946 CMR 5.11 - General Traffic Rules for Driving at Devens

No vehicle shall be operated in Devens if such vehicle is so constructed, equipped, or loaded as to endanger or to be likely to endanger persons or property.

(1) The Police or any authorized representative of the Agency may remove from any street, highway or way, driveway which is disabled, abandoned, parked in violation of 946 CMR 5.07, or which presents an operational problem on such areas and store said vehicle at the operator's or the owner's expense and without liability for damage which may result in the course of such moving.
(2) Notwithstanding where traffic signals may indicate that vehicles may proceed, the operator of a vehicle shall yield to any pedestrian crossing the roadway within the roadway within a marked crosswalk and further, an operator shall not pass any other vehicle which has slowed or stopped to permit a pedestrian to cross at a marked crosswalk.
(3) The operator of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or garage shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or on to the sidewalk area extending across the alleyway or driveway or if there is no sidewalk or sidewalk area then before entering a street, highway or way.


946 CMR 5.11

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.