950 CMR 105.04 - Articles of Organization

One or more individuals each of whom is licensed to perform a professional service may organize a professional corporation by filing Articles of Organization with the Division. The clerks of the Division in their examination of the Articles of Organization have been directed to ascertain that the requirements of M.G.L. c. 156B (See 950 CMR 105.03 ) are met and also that the Articles contain the following additional information:

(a) The name of every professional corporation shall end with the word or words "Professional Corporation," "Corporation," or "Incorporated," or the abbreviation "P.C.," "Corp.," or "Inc.;" provided that a regulating board may adopt further requirements;
(b) The professional service to be rendered;
(c) The names and residence addresses of all of the original shareholders, directors, and officers of the corporation; and
(d) A certificate by the appropriate regulating board that each of the incorporators, the president and any vice presidents, a majority of the directors and each shareholder is duly licensed to render a professional service permitted by the Articles of Organization.


950 CMR 105.04

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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