995 CMR 4.16 - Commissions

(1) Each Commission shall clearly state the full name, date of birth and current address of the individual holder of such Commission. The type of Commission issued (Full Branch, Warrant or Transit Pilot), any and all restriction on the pilotage services which limit the holder for performing, the date of issuance and date of expiration of said Commission.
(2) Each Commission shall be signed by the Commissioner and his or her seal shall be affixed.
(3) Each Commission shall be valid for five years from the date of issuance and shall therefore be renewable by the Commissioner on each fifth year anniversary date for an additional five year period provided that the individual holding said Commission has satisfactorily provided continuous services on that Commission.
(4) During each five years of the Commission, the individual holding such Commission shall have completed refresher training in the following areas:
(a) Bridge Resource Management for Pilots (BRM-P);
(b) Shiphandling Refresher Training (simulator based or manned-models);
(c) Radar Observer (Unlimited) Renewal; and
(d) Any other course the Commissioner believes technology has developed and training is needed.


995 CMR 4.16

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.