechargeable storage battery, fuel cell, photovoltaic array, or other source of electric current.

Informational Note: defined as in 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments) section 625.2.

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). The conductors, including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, and the electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.

Informational Note: defined as in 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments) section 625.2.

Electric Vehicle Charging Space ("EV Ready Space"). A designated parking space which is provided with one dedicated 50-ampere branch circuit for EVSE servicing Electric Vehicles.

High Efficiency Lamps. Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps with an efficiency of not less than the following:

1. 60 lumens per watt for lamps over 40 watts;
2. 50 lumens per watt for lamps over 15 watts to 40 watts,
3. 45 lumens per watt for lamps 15 watts or less.
R301 Replace the section with the following:

Massachusetts is a Climate Zone 5A

Delete Table R301.1

R303.3 Add two sentences as follows:

Mechanical ventilation is required for bathrooms with a shower or bathtub. Also see 105 CMR 410.000: Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation (State Sanitary Code, Chapter II) and 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code as these codes may also have mechanical ventilation requirements.

R303.6 Add a first sentence as follows:

'Stairway illumination shall comply with 527 CMR 10.00: Fire Prevention, General Provisions.' and retain the remaining text of the paragraph.

R303.8 Add a last sentence as follows:

'See 105 CMR 410.000: Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation (State Sanitary Code, Chapter II) for rental property.'

R305.1 Delete the text 'and portions of basements containing these spaces'
R305.1.1 Replace the paragraph as follows:

'Basements areas, including but not limited to areas with suspended ceilings, shall have a ceiling height of not less than six feet eight inches.' Retain the Exception.

R306.5 Add subsection:
R306.5 Other Regulations. Requirements of Section R306 shall be in conformance with the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations at 527 CMR, 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code, 310 CMR 15.00: The State Environmental Code, Title 5: Standard Requirements for the Siting, Construction, Inspection, Upgrade and Expansion of On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems and for the Transport and Disposal of Septage and 105 CMR 410.000: Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation (State Sanitary Code, Chapter II).
R307 Replace in its entirety as follows:
R307.1 Toilet, Bath, and Shower. Requirements of Section R307 shall be in conformance with 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code.
R308.1 Add a last sentence as follows: 'Also see M.G.L. c. 143 §§ 3t, 3u, and 3v'
R310.1.1 Add a second exception:

Exception. Double hung windows shall have a minimum net clear opening of 3.3 square feet (0.31 m2).

R310.1.2 Replace as follows:
R310.1.2 Dimensions. The minimum net clear opening dimensions shall be 20 inches by 24 inches in either direction.
R310.1.3 Reserved.
R311.1 and R311.2 Replace as follows:
R311.1 Means of Egress. All dwellings shall be provided with two means of egress as provided in this section. The means of egress shall provide a continuous and unobstructed path of vertical and horizontal egress travel from all portions of the dwelling to the exterior of the dwelling at the required egress doors without requiring travel through a garage. For townhouses also see the Architectural Access Board's regulations at 521 CMR.

Exception. Egress through the secondary egress door, required in subsection R311.2, may include travel through a garage provided the garage has an exit door meeting the requirements of a secondary egress door.

R311.2 Egress Door. At least two egress doors shall be provided for each dwelling unit, remote as possible from each other, at the normal level of exit.


1. In multi-level dwellings, including but not limited to townhouses, split-level and raised ranch style layouts, the two separate egress doors required by R311.2 are permitted to be located on different levels.
2. Where site topography prevents direct access at two remote locations to grade from the normal level of entry, the two separate egress doors required by R311.2 are permitted to be located on different levels.

The primary egress door shall be side-hinged, and shall provide a minimum clear width of 32 inches (813 mm) when measured between the face of the door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees (1.57 rad). The secondary egress door shall be side-hinged or sliding, and shall provide a minimum clear width of 28 inches (711mm) when measured between the face of the door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees (1.57 rad). The minimum clear height of the primary and secondary egress door opening shall not be less than 78 inches (1981 mm) in height measured from the top of the threshold to the bottom of the stop. Other exterior doors shall not be required to comply with these minimum dimensions. Egress doors shall be readily openable from inside the dwelling without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort.

R311.2.1 Add subsection:
R311.2.1 Interior Doors. All doors providing access to habitable rooms shall have a minimum nominal width of 30 inches (762 mm) and a minimum nominal height of six feet, six inches (1981 mm).


1. Doors providing access to bathrooms are permitted to be 28 inches (711 mm) in nominal width.
2. Doors providing access to bathrooms in existing buildings are permitted to be 24 inches (610 mm) in nominal width.
R311.7.4.1 Replace the phrase '7¾ inches (196 mm)' with '8¼ inches (210 mm)'.
R311.7.4.2 Replace the phrase '10 inches (254 mm)' with '9 inches (229 mm)'
R311.7.4.2 Replace the second paragraph as follows:

Winder treads shall have a minimum tread depth equal to the tread depth of the straight run portion of the stairs measured as above at a point 12 inches from the side where the treads are narrower. Winder treads shall have a minimum tread depth of three inches at any point. Within any flight of stairs, the greatest winder tread depth at the 12 inch walk line shall not exceed the smallest by more than d inch.

R313.1.1 Replace as follows:
R313.1.1 Design and Installation. Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems for townhouses shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13, 13R, or 13 D, as applicable.
1. A townhouse building with an aggregate area of 12,000 square feet or more shall use a NFPA 13 system.
2. A townhouse building with an aggregate area less than 12,000 square feet shall be permitted to use a NFPA 13-R system.

Exception. A three unit townhouse building with an aggregate area less than 12,000 square feet shall be permitted to use a NFPA 13-D system.

For the purposes of this section the aggregate area shall be the combined area of all stories of the building and fire walls shall not be considered to create separate buildings. Aggregate area shall include garage area, basement area, and finished attic area. Unfinished attic area shall not be included in aggregate area.

R313.2 Replace as follows:
R313.2 One- and Two-family Dwellings Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems. Only one- and two-family dwellings having an aggregate area greater than 14,400 square feet shall have fire sprinklers installed in accordance with NFPA 13D. Aggregate area for the purpose of this section shall include basements but not garages and unfinished attics. Additions to such dwellings with automatic sprinkler systems shall have automatic sprinklers installed in accordance with NFPA 13D.
R313.2.1 Delete the text: 'Section P2904 or'
R314.1 Replace the text "listed in accordance with UL 217" as follows "photoelectric type smoke alarms listed in accordance with UL 217 or UL 268.
R314.3 Add subsections 4 and 5 as follows:
4. Near the base of all stairs where such stairs lead to another occupied floor.
5. For each 1,200 square feet of area or part thereof.
R314.5 Add a section and a subsection:
R314.5 Heat Detector. A single heat detector listed for the ambient environment shall be installed in:
1. Any integral garage ("garage under") or attached garage to the main house (detached garages do not require a heat detector).
2. A new addition attached garage to an existing dwelling. If the existing house contains a fire detection system that is compatible with the garage heat detector, then the detector shall be interconnected to the existing system. Where the existing fire detection system is not compatible with the garage heat detector, the garage heat detector shall be connected to a sounder (occupant notification appliance) or compatible heat detector containing a sounding device, located in the dwelling and within 20 feet (6096 mm) of the nearest door to the garage from the dwelling. The required garage heat detector is neither required to incorporate audible alarm notification nor is any audible notification device required in the garage.
R314.5.1 Heat Detector Placement. For flat-finished ceilings, the single heat detector shall be placed on or near the center of the garage ceiling. For sloped ceilings having a rise to run of greater than one foot in eight feet (305 mm in 2438 mm), the single heat detector shall be placed in the approximate center of the vaulted ceiling but no closer than four inches (102 mm) to any wall.
R315.1 Replace as follows:
R315.1 Governing Regulations. Carbon monoxide alarms (alarms) for new construction and existing dwellings shall be furnished, installed and maintained by the owner in accordance with this section, M.G.L. c. 148, § 26F½, 527 CMR 31.00: Carbon Monoxide Alarms, 248 CMR, NFPA 720 and the manufacturer's instructions.
R315.2 Replace as follows:
R315.2 Installation Locations. One alarm shall be installed on each story of a dwelling unit, including basements and cellars (but not including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics). When mounting a carbon monoxide alarm on a story with a bedroom, the alarm, shall be located outside of bedrooms but no further than 10 feet of any bedroom door. If a combination smoke/carbon monoxide alarm is used, its location must comply with this section.
R315.3 Replace as follows:
R315.3 New Construction. Alarms shall either be an interconnected 120V or part of a low-voltage combination system or wireless system. Alarms shall have secondary (standby) power from monitored batteries in accordance with NFPA 72. For fire alarm control units (panels) and wireless systems, the panel battery shall serve as the source of secondary power. Alarms shall be UL 2034 or UL 2075 listed, as applicable. Alarms may be interconnected with fire alarms providing they are compatible and the fire alarms take precedence.
R315.4 Add subsection:
R315.4 Existing Dwellings. For existing dwellings, carbon monoxide alarms shall be provided in accordance with Section 315 for new construction, as applicable, for the following circumstances:
1. When one or more bedrooms are added or created in a dwelling unit, the entire dwelling shall be provided with alarms.
2. When a dwelling unit undergoes complete reconstruction such that all walls and ceilings are open to framing the entire dwelling unit shall be provided with alarms.
3. In an existing two-family dwelling, when one or more bedrooms are added or created in both of the two dwelling units, the entire building shall be provided with alarms.
4. In a townhouse building when one or more bedrooms are added or created in a dwelling then that dwelling unit shall be provided with carbon monoxide alarms.
5. In a townhouse building when a dwelling unit undergoes complete reconstruction such that all walls and ceilings are open to framing, that dwelling unit shall be provided with carbon monoxide alarms.
R319.1 Replace subsection:
R319.1 Address Numbers. See M.G.L. c. 148, § 59.
R320.1 Replace subsection:
R320.1 Scope. For townhouses see 521 CMR.
R321.1 Replace 'ASME A17.1' with '524 CMR'.
R321.2 Replace 'ASME A18.1' with '524 CMR'.
R321.3 Replace 'ICC A117.1' with '524 CMR and 521 CMR'.
R322.1 Replace as follows and delete the exception:
R322.1 General. Buildings and structures constructed in whole or in part in flood hazard areas (including A or V Zones) as established in Table R301.2(1), or in a coastal dune as established in Section R322.4 shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions contained in this section.
R322.1.1 Add the following note to this subsection:

Note. In using ASCE 24 delete tables 1-1, 2-1, 4-1, 5-1, 6-1, and 7-1. For elevation requirements use elevation requirements of R322, as amended. Also, delete references to Coastal A zones and instead use requirements for A zones in R322.

R322.1.4 Replace as follows:
R322.1.4 Establishing the Design Flood Elevation. The design flood elevation shall be used to define areas prone to flooding. The design flood elevation is the base flood elevation at the depth of peak elevation of flooding (including wave height) which has a 1% (100-year flood) or greater chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year, and as obtained from the community's Flood Insurance Study (FIS) with the accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM).
R322.1.4.2 Delete subsection.
R322.1.5 Replace "is useable" with "is not a basement and is useable".
R322.1.7 Delete.
R322.1.11 Add subsection:
R322.1.11 Basement. The portion of a building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides, but is not a crawlspace. This definition of "Basement" is limited in application to the provisions of Section R322.
R322.1.12 Add subsection:
R322.1.12 Construction documents. The construction documents shall include documentation that is prepared and sealed by a registered design professional that the design and methods of construction to be used meet the applicable criteria of this section.
R322.2 Replace as follows:
R322.2 Flood Hazard Areas (A Zones). All areas that have been determined to be prone to flooding but not subject to high velocity wave action shall be designated as flood hazard areas. Flood Hazard areas shall include all areas shown as A zones on the most recent Flood Hazard Boundary Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map. All building and structures constructed in whole or in part in flood hazard areas shall be designed and constructed in accordance with subsections R322.2.1 through R322.2.3.
R322.2.1 Revise as follows and delete the exception:
R322.2.1 Elevation Requirements.
1. Buildings and structures in flood hazard areas shall have the lowest floors elevated to or above the design flood elevation.
2. In areas of shallow flooding (AO Zones), buildings and structures shall have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated at least as high above the highest adjacent grade as the depth number specified in feet on the FIRM, or at least 2 feet (610 mm) if a depth number is not specified.
3. Basement floors shall be elevated to or above the design flood elevation.
4. For lateral additions that are a substantial improvement, only the addition shall be elevated so that the lowest floor, including basement/cellars, is located at or above design flood elevation.
R322.2.2 In the first sentence, after "design flood elevation" insert "and are not basements".
R322.3 Add a second sentence as follows:

"Coastal high-hazard areas shall include all areas shown as V zones on the most recent Flood Hazard Boundary Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map."

R322.3.1 Delete item 2.
R322.3.2 Replace item 1 and add item 5 as follows:
1. All buildings and structures erected within coastal high hazard areas shall be elevated so that the lowest portion of all structural members supporting the lowest floor, with the exception of mat or raft foundations, piling, pile caps, columns, grade beams and bracing, is located at or above the design flood elevation plus two feet.
5. For lateral additions that are not a substantial improvement, only the addition shall be elevated so that the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor with the exception of pilings or pile caps is located at an elevation that is at least two feet above the design flood elevation.
322.3.6 Delete.
R322.4 Add subsection:
R322.4 Coastal Dunes. The following applies to construction in a coastal wetland resource area:
R322.4.1 Determination of Coastal Dunes. To reduce flood damage, ensure the structural integrity of buildings or structures including manufactured homes, located in coastal dunes, to protect the public safety and to eliminate certain conflicts between the coastal dune performance standards set forth in the Wetlands Protection Act Regulations, 310 CMR 10.28, and this code, R322.4 establishes requirements for design and construction in coastal dunes significant to the interests of flood control and/or storm damage prevention identified in 310 CMR 10.28: Coastal Dunes.

To determine whether a proposed building or structure, including a manufactured home, a lateral addition, work on a foundation that under R105.3.1.2 requires compliance with R322, or substantial improvement to a building or structure that has incurred substantial damage as the result of flooding and/or storms is located within an area that is a coastal dune significant to the interests of flood control and/or storm damage prevention, the building official shall require the submission of certain construction documents in accordance with R322.4.2.

R322.4.2 Construction Documents. For buildings and structures, including new or replacement manufactured homes, lateral additions, foundations that are replaced in total or repaired so as to constitute substantial repair of a foundation, or substantial repair or improvement of a building or structure that has incurred substantial damage as a result of flooding and/or storms, proposed on a parcel of land that is located wholly or partially within a coastal wetland resource area shown on the map entitled "Map of Coastal Wetland Resources For Building Officials", the building official shall require submission of one of the construction documents specified in (a) through (d) along with a notarized statement by the applicant that the Order, Determination or Notice is in effect and is not the subject of any administrative appeals before the Department of Environmental Protection or the Division of Administrative Law Appeals. No building permit shall issue unless and until a construction document that conforms to the requirements of this section is submitted.
(a) An Order of Conditions establishing the boundaries of all coastal wetland resource areas in a plan referenced in and accompanying the Order. The Order shall determine whether the coastal wetland resource areas are significant to any of the interests identified in the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c. 131, § 40 including the interests of flood control and storm damage prevention. If the Order indicates that the proposed construction work is located within a coastal dune that is significant to the interests of flood control and/or storm damage prevention, the Order of Conditions must allow the proposed construction.
(b) An Order of Resource Area Delineation stating that the proposed construction work is outside the boundaries of all coastal wetland resource areas as shown on a plan referenced in and accompanying the Order.
(c) A Determination of Applicability stating that the proposed construction work is outside the boundaries of all coastal wetland resource areas as shown on a plan referenced in and accompanying the Determination or will not fill, dredge or alter a coastal wetland resource area.
(d) A Notice of Non-significance evidencing that the proposed construction work is within a coastal wetland resource area as shown on a plan referenced in and accompanying the Notice and stating that the coastal wetland resource area is not significant to any of the interests identified in M.G.L. c. 131, § 40: Removal, Fill, Dredging or Altering of Land Bordering Waters (the Wetlands Protection Act).
R322.4.3 Structural Elevation. The elevation of the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member, as required by the lowest floor elevation inspection in Subsection R109.1.3, shall be submitted.
R322.4.4 Additional Documentation. Documentation for buildings located in more than one zone shall meet the requirements of all zones.
R322.4.5 Elevation Requirements. For new buildings and structures, new foundations, replacement or substantial repair of a foundation, or repair of a substantially damaged structure where damage is the result of a storm or flooding the entire structure shall be elevated so that the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor with the exception of pilings or pile caps is located at the elevation required by the Order of Conditions of the local Conservation Commission in accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c. 131, §40: Removal, Fill, Dredging or Altering Land Bordering Waters (the Wetland Protection Act) and Wetlands Protection Regulations, 310 CMR 10.21 through 10.35: Additional Regulations for Coastal Wetlands. For lateral additions that are not a substantial improvement, only the addition shall be elevated so that the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor with the exception of pilings or pile caps is located at the elevation required by the Order of Conditions of the local Conservation Commission in accordance with M.G.L. c. 131, § 40 and Wetlands Protection Regulations, 310 CMR 10.21 through 10.35.
R322.4.6 Foundations. Foundations for work meeting the elevation requirements of Section R322 shall consist of open pilings without footings to allow the movement of the dune.

Exception. Where surface or subsurface conditions consist of non-erodible soil that prevents the use of pile foundations, spread footings or mat foundations may be permitted. Such foundations shall be anchored to prevent sliding, uplift or overturning of the footing and the non-erodible soil it is attached to and be designed to withstand any combination of loads.

R322.4.7 Enclosed Areas below Design Flood Elevation. Enclosures are not permitted below the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor.
R401.1 Revise the section as follows:
R401.1 Scope. This chapter regulates the energy efficiency for the design and construction of buildings regulated by 780 CMR. Municipalities which have adopted the Stretch Energy Code shall use the energy efficiency requirements of 780 CMR 110 Appendix AA.

Exception: Temporary structures, as regulated by Section 3103, do not need to comply with the building envelope requirements of 780 CMR 51.00.

R401.2 Revise the section as follows:
R401.2 Compliance. Projects shall comply with one of the following:
1. Prescriptive Path. Sections R401 through R404 and R407.
2. Performance Path. An energy rating index ("ERI") approach, or approved alternative energy performance rating method in section R406 and the provisions of sections R401 through R404 indicated as "Mandatory." Qualifying approaches under R406 include the following:
a. Certified RESNET HERS rating with Massachusetts amendments.
b. Certified Energy Star Homes, Version 3.1.
c. Certified Passive house performance method.
R401.3 Add the following to the end of the paragraph:

The Certificate shall list the final HERS index score when applicable.

R401.4.1 Insert after "Table R401.4.1" the text "or 780 CMR Table 1806.2a"
R401.5 Add subsection:
R401.5 Seismic Requirements. Seismic requirements in this chapter shall only apply to townhouses and shall not apply to one- and two-family dwellings.
R401.6 Add subsection:
R401.6 Flood Resistant Construction. See section 322 for flood-resistant construction requirements.
R402.1.5.1 Add the subsection as follows:
R402.1.5.1 Approved Software for Prescriptive Path Total UA Alternative: The following software is approved for demonstrating Total UA compliance:

REScheck-Web or REScheck for Windows Version 4.6.5 or later, available at http://www.energycodes.gov/rescheck

R402.4.1.1 Amend Table by inserting the following sentence at the beginning of the column entitled "INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA" in the row entitled "General requirements":

All insulation shall be installed at Grade I quality in accordance with ICC/RESNET 301.

R403.1 Add the following to the end of the second sentence:

"as per subsection R401.2"

R403.1.6 Add the designation "A 307 or other applicable steel" before the word "anchor bolt" in the first sentence of the second paragraph. Also, after the words "anchor bolts" insert the text "installed in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions."
R403.3.3 Replace the last paragraph with the following:

Post-construction or rough-in testing and verification shall be done by a HERS Rater, HERS Rating Field Inspector, or an applicable BPI Certified Professional. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official.

R403.6 Replace the section with the following:
R403.6 Mechanical Ventilation (Mandatory). Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the ventilation system is not operating. Each dwelling unit of a residential building shall be provided with continuously operating exhaust, supply or balanced mechanical ventilation that has been site verified to meet a minimum airflow per:
1. R406.3 Equation 4-1:

Ventilation rate, CFM = (0.01 x total square foot area of house) + [7.5 x (number of bedrooms + 1);

2. Energy Star Homes Version, 3.1.;
3. ASHRAE 62.2-2013; or
4. the following formula for one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses of three or less stories above grade plane:

Q = .03 x CFA + 7.5 x (Nbr + 1) - 0.052 x Q50 x S x WSF

Where: CFA is the conditioned floor area in ft2

Nbr is the number of bedrooms

Q50 is the verified blower door air leakage rate in cfm measured at 50 Pascals

S is the building height factor determined by this table:

Stories above grade plane








WSF is the shielded weather factor as determined by this table:































R403.6.2 through R403.6.6 Add the following subsections:
R403.6.2 Verification: Installed performance of the mechanical ventilation system shall be tested and verified by a HERS Rater, HERS Rating Field Inspector, or an applicable BPI Certified Professional, and measured using a flow hood, flow grid, or other airflow measuring device in accordance with either RESNET Standard Chapter 8 or ACCA Standard 5.
R403.6.3 Air-moving Equipment, Selection and Installation. As referenced in ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2013, section 7.1, ventilation devices and equipment shall be tested and certified by Air Movement and Control Association ("AMCA") or Home Ventilating Institute ("HVI") and the certification label shall be found on the product. Installation of systems or equipment shall be carried out in accordance with manufacturers' design requirements and installation instructions. Where multiple duct sizes and/or exterior hoods are standard options, the minimum size shall not be used.
R403.6.4 Sound Rating. Sound ratings for fans used for whole building ventilation shall be rated at a maximum of one sone.

Exception: HVAC air handlers and remote-mounted fans need not meet sound requirements. There shall be at least four feet of ductwork between the remote-mounted fan and intake grille.

R403.6.5 Documentation. The owner and the occupant of the dwelling unit shall be provided with information on the ventilation design and systems installed, as well as instructions on the proper operation and maintenance of the ventilation systems. Ventilation controls shall be labeled with regard to their function, unless the function is obvious.
R403.6.6 Air Inlets and Exhausts. All ventilation air inlets shall be located a minimum of ten feet from vent openings for plumbing drainage systems, appliance vent outlets, exhaust hood outlets, vehicle exhaust, or other known contamination sources; and shall not be obstructed by snow, plantings, or any other material. Outdoor forced air inlets shall be covered with rodent screens having mesh openings not greater than ½ inch. A whole house mechanical ventilation system shall not extract air from an unconditioned basement unless approved by a registered design professional. Where wall inlet or exhaust vents are less than seven feet above finished grade in the area of the venting including, but not limited to, decks and porches, a metal or plastic identification plate shall be permanently mounted to the exterior of the building at a minimum height of eight feet above grade directly in line with the vent terminal. The sign shall read, in print no less than ½ inch in size, "MECH. VENT DIRECTLY BELOW. KEEP CLEAR OF ALL OBSTRUCTIONS".


1. Ventilation air inlets in the wall shall be separated from dryer exhausts and contamination sources exiting through the roof by a minimum of three feet.
2. No minimum separation distance shall be required between local exhaust outlets in kitchens/bathrooms and windows.
3. Vent terminations that meet the requirements of the National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54/ ANSI Z223.1) or equivalent.
R404.1.7 Add a last sentence as follows:

Backfill material shall be free draining and free of organic materials, construction debris, cobbles and boulders, shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 12-inches and shall be mechanically compacted.

R404.2 Add subsection as follows:
R404.2 Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces ("EV Ready Spaces") Reserved. EV Ready spaces are not required for detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories above grade plane in height and their accessory structures not more than three stories above grade place. All other occupancies otherwise directed to follow the provisions of 780 CMR 51.00: Massachusetts Residential Code must adhere to any EV requirements found in 780 CMR 1300.1 (C405.10).
R405 Delete subsection and insert the following:
R405 Reserved
R406.1 Revise this subsection as follows:
R406.1 Scope. This section establishes criteria for compliance using an Energy Rating Index ("ERI") analysis, or approved alternative energy performance rating methods.
R406.1.1 Approved Alternative Energy Performance Methods. The following rating threshold criteria are sufficient to demonstrate energy code compliance under R406 without calculation of a standard reference design. The mandatory provisions of subsection R406.2 also apply:
1. ENERGY STAR Homes 3.1 Path. New buildings or additions to an existing building, building system or portion thereof shall be certified to conform to the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes, Version 3.1 standard.
2. Passive House Institute US ("PHIUS") or Passive House Institute ("PHI") Approved Software. Projects pre-certified through PHIUS or PHI, with a certified Passive House Consultant or certified Passive House Designer verified "as-built" report demonstrating compliance with the PHIUS or PHI standard.
3. Any other software approved by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards.
R406.2 After the last paragraph (on membranes) add this paragraph:

Through-wall formwork ties shall be removed from both faces of the foundation walls which enclose basements, cellars, below-grade garages or any space having the potential to be converted to useable or occupied space. Remaining holes shall be patched with hydraulic cement.

R406.3 Revise Subsection as follows:
R406.3 Energy Rating Index. The Energy Rating Index (ERI) shall be determined in accordance with RESNET/ICC 301, the ERI Reference Design Ventilation rate shall be in accordance with Equation 4-1.
R406.4 Revise the section as follows:
R406.4 ERI-based Compliance. Compliance based on an ERI analysis requires that the rated design be shown to have an ERI less than or equal to the appropriate value listed in Table R406.4 when compared to the ERI reference design for each dwellings unit prior to credit for onsite renewable electric generation.

Table R406.4.

Maximum Energy Rating Index

Maximum HERS Index Scorea, b

On-site Renewable Energy Application

New Construction

Whole House Renovations; Additions




Solar Electric Generation



Clean Space Heating






Solar Electric and Clean Space Heating



Solar Electric and DWH



Solar Electric, Clean Space Heating and DHW



a Maximum HERS rating prior to onsite renewable electric generation in accordance with Section R406.4

b Where on-site renewable energy is included for compliance using the ERI analysis of Section R406.4, the building shall meet the mandatory requirements of SectionR406.2, and the building thermal envelope shall be greater than or equal to the levels of efficiency and SHGC in Table R402.1.2 or Table

R406.4.1 Add the subsection as follows:
R406.4.1 Trade-off for Onsite Renewable Energy Systems. New construction following R406.3 or existing buildings and additions following IECC chapter 5 [RE] may use renewable energy trade-offs to increase the maximum allowable HERS rating for each unit separately served by any combination of the following:
1. Solar Generation. Solar photovoltaic array rated at 2.5kW or higher shall offset five HERS points.
2. Clean Space Heating. Clean biomass heating system, solar thermal array, cold climate air source heat pump having rated coefficient of performance (COP) of at least 1.75 at 5 E F, or geothermal heat pump, or a combination of these systems, operating as the primary heating system shall offset five HERS points.
3. Renewable Domestic Hot Water Heating (DHW). Solar thermal array or heat pump for primary domestic hot water heating shall offset two HERS points.
R406.5 Revise the section as follows:
R406.5 Verification by Approved Agency. Verification of compliance with section R406 shall be completed by an approved third party. For compliance using a HERS rating or Energy Star Homes 3.1 certification, verification of compliance shall be completed by the certified HERS rater. For compliance using PHIUS or PHI, verification of compliance shall be completed by a certified Passive House consultant.
R406.6 Revise this section as follows:
R406.6 Documentation. Documentation of the software used and the parameters for the residential building shall be in accordance with Sections R406.6.1 through R406.6.34.
R406.6.1 Compliance Software Tools. If using the ERI or Energy Star Homes compliance path, software tools used for determining ERI shall be Approved Software Rating Tools in accordance with RESNET/ICC 301. Where calculations require input values not specified by Sections R402, R403, R404 and R405, those input values shall be taken from RESNET/ ICC 301. If using the Passive House compliance path, software tools for determining Passive House certification shall be approved software tools by PHIUS or PHI.
R406.6.2 ERI Documentation. Prior to the issuance if a building permit, the following items must be provided to the Building Official:
1. A HERS compliance report which includes a proposed HERS index score of 55 or lower, or otherwise complies via renewable trade-offs;
2. A description of the unit's energy features; and
3. A statement that the rating index score is "based on plans"

Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the following items must be provided to the Building official:

4. A copy of the final certificate indicating that the HERS rating index score for each unit is verified to be 55 or less or otherwise complies via renewable trade-offs, together with a completed HERS rater verified ENERGY STAR Thermal Enclosure System Rater Checklist.
5. A copy of the certificate, as required by Section R401.3 for each unit listing the final HERS index score of the dwelling unit.
R406.6.3 ENERGY STAR Homes, Version 3.1 Documentation. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following items(s) must be provided to the Building Official:
a. A copy of the preliminary HERS rating, based on plans
b. A description of the unit's energy features; and
c. A statement that the rating index score is "based on plans"

Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the following items must be provided to the Building Official:

d. A copy of the final ENERGY STAR Homes certificate;
e. A copy of the certified final HERS rating; and
f. A copy of the signed ENERGY STAR Thermal Enclosure System Rater Checklist.
g. A copy of the certificate, as required by Section R401.3 for each unit listing the final HERS index score of the dwelling unit.
R406.6.4 Passive House Documentation.
1. If using PHIUS or PHI Passive House software, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following items must be provided to the Building Official:
a. A WUFI or PHPP compliance report which demonstrates project compliance with PHIUS+2018 (or newer) or PHI performance requirements;
b. A statement that the WUFI or PHPP results are "based on plans";
c. Evidence of precertification approval from PHIUS or PHI.
2. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the following item(s) must be provided to the building official:
a. An updated WUFI or PHPP compliance report which demonstrates project compliance with PHIUS+2018 (or newer) or PHI performance requirements;
b. A copy of the Passive House Rater's test results;
c. A statement that the WUFI or PHPP results are "based on 'as-built' conditions, incorporating the relevant test results and documented changes to equipment, materials, and assemblies that impact performance".
R407 Add new section as follows:
R407 Additional Efficiency Packages.
R407.1 Requirements (Prescriptive). Projects shall comply with at least one of the following:
1. More efficient HVAC performance in accordance with Section R407.2
2. Heat recovery ventilation (HRV) system or Energy recovery ventilation (ERV) system in accordance with Section R403.6.1. The Exception in R403.6.1 shall not be applied if used for compliance with this Section.
3. High efficiency water heater or solar thermal hot water heater in accordance with Section R407.3
R407.2 More Efficient HVAC Performance. Primary heating equipment shall meet one of the following efficiency requirements:
1. Gas, propane or oil-fired furnaces with a minimum AFUE of 95%
2. Gas, propane or oil-fired boilers with a minimum AFUE of 95%
3. Closed-loop ground source heat pumps with a minimum COP of 3.5
4. Air-source heat pumps with a minimum HSPF of 10
R407.3 High Efficiency Water Heating or Solar Thermal Hot Water Heater. Hot water heating systems shall meet one of the following:
1. Natural gas or propane water heating with a minimum Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) of 0.87 or electric heat pump hot water heater with a minimum UEF of 2.2. On-demand natural gas or propane water heaters shall not include any buffer tank or hot water storage capacity outside the water heater itself.
2. A solar thermal hot water heating system with a minimum of 40 square feet of gross collection area. The solar hot water heating panels shall have a total solar resource fraction that is not less than 75%.
R408.7 Delete the exception.
R502.1.2 Replace the subsection with the following:
R502.1.2 Existing plus Addition Compliance (Simulated Performance Alternative). The addition and any alterations that are part of the project shall comply with Section R406 and shall achieve a maximum HERS index using Table R406.4.
R502.2.2 At the end of this paragraph add this text "and no live load acting on the interior span."
R502.3 At the end of the second sentence add this text:

"or the American Wood Council (AWC) Maximum Span Calculator for Wood Joists & Rafters found at http://www.awc.org/calculators/span/calc/timbercalcstyle.asp "

R502.11.1 Replace "registered professional" with "registered design professional".
R503.2 Amend the subsection by deleting the Exception.

Add a new Referenced Standard to Chapter 6 of the IECC as follows:

DOE U.S. Department of Energy

1000 Independence Ave SW

Washington DC 20585

10 CFR Part 430, Subpart B, Appendix E: Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Water Heaters

R506.1.1 Add subsection, exception, and associated table:
R506.1.1 Control Joints. Slabs shall be constructed with control joints having a depth of at least one quarter of the slab thickness but not less than one inch (25 mm). Joints shall be spaced at intervals not greater than 30 feet (9144 mm) in each direction. Control joints shall be placed at locations where the slab width or length changes.

Exception. Control joints may be omitted when the slab is reinforced in accordance with Table R506.1.1. Reinforcement shall be placed at the mid-depth of the slab or two inches (51 mm) from the top of slabs greater than four inches (102 mm) in thickness.

Table R506.1.1

Maximum Dimension of Slab or Distance Between Control Joints (ft.)

WWF Wire Spacing (in.)

WWF Wire Size Designation (in.)

Slab Thickness (in.)













6 x 6

W1.4 x W1.4







6 x 6

W2.0 x W2.0







6 x 6

W2.9 x W2.9

R602.10 Add a second exception as follows:

Exception 2. Unconditioned single story rooms, of areas less than 600 sq. ft., where the main dwelling is connected to the room via an exterior door or slider and no other openings between the main dwelling and room exist (i.e. thermally isolated).

702.3.5.1 Add subsection:
702.3.5.1 Ceiling attachment. Only designs or methods that use mechanical fasteners in accordance with Table R702.3.5 shall be used for attaching gypsum board to ceilings in buildings governed by this code including manufactured buildings. Alternative designs, such as using adhesive only, are not permitted.
R802.4 Add this text to the end of the second sentence:

'or utilize the American Wood Council (AWC) Maximum Span Calculator for Wood Joists & Rafters found at http://www.awc.org/calculators/span/calc/timbercalcstyle.asp

R802.5 Add this text to the end of the second sentence:

'or utilize the American Wood Council (AWC) Maximum Span Calculator for Wood Joists & Rafters found at http://www.awc.org/calculators/span/calc/timbercalcstyle.asp

R901.1 Add a final sentence as follows:

In roofing and reroofing, the energy conservation requirements of Chapter 11 must also be satisfied.

R905.1 Add a final sentence as follows:

Where there is a discrepancy between the requirements of this section and the manufacturer's printed instructions or code evaluation report, the manufacturer's printed instructions or code evaluation report shall govern.

R905.16 Reserved
R906.1 Revise the section as follows:
R906.1 General. The use of above-deck thermal insulation shall be permitted provided such insulation is covered with an approved roof covering and complies with FM 4450 or UL 1256. In roofing and reroofing, the energy conservation requirements of Chapter 11 of 780 CMR 51.00 shall also be satisfied.
R907.1 through R907.5 Reserved
R909.1 through R909.3 Reserved
R1001.1 Revise the section as follows:
R1001.1 General. Masonry fireplaces shall be constructed in accordance with this section and the applicable provisions of Chapters 3 and 4 of 780 CMR 51.00. Chimneys shall be structurally sound, durable, smoke tight and capable of conveying flue gases to the exterior safely.
R1003.11 Add a second sentence that reads:

Liner size, length and installation shall be in accordance with this code or the appliance manufacturer's requirements as applicable.

N1100.1 Add the following sections as follows:
1100.1 Adoption. Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the International Energy Conservation Code - 2018 ("IECC"), as modified by Chapter 11 of 780 CMR 51.00.

Exception: Applications for building permits and related construction and other documents filed through August 7, 2020 may comply either with 780 CMR 51.00: Chapter 11, effective February 7, 2020, or with the versions of those provisions in effect immediately prior to February 7, 2020, but not a mix of both. After August 8, 2020, concurrency with the prior version of 780 CMR ends, and all applications for building permits and related construction and other documents shall comply with 780 CMR effective February 7, 2020 only.

Informational Note: Amendments to the IECC contained within 780 CMR 51.00 are identified by the letter "R" followed by the applicable section number.

N1101.2 and N1101.2.1 Replace as follows:
N1101.2 Compliance. Climate zone 5A shall be used for municipalities in MA. Compliance to this chapter shall be demonstrated by, either:
1. Meeting the requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code 2009 or,
2. Compliance with Sections N1101, N1102.4, N1102.5, N1103.1, N1103.2.2, N1103.2.3, and N1103.3 to N1103.9 and either:
a. Sections N1102.1 through N1102.3, N1103.2.1 and N1104.1 or
b. Section 405 of the International Energy Conservation Code 2009 and these Massachusetts amendments:
405.6.2.1 Add subsection:
405.6.2.1 Approved Calculation Software Tools. Software tools meeting the requirements of Subsection 405.6 are:
1. REScheck: found at http://www.energycodes.gov/
405.7 Add subsections:
405.7 Approved Alternative Energy Performance Methods. In addition to the IECC performance compliance path detailed in subsections 405.1 to 405.5 the following rating threshold criteria of this section are sufficient to demonstrate energy code compliance under section 405 without calculation of a standard reference design.
1. RESNET Approved Software for the Home Energy Rating System (HERS). Where the HERS rater verified index on the building is 75 or fewer points for the finished building together with a completed and HERS rater verified ENERGY STAR Thermal Enclosure Checklist. The mandatory provisions of subsection 401.2 apply.
2. Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) Approved Software: Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). Where the Specific Space Heat Demand as modeled in Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) by a Certified Passive House Consultant is less than or equal to 20 KBtu/sq ft/year. The mandatory provisions of subsection 401.2 apply.
405.7.1 Documentation. The following documentation is required for energy code compliance under subsection 405.7:
1. For HERS compliance, a compliance report which includes a proposed HERS index of 75 or lower, a description of the building's energy features, and a statement that the rating index is "based on plans" will be required for issuance of a building permit. A copy of the final certificate indicating that the HERS rater verified index is 75 or less for the finished building together with a completed HERS rater verified ENERGY STAR Thermal Enclosure Checklist is to be submitted to the building official before the certificate of occupancy is issued.
2. For Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) verified compliance, a compliance features, and a statement that the estimated Specific Space Heat Demand is "based on plans" will be required for issuance of a building permit. A copy of the final PHPP report indicating the finished building achieves a Certified Passive House Consultant-verified Specific Space Heat Demand of less than or equal to 20 KBtus/sq ft/year shall be submitted to the building official before the certificate of occupancy is issued.
N1101.2.1 Interior Design Conditions. The interior design temperatures used for heating and cooling load calculations shall be a maximum of 72°F (22°C) for heating and minimum of 74°F (24°C) for cooling.

Table N1102.2.1 In the Climate Zone 5 row, replace the value '.060' with '.057'.

N1102.2.2 Replace the second sentence as follows: 'This reduction of insulation from the requirements of Section N1102.1 shall be limited to 500 square feet (46 m2) or 20% of the total insulated ceiling area, whichever is less.'

Table N1102.2.1 To the criteria of the first row of the table add 'Air-permeable insulation is inside of an air barrier' and to the criteria of the fifth row of the table replace 'floor' with 'insulation'

N1102.5 Add subsection:
N1102.5 Maximum Fenestration U-factor and SHGC. The area-weighted average maximum fenestration U-factor permitted using trade-offs from Subsection N1102.1.3 or N1105 shall be 0.48.
N1103.8.3 Add an exception as follows:

Exception. Pool covers deriving over 60% of the energy for heating from site-recovered energy or solar energy source.

M1201.1 Add a final sentence as follows:

In this chapter where the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and/or inspection of mechanical systems is controlled by one of the specialized codes (see Chapter 1) the requirements of the specialized codes govern and enforcement shall be by a person other than the building official.

M1201.1 Revise the section as follows:
M1201.1 Scope. The provisions of Chapters 12 through 23 of 780 CMR 51.00 shall regulate the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and inspection of mechanical systems that are permanently installed and used to control environmental conditions within buildings. These chapters shall also regulate those mechanical systems, system components, equipment and appliances specifically addressed in this code.

For the provisions of Chapters 12 through 23 of 780 CMR 51.00 governed by the specialized codes (see780 CMR 1.00: Scope and Administration (Unique to Massachusetts)), see the applicable specialized codes. Provisions related to work otherwise governed by 780 CMR 51.00 shall be retained if not in conflict with other sections of 780 CMR 51.00. Enforcement of work governed by the specialized codes shall be by those persons so authorized.

Additional requirements for boilers and other pressure vessels may be found in M.G.L. c. 146 and 522 CMR: Board of Boiler Rules, as applicable.

M1301.1 Add a final sentence as follows:

In this chapter where the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and/or inspection of mechanical systems is controlled by one of the specialized codes (see Chapter 1) the requirements of the specialized codes govern and enforcement shall be by a person other than the building official.

M1303.2 Add subsection:
M1303.2 Solid Fuel-burning Appliance Labeling. Solid fuel-burning appliances (see Subsection M1303.3 for Central Heating Appliances) shall bear a permanent and legible factory-applied label supplied to the manufacturer and controlled by an approved testing agency; such label shall contain the following information:
1. Manufacturer's name and trademark;
2. Model and/or identification number of the appliance;
3. Type(s) of fuel(s) approved;
4. Testing laboratory's name or trademark and location;
5. Date tested;
6. Clearances to combustibles:
a. Above top
b. From front
c. From back
d. From sides
7. Floor protection*;
8. National test (listing) standard(s); and
9. Label serial number.

*If floor protection information is not on the label, it will be acceptable if contained with the User/Installation Manual.

M1303.3 Add subsection:
M1303.3 Solid Fuel-burning Central Heating Appliance Labeling. Solid fuel-burning boilers or warm air furnaces shall bear a permanent and legible factory-applied label supplied to the manufacturer and controlled by an approved testing agency; such label shall contain Subsection M1303.2 items 1. to 9. and the following information:
10. Type of appliance (boiler or warm air furnace);
11. Boilers, pressure vessels, and pressure relief devices must be stamped in accordance with M.G.L. c. 146, §§ 24 and 34.
M1401.1 Add a final sentence as follows:

In this chapter where the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and/or inspection of mechanical systems is controlled by one of the specialized codes (see Chapter 1) the requirements of the specialized codes govern and enforcement shall be by a person other than the building official.

M1401.6 Add section and associated subsections as follows:
M1401.6 Used Solid Fuel-burning Appliances. Used solid fuel-burning appliances that predate the listing requirements set forth in 780 CMR 51.00 may be utilized but the installation of such appliances shall otherwise conform to the requirements of 780 CMR 51.00. as applicable, and such installations shall be inspected by the building official (or fire official in such towns that utilize the fire official for such inspection purposes).
M1401.6.1 Clearances to Combustibles. In the absence of listed clearances and floor protection requirements, used solid fuel-burning appliances shall be installed in accordance with the clearances of 780 CMR 51.00.
M1401.6.2 Floor Protection General. Floor protection listing requirements for a used appliance shall be met. In the absence of listing requirements, solid fuel-burning appliances shall have floor protection that is noncombustible material applied to the combustible or noncombustible floor area underneath and extending in front, to the sides and to the rear of a heat producing appliance, and have the necessary thermal conductivity to satisfy the floor protection requirements of the appliance. Various "hearth rugs," "mats," "tile board," "hearth board" and similar products sold as floor protectors may be noncombustible but may not satisfy thermal conductivity requirements of this section.
M1401.6.2.1 Floor Protection Requirements. Floor protection requirements shall be:
1. four inches (102 mm) of millboard having a thermal conductivity k = 0.84 (Btu) (inch)/(ft2) (hour) (°F);
2. a noncombustible floor protector of the same overall thermal conductivity in (1.); or
3. approved by a registered design professional.

Exception: If existing floor protection can be demonstrated to have been adequate for a previous installation of a used solid fuel-burning appliance, then such floor protection shall be allowed. If calculations demonstrate that the existing floor protection has a thermal conductivity lower than that set by this section, then the existing floor protection may be maintained.

M1414.1 Revise the section as follows:
M1414.1 General. Fireplace stoves shall be listed, labeled and installed in accordance with the terms of the listing. Fireplace stoves shall be tested in accordance with UL 737. Also see Chapter 10 of 780 CMR 51.00 for detailed guidance on solid fuel-burning appliances.
Chapter 15: EXHAUST SYSTEMS (no amendments)
M1501.1 Add a final sentence as follows:

In this chapter where the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and/or inspection of mechanical systems is controlled by one of the specialized codes (see Chapter 1) the requirements of the specialized codes govern and enforcement shall be by a person other than the building official.

M1507.1 Replace as follows:
M1507.1 General. Toilet rooms and bathrooms shall be mechanically ventilated in accordance with the requirements of Table M1507.3 and the ventilation equipment shall be installed in accordance with this chapter and the governing specialized codes.
Chapter 16: DUCT SYSTEMS
M1601.1 Add a final sentence as follows:

In this chapter where the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and/or inspection of mechanical systems is controlled by one of the specialized codes (see Chapter 1) the requirements of the specialized codes govern and enforcement shall be by a person other than the building official.

M1601.3 Replace the section as follows:
M1601.3 Duct Insulation Materials. Duct insulation shall conform to the following requirements and the requirements of Chapter 11 of 780 CMR 51.00.
M1601.4 Replace the section as follows:
M1601.4 Installation. Duct installation shall comply with Subsections M1601.4.1 through M1601.4.7 and the requirements of Chapter 11 of 780 CMR 51.00.
M1701.1 Replace as follows:
M1701.1 Scope. Solid-fuel-burning appliances shall be provided with combustion air in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's installation instructions. Oil-fired appliances shall be provided with combustion air in accordance with 527 CMR 4.00: Oil Burning Equipment. The methods of providing combustion air in this chapter do not apply to fireplaces, fireplace stoves and direct-vent appliances. The requirements for combustion and dilution air for gas-fired appliances shall be in accordance with Chapter 24. In this chapter where the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and/or inspection of mechanical systems is controlled by one of the specialized codes (see Chapter 1) the requirements of the specialized codes govern and enforcement shall be by a person other than the building official.
M1801.1 Replace the third sentence as follows:

The requirements of this chapter shall not apply to gas-fired and oil-fired appliances. For gas-fired appliances see the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR. For oil-fired appliances see 527 CMR 4.00: Oil Burning Equipment. For electrical requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments). For fire prevention regulations 527 CMR governs, except where 527 CMR is silent, in which case the International Fire Code requirements, as applicable, apply. Solid fuel-burning appliances shall satisfy the manufacturer's requirements, and in the absence of same, this code shall apply.

M1801.11 Delete the Exception to subsection 1.
M1801.12 Add an Exception as follows:

Exception. Unless common connection is allowed by 248 CMR or 527 CMR. If allowed, the common flue shall be of such size to serve all appliances connected if such appliances were operated simultaneously. Note that 248 CMR and 527 CMR are enforced by gas inspectors, and the heads of fire departments, respectively.

M1803.2 In the subsection title and the paragraph delete the text "oil and"
M1900 Add section:
M1900 General. The requirement of this chapter shall not apply to gas-fired and oil-fired appliances. For gas-fired appliances see the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR. For oil-fired appliances see 527 CMR 4.00: Oil Burning Equipment. For electrical requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments). For fire prevention regulations 527 CMR governs, except where 527 CMR is silent, in which case the International Fire Code requirements, as applicable, apply. Solid fuel-burning appliances shall satisfy the manufacturer's requirements, and in the absence of same, this code shall apply.
M2000 Add section:
M2000 General. The requirement of this chapter shall not apply to gas-fired and oil-fired appliances. For gas-fired appliances see the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR. For oil-fired appliances see 527 CMR 4.00: Oil Burning Equipment. For electrical requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments). For fire prevention regulations 527 CMR governs, except where 527 CMR is silent, in which case the International Fire Code requirements, as applicable, apply. Solid fuel-burning appliances shall satisfy the manufacturer's requirements, and in the absence of same, this code shall apply. Additional requirements for boilers and other pressure vessels may be found in M.G.L. c. 146 and the Board of Boiler Rules at 522 CMR, as applicable.
M2100 Add section:
M2100 General. The requirement of this chapter shall not apply to gas-fired and oil-fired appliances. For gas-fired appliances see the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR. For oil-fired appliances see 527 CMR 4.00: Oil Burning Equipment. For electrical requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments). For fire prevention regulations 527 CMR governs, except where 527 CMR is silent, in which case the International Fire Code requirements, as applicable, apply. Solid fuel-burning appliances shall satisfy the manufacturer's requirements, and in the absence of same, this code shall apply. Additional requirements for boilers and other pressure vessels may be found in M.G.L. c. 146 and the Board of Boiler Rules at 522 CMR, as applicable.
M2101.3 Replace 'listed in Section P2902' with 'of the Department of Environmental Protection and/or the local water purveyor, as applicable.'
M2201 through M2204 Replace in their entirety, as follows:
M2201 Special Piping and Storage Systems. Special laws and/or regulations impact requirements for oil tanks, piping, fittings, connections, installation, and oil pumps and valves. Refer to M.G.L. c. 148, § 13, M.G.L. c. 148, § 37, the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations at 527 CMR, the Board of Boiler Rules at 522 CMR and EPA regulations (as well as this code for tank structural design).
M2301.1 Add three notes as follows:


1. Additional requirements for boilers and other pressure vessels may be found in M.G.L. c. 146 and the Board of Boiler Rules at 522 CMR, as applicable.
2. Where solar thermal systems involve matters of potable water and/or wastewater see the Board of State Examiners for Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR.
3. Photovoltaic systems shall be designed and installed in accordance all governing loading conditions, fire protection, energy conservation and weatherization requirements dictated by this code and the electrical requirements of 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments) and those of the manufacturer.
2400 Add section:
2400 General. Retain the sections listed in Table 2400. For all other requirements of this chapter see the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR.

TABLE 2400

G2404.6 (301.10) Wind resistance

G2427.5.6.1 (503.5.7.1) Solid fuel-burning appliances

G2404.7 (301.11) Flood hazard

G2427.5.6.3 (503.5.7.3) Combination gas- and solid fuel-burning appliances

G2404.8 (301.12) Seismic resistance

G2427.5.8 (503.5.9) Cleanouts

G2404.9 (301.14) Rodentproofing

G2427.5.9 (503.5.10) Space surrounding lining or vent

G2405 Structural Safety

G2427.6.3.1 (503.6.4.1) Decorative shrouds

G2408.2 (305.3) Elevation of ignition source

G2427.7.5 (503.7.5) Roof penetrations

G2408.2.1 (305.3.1) Installation in residential garages

G2427.10.13 (503.10.13) Fireplaces

G2408.3 (305.5) Private garages.

G2427.16 (503.16) (IFGC) Outside wall penetrations

G2408.5 (305.8) Clearances to combustible construction

G2430.2 (506.2) Support

G2415.1 (404.1) Prohibited locations

G2439.2 (614.2) Duct penetrations

G2415.5 (404.5) Protection against physical damage

G2439.5 (614.6) Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts

G2415.6 (404.6) Piping in solid floors

G2439.5.2 (614.6.2) Duct installation

G2418.2 (407.2) Design and installation

G2439.5.3 (614.6.3) Protection required

G2426.4 (502.4) Insulation shield

G2426.7 (502.7) Protection against physical damage

G2427.5.3 (503.5.4) Chimney termination

G2445 (621) Replace this section in its entirety as follows:
G2445.1 (621.1) General. Unvented gas-fired room heaters shall conform to the requirements of 527 CMR 30.00: Unvented Propane or Natural Gas-fired Space Heaters.
G2452.1 (631.1) Add a last sentence as follows:

Additional requirements for boilers and other pressure vessels may be found in M.G.L. c. 146 and the Board of Boiler Rules at 522 CMR, as applicable.

P2501.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
P2501.1 Scope. For plumbing requirements see 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code.
P2601.1 Replace as follows:
P2601.1 Scope. Retain the subsections listed in Table 2601.1. For all other requirements of this chapter see 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code.

TABLE 2601.1

P2603.2 Drilling and notching

P2604.1 Trenching and bedding

P2603.2.1 Protection against physical damage

P2604.3 Backfilling

P2603.3 Breakage and corrosion

P2604.4 Protection of footings

P2603.5 Pipes through footings or foundation walls

P2606.1 General

P2701.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
P2701.1 Scope. For plumbing fixture requirements see 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code.
P2801.1 Replace as follows:
P2801.1 Scope. Retain the subsections listed in Table 2801.1. For all other requirements of this chapter see 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code.

TABLE 2801.1

P2801.5 Required pan (if not in 248 CMR)

P2801.7 Water heater seismic bracing.

P2801.6 Water heaters installed in garages.

P2901.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
P2901.1 Scope. For plumbing requirements for water supply and distribution see 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code. 310 CMR 22.00: Drinking Water and/or the local water purveyor, as applicable, govern backflow protection requirements. Fire Sprinkler requirements are found in Chapter 3.
P3001.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
P3001.1 Scope. For municipal sewage disposal see 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code and for private sewage disposal see310 CMR 15.00: The State Environmental Code, Title 5: Standard Requirements for the Siting, Construction, Inspection, Upgrade and Expansion of On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems and for the Transport and Disposal of Septage.
P3101.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
P3101.1 General. For vent requirements see the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR.
P3201.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
P3201.1 General. For trap requirements see 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code.
P3301.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
P3301.1 Scope. For storm drainage requirements see the applicable requirements of:
1. 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code,
2. Division of Water Pollution Control regulations at 314 CMR, and
3. Local municipal requirements.
E3401.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
E3401.1 Applicability. Retain the subsections listed in Table 3401.1. For all other requirements of this chapter see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amenrments).

TABLE 3401.1

E3402.1 Drilling and notching

3402.3 Penetrations of firestops and draftstops.

E3402.2 Penetrations of fire-resistance-rated assemblies

E3501.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
E3501.1 Scope. For electrical definitions see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
E3601.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
E3601.1 Scope. For electrical services see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
E3701.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
E3701.1 Scope. For branch circuit and feeder requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
E3801.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
E3801.1 Scope. Retain the table or subsections listed in Table 3801.1. For all other requirements of this chapter see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).

TABLE 3801.1

E3802.2.1 Across structural members

Table E3802.1: (Subjects which pertain to framing or protection).

E3802.2.2 Cable installed through or parallel to framing members

E3901.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
E3901.1 General. For power and lighting distribution requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
4000 Add section:
4000 Scope. For devices and luminaires requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
E4101.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
E4101.1 General. For appliance installation requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
E4201.1 At the end of this subsection add two sentences as follows:

For electrical requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments). For pool barrier and other pool safety requirements, see Appendix G.

E4301.1 Replace all subsections of this chapter as follows:
E4301.1 Scope. For Class 2 remote-control, signaling and power-limited circuit requirements see 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
CHAPTER 44 Add standards as follows:

NFPA 13R-07 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height.

NFPA 720-09 Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning Equipment


A.0 Add section:
A.0 General. Delete all sections of this Appendix and for requirements see the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR.


B.0 Add section:
B.0 General. Delete all sections of this Appendix and for requirements see the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR.


C.0 Add section:
C.0 General. Exit terminals of gas-fired mechanical draft and direct-vent venting systems shall conform to the applicable requirements of the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR.

Exit terminals of oil-fired mechanical draft and direct-vent venting systems shall conform to the applicable requirements of 527 CMR 4.00: Oil Burning Equipment or, in the absence of such guidance, shall conform to the criteria of Figure C-1, or the equipment manufacturer's requirements, whichever are more stringent.

Exit terminals of solid fuel-burning mechanical draft and direct-vent venting systems shall conform to the applicable requirements of Figure C-1, or the equipment manufacturer's requirements, whichever are more stringent.



AE101.1 Add a note as follows:

Note. Construction, installation, addition, repair or maintenance of building systems that fall under that authority of the specialized codes shall be overridden by and shall conform to applicable specialized code(s) requirements.

AE102.2 Replace subsections 1., 2., and 3. as follows:
1. Be designed and constructed in conformance with this code and the applicable specialized codes.

AE301 to AE304 Replace as follows:

AE301.1 Permits and Fees. For permit requirements see Chapter 1. Refer to local municipality for permit fees.
AE305 Replace as follows:
AE305.1 General. For inspection requirements see Chapter 1.
AE507.1 Replace as follows:
AE507.1 General. Alterations made to a manufactured home subsequent to its initial installation shall conform to the occupancy, fire-safety and energy conservation requirements of this code.

Appendix F: PASSIVE RADON GAS CONTROLS (Adopted as revised)

AF101.1 Revise the section as follows:
AF101.1 General. This appendix contains minimum requirements for new construction in the high radon potential counties as listed in Table AF101(1) regardless of the radon levels at the site. These requirements are intended to provide a passive means of resisting radon gas entry and prepare the dwelling for post-construction radon mitigation, if necessary. See Figure AF102. Active construction techniques, rather than passive techniques, shall be permitted to be used where approved.

Alternatively, the passive system requirements of ANSI/AARST Standard Designation #CCAH: Reducing Radon in New Construction of One & Two Family Dwellings and Townhouses, 2013 may be used for new construction in Zone 1, or approved equal system.

Irrespective of which approach is used, no testing is required as follows:

1. for the radon levels at the site prior to construction;
2. for the radon control system when completed; or
3. in the building after completion of the project.

Therefore, such testing shall not be a condition of issuing a certificate of occupancy.

AF102.1 Revise the definition of "GAS-PERMEABLE LAYER" as follows:

GAS-PERMEABLE LAYER. A gas-permeable layer shall consist of one of the following:

1. A uniform layer of clean aggregate that is not less than four inches (102 mm) thick. The aggregate shall consist of material that will pass through a two inch (51 mm) sieve and be retained by a ¼-inch (6.4-mm) sieve.
2. A uniform layer of sand (native or fill) that is not less than four inches (102 mm) thick and that is overlain by a soil gas collection mat or soil gas matting installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The soil gas mat or matting shall be designed for this purpose and condition, and have the capacity to freely transport soil gases to the collection point from the most remote area.
AF103.2.2 Revise the subsection as follows:
AF103.2.2 Sumps. Sumps open to soil or serving as the termination point for subslab drain tile loops shall be covered with a gasketed or sealed lid. Sumps used as the suction point in a sub slab depressurization system shall have a lid designed to accommodate the vent pipe. Sumps used as a floor drain shall have a lid equipped with a trapped inlet. Drainage systems that lead outside the foundation walls shall be isolated or trapped so as not to short-circuit the depressurization system.
AF103.3.1 Revise the subsection as follows:
AF103.3.1 Soil-gas-retarder. The soil in basements and enclosed crawl spaces shall be covered with a soil-gas-retarder. The soil-gas-retarder shall be lapped not less than 12 inches (305 mm) at joints and shall extend to foundation walls enclosing the basement or crawl space. The soil gas-retarder shall fit closely around any pipe, wire or other penetrations of the material. Punctures or tears in the material shall be sealed or covered with additional sheeting. The membrane shall extend upward six inches and shall be sealed to the perimeter footing or wall with an ASTM C290 class 25 or higher sealant or equal.
AF103.3.2 Revise the subsection as follows:
AF103.3.2 "T" Fitting and Vent Pipe. A "T" fitting shall be inserted beneath the soil-gas-retarder and be connected to a three-inch minimum vertical vent pipe. The vent pipe shall extend through the conditioned space of the dwelling and terminate not less than 12 inches (305 mm) above the roof in a location not less than ten feet (3,048 mm) away from any window or other opening into the conditioned spaces of the building that is less than two feet (610 mm) below the exhaust point. The horizontal legs of the "T" fitting shall connect to two five-foot long pieces of four-inch diameter perforated pipe laid horizontally in a 50 in2 bed of gravel, filled with the same gravel as used in the gas-permeable layer.
AF103.4.2 Revise the subsection as follows:
AF103.4.2 Soil-gas-retarder. A soil-gas-retarder shall be placed on top of the gas-permeable layer prior to casting the slab or placing the floor assembly. The soil-gas retarder shall cover the entire floor area with separate sections lapped not less than 12 inches (305 mm) and shall extend upward six inches and be sealed to the wall with an ASTM C290 class 25 or higher sealant or equal. The soil-gas-retarder shall fit closely around any pipe, wire, or other penetrations of the material. Punctures or tears in the material shall be sealed or covered. Under-slab insulation, if used, shall be placed on top of the sheeting.
AF103.4.3 Revise the subsection as follows:
AF103.4.3 "T" Fitting and Vent Pipe. Before a slab is cast or other floor system is installed, a "T" fitting shall be inserted below the slab or other floor system and the soil-gas-retarder. The "T" fitting shall be connected to a three-inch minimum vertical vent pipe. The vent pipe shall extend through the conditioned space of the dwelling and terminate not less than 12 inches (305 mm) above the roof in a location not less than ten feet (3,048 mm) away from any window or other opening into the conditioned spaces of the building that is less than two feet (610 mm) below the exhaust point. The horizontal legs of the "T" fitting shall connect to two five-foot long pieces of four-inch diameter perforated pipe laid horizontally in a 50 in2 bed of gravel, filled with the same gravel as used in the gas-permeable layer.


Appendix H: PATIO COVERS (Adopted in full)

Appendix I: PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL (Adopted as modified herein)

AI101.1 Revise the section as follows:
AI101.1 Scope. Private sewage disposal systems shall conform to the requirements of 310 CMR 15.000: The State Environmental Code, Title 5: Standard Requirements for the Siting, Construction, Inspection, Upgrade and Expansion of On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems and for the Transport and Disposal of Septage, and any additional legal restrictions imposed by the municipal health department.

Appendix J: EXISTING BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES (Adopted as modified herein)

AJ101.1 Revise the section as follows:
AJ101.1 General. The purpose of Appendix J is to encourage the continued use or reuse of legally existing buildings and structures. The provisions of Appendix J are intended to permit work in existing buildings that is consistent with the purpose of 780 CMR 51.00. Compliance with these provisions shall be deemed to meet the requirements of 780 CMR 51.00.

Features of existing construction which do not meet the requirements of 780 CMR 51.00 for new construction shall be presumed to have met the regulations, codes or laws in effect at the time of construction or alteration and, if so, shall be deemed to be existing nonconforming. Unless stated otherwise, nothing in Appendix J shall require the upgrading or replacement of any existing nonconforming feature or component of an existing building, provided the feature, component or system is in serviceable condition. Components or features of an existing building which, in the opinion of the building official, are dangerous, unsafe, damaged, significantly deteriorated or which otherwise present a threat to occupants or to public safety shall be remediated in accordance with 780 CMR 51.00.

Any new building system or portion thereof shall conform to 780 CMR 51.00 for new construction to the fullest extent practicable. However, individual components of an existing building system may be repaired or replaced without requiring that system to comply fully with 780 CMR 51.00 unless specifically required by Appendix J.

For compliance of work governed by other codes, including the specialized codes, see section R101.4.

AJ101.1.1 Buildings Which Qualify. A building erected prior to the date of adoption of the appropriate code, or one for which a legal building permit has been issued.

Note. Existing townhouse buildings regulated by this code shall also conform to the seismic requirements of this code.

AJ102.1 Replace the phrase "mechanical or plumbing system" with "system controlled by this code"
AJ102.3 Replace as follows:
AJ102.3 Smoke, Heat, Carbon Monoxide Detection and Alarm Systems. When one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing dwellings, the entire existing dwelling shall be provided with smoke detectors, heat detector and carbon monoxide detectors designed, located and installed in accordance with the provisions for new construction, as applicable. If a garage is created under an existing dwelling or attached to an existing dwelling, a heat detector, conforming to the requirements of the code for new construction shall be installed in the garage; such requirement is not applicable for detached garages (see Chapter 3).

If the dwelling undergoes complete reconstruction such that all walls and ceilings are open to framing, then the entire existing building shall be provided with smoke detectors, heat detector and carbon monoxide detectors designed, located and installed in accordance with the provisions for new construction.

In an existing two-family dwelling, if one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in only one of the two dwelling units, the dwelling unit acquiring new sleeping rooms shall be provided with smoke detectors, heat detector and carbon monoxide detectors, as applicable, designed, located and installed in accordance with the provisions for new construction.

In an existing two-family dwelling, if, during a repair/reconstruction event, one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in both of the two dwelling units, the entire building shall be provided with smoke detectors, heat detector and carbon monoxide detectors, as applicable, designed, located and installed in accordance with the provisions for new construction for two-family dwellings.

Note 1. It is the intention of this code to require that all required smoke alarms and required CO alarms be interconnected by hard-wire methods or acceptable wireless methods per the interconnection requirements of NFPA 72; additionally, required heat detectors are either to activate sounders or be compatible with the smoke alarm system so that heat activation of the heat detector operates a sounder or the smoke alarms of all interconnected smoke alarms sound if heat is detected by the interconnected heat detector. Where combination smoke/CO alarms are utilized, such are to be interconnected and fire alarm signals have precedence over CO alarm in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 720.

Note 2. CO detector requirements for existing R-uses are also governed by 527 CMR 31.00: Carbon Monoxide Alarms and the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters at 248 CMR.

AJ102.7.1 Add subsection:
AJ102.7.1 Documentation of Compliance Alternatives. The building official shall ensure that the BBRS is provided with information regarding the compliance alternatives accepted by the building official.
AJ102.10 Add subsection:
AJ102.10 Unlined Chimneys. Where new HVAC appliances are connected to an unlined chimney, the chimney lining requirements of the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters regulations at 248 CMR or the Board of Fire Prevention regulations at 527 CMR, as applicable, and those of the appliance manufacturer shall be satisfied. If the appliance is a solid fuel-burning appliance, the chimney shall be relined to satisfy requirements both of the code for new construction and those of the manufacturer, as applicable.
AJ102.11 Add subsection:
AJ102.11 Latent Conditions. When latent conditions are observed and which are determined by the licensed construction supervisor, the owner or the building official to be dangerous or unsafe, or when a component or system is determined to be unserviceable, said conditions shall be corrected in accordance with applicable provisions of this code. A building permit shall be obtained or the building permit shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of Section R105 in order to reflect the necessary required work and the approval shall be obtained from the building official prior to commencement of the corrections.

Exception. If the public safety so warrants, the building permittable corrective actions are permitted to be made prior to amending the building permit application, providing that the building official is notified in writing within 24 hours of actions taken pursuant to this exception. This exception shall not be construed as to authorize constructive approval nor set aside the requirements to amend the permit application, nor shall the authority of the building official to enforce this code be abridged. Such corrective actions shall be documented by the construction supervisor or the owner and submitted to the building official within 48 hours of the completion of the action under this exception. Such corrective work shall not be concealed until the building official has inspected and approved the work.

AJ102.12 Add subsection:
AJ102.12 Existing non Conforming Means of Egress. The following conditions, when observed by the building official, and believed shall be cited, in writing as a violation. Said citation shall order the abatement of the non conformance and shall include such a time element as the building official deems necessary for the protection of the occupants thereof, or as otherwise provided for by statute.
1. Less than the number of means of egress serving every space and/or story, required by this code.
2. Any required means of egress component which is not of sufficient width to comply with the code for new construction, or is not so arranged as to provide safe and adequate means of egress.
AJ102.13 Add subsection:
AJ102.13 Hazardous Means of Egress. In any existing building or structure not provided with exit facilities as herein prescribed for new buildings and in which the exits are deemed hazardous or dangerous to life and limb, the building official shall declare such building dangerous and unsafe in accordance with the provisions of Section R115.1.
AJ102.14 Add subsection:
AJ102.14 Roofing and Reroofing. See Chapter 9 generally and Section R907.
AJ102.15 Add subsection:
AJ102.15 Additions. New construction additions shall comply with all requirements of the code for new construction.
AJ102.16 Add subsection:
AJ102.16 Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities. Accessibility requirements shall be in accordance with 521 CMR.
AJ301.1. Replace "designee shall" with "legal designee may"
AJ301.1.2 Delete.
AJ301.2 Delete.
AJ301.4 Delete.
AJ401.2.1 Add subsection:
AJ401.2.1 Emergency Egress Windows. For one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses of no more than three stories in height, all emergency escape windows from sleeping rooms shall have a net clear opening of 3.3 square feet (0.307 m2). The minimum net clear opening shall be 20 inches by 24 inches (508 mm by 610 mm) in either direction except that windows in sleeping rooms of existing dwellings which do not conform to these requirements may be replaced without conforming to these dimensional requirements, provided that the windows do not significantly reduce the existing opening size.

Exception. Replacement windows utilized as emergency egress windows, other than double-hung windows, shall generally conform to the requirements of this section without conforming to the cited dimensional requirements, provided that such replacement windows do not significantly reduce the existing opening size.

AJ401.4 Replace as follows:
AJ401.4 Structural. Unreinforced masonry townhouse buildings shall have parapet bracing and wall anchors installed at the roofline whenever a reroofing permit is issued if required by 780 CMR 34.00: Existing Structures. Such parapet bracing and wall anchors shall be of an approved design. Where renovations may decrease the structural performance of the existing building, such proposed activities shall be evaluated by a registered design professional for adequacy, prior to such actual structural renovation.
AJ501.4 Revise the subsection as follows:
AJ501.4 Structural. The minimum design loads for the structure shall be the loads applicable at the time the building was constructed, provided that a dangerous condition is not created. Structural elements that are uncovered during the course of the alteration and that are found to be unsound or dangerous shall be made to comply with the applicable requirements of 780 CMR 51.00. Where alterations may decrease the structural performance of the existing building, such proposed activities shall be evaluated by a registered design professional for adequacy, prior to such actual structural alterations.
AJ501.5 Revise the subsection as follows:
AJ501.5 Electrical Equipment and Wiring. See 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments).
AJ601.5 Add a subsection as follows:
AJ601.5 Structural. Where reconstruction may decrease the structural performance of the existing building, such proposed activities shall be evaluated by a registered design professional for adequacy, prior to such actual structural reconstruction.
AJ701 Add a section as follows:
AJ701.1 General. For historic building requirements, see780 CMR 34.00: Existing Building Code.

Appendix K: SOUND TRANSMISSION (Adopted in full)

Appendix L: PERMIT FEES (see 801 CMR 4.00: Rates, as applicable) (Reserved)

Appendix M: HOME DAY CARE - R-3 OCCUPANCY (Reserved)

Appendix N: VENTING METHODS (Reserved)

Appendix O: AUTOMATIC VEHICULAR GATES (Adopted in full)


Appendix Q (Reserved)





Delete Appendix U

Delete IECC Appendix RA and replace with Appendix RA as follows:


AU101.1 General. These provisions shall be applicable for new construction, except additions.


Solar-ready Zone. A section or sections of the roof or building overhang designated and reserved for the future installation of a solar photovoltaic or solar thermal system.


RA103.1 General. New detached one- and two-family dwellings, and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) with not less than 600 ft2 (55.74 m2) of roof area oriented between 110° and 270° of true north shall comply with sections RA103.2 through RA103.8.


1. New residential buildings with a permanently installed on-site renewable energy system.
2. A building with a solar-ready zone that is shaded for more than 70% of daylight hours annually.
3. Buildings and structures as designed and shown in construction documents that do not meet the conditions for a solar-ready zone area.x
RA103.2 Construction Document Requirements for Solar-ready Zone. Construction documents shall indicate the solar-ready zone where applicable.
RA103.3 Solar-ready Zone Area. The total solar-ready zone area shall consist of an area not less than 300 ft2 (27.87 m2) exclusive of mandatory access or set back areas as required by 527 CMR: Board of Fire Prevention Regulations. New multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) three stories or less in height above grade plane and with a total floor area less than or equal to 2,000 ft2 (185.8 m2) per dwelling shall have a solar-ready zone area of not less than 150 ft2 (13.94 m2). The solar-ready zone shall be composed of areas not less than five feet (1,524 mm) in width and not less than 80 ft2 (7.44 m2) exclusive of access or set back areas as required by 527 CMR.
RA103.4 Obstructions. Solar-ready zones shall consist of an area free from obstructions including, but not limited to, vents, chimneys, and roof-mounted equipment.

Note: Nothing in RA103.4 shall require any construction documents to be redesigned or reconfigured so as to create a solar-ready zone area.

RA103.5 Roof Load Documentation. The structural design loads for roof dead load and roof live load shall be clearly indicated on the construction documents.
RA103.6 Interconnection Pathway. Construction documents shall indicate pathways for routing of conduit or plumbing from the solar-ready zone to the electrical service panel or service hot water system.
RA103.7 Reserved.
RA103.8 Construction Documentation Certificate. A permanent certificate, indicating the solar-ready zone and other requirements of this section, shall be posted near the electrical distribution panel, water heater or other conspicuous location by the builder or registered design professional.


AA101 Purpose and Adoption. The purpose of the stretch energy code is to provide a more energy efficient code alternative for new buildings. The stretch energy code may be adopted or rescinded by any municipality in the commonwealth in the manner prescribed by law.
AA102 Applicability. Municipalities that have adopted the stretch energy code shall use the energy efficiency requirements of this appendix as provided in AA103 and AA104. These requirements replace all previous stretch energy code requirements.
AA103 New Buildings.
AA103.1 R-use Buildings. In all R-use buildings, of four stories or less above grade plane with one or more dwelling units, each dwelling unit shall comply with IECC 2018 section R406 of 780 CMR 51.00 and all mandatory requirements of 780 CMR 13.00: Energy Efficiency and 51.00, as applicable.
AA103.2 Large Area and High Energy Use Buildings. All buildings over 100,000 ft2, and new supermarkets, laboratories and conditioned warehouses over 40,000 ft2 shall comply with 780 CMR 13.00: Energy Efficiency and shall demonstrate energy use per ft2 at least 10% below the energy requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 Appendix G Performance Rating Method on either a site or source energy basis. The additional efficiency package options selected in accordance with C406.1 shall be included in calculating the baseline building performance value.

Exception: Exclusively R-use buildings complying with AA103.1 dwelling unit requirements.

AA103.3 Other New Buildings. New buildings not covered in AA103.1 and AA103.2 shall comply with 780 CMR 13.00: Energy Efficiency or Chapter 11 of 780 CMR 51.00 as applicable based on the use and occupancy of the building.
AA104 Existing Buildings. For alterations, renovations, additions or repairs of existing buildings in these municipalities, the energy efficiency requirements of 780 CMR 13.00: Energy Efficiency or Chapter 11 of 780 CMR 51.00 shall be used as applicable based on the use and occupancy of the building.


780 CMR, § 5101.1
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1410, eff. 2/7/2020.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.