807 CMR 2.02 - Notice of Election and Eligibility

(1) On or before August 1st of an election year, which shall occur every four years, the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement Board will notify active and retired members of their eligibility to run for the elected member seats via publication of the notice of the upcoming election on the MTRS's website, and, as available, via other electronic and traditional means, including broadcast e-mails directly to employers, members and constituent groups; and, newsletters. The notice shall specify how, where, and when nomination papers can be obtained. Each retired member will receive a notice of election, on or before August 1st of an election year by email if available or by mailing such notice to the most current address on file.
(2) Members in service (as defined in M.G.L. c. 32, ยง 3) as of August 1st of an election year or members retired from service shall be eligible for nomination as a candidate to fill either of the two elected positions on the Board upon submission of nomination papers as provided by the Board, containing the valid signatures of at least 100 active or retired members.
(3) All nominees who have qualified as candidates for election will be notified of the same and will be invited to submit a brief biographical sketch of 100 words or fewer to be distributed to eligible voters as part of the election information packet. The Board shall establish a deadline for the submission of each nominee's biographical sketch. Any biographical sketch received after the deadline and any portion of a biographical sketch which exceeds 100 words will not be distributed.


807 CMR 2.02
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1296, eff. 6/19/2015. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1499, eff. 7/7/2023.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.