105 CMR, 105 CMR 430.000 - Minimum Standards for Recreational Camps for Children (State Sanitary Code, Chapter IV)

  1. § 430.001 - Purpose
  2. § 430.010 - Scope
  3. § 430.020 - Definitions
  4. § 430.050 - License Required
  5. § 430.090 - Background Information
  6. § 430.091 - Orientation and Training
  7. § 430.093 - Prevention of Abuse and Neglect
  8. § 430.100 - Camp Counselor and Junior Counselor Requirements
  9. § 430.101 - Required Ratio of Counselors to Campers
  10. § 430.102 - Camp Director Requirements
  11. § 430.103 - Supervision and Operation of Specialized High Risk Activities
  12. § 430.140 - Medical Waste
  13. § 430.145 - Maintenance of Records
  14. § 430.150 - Health Records
  15. § 430.151 - Physical Examinations by Physician and Certificate of Immunization
  16. § 430.152 - Required Immunizations
  17. § 430.153 - Physical Examination or Immunization Exemptions
  18. § 430.154 - Injury and Incident Reports
  19. § 430.155 - Medical Log
  20. § 430.156 - Availability of Health Records and Logs
  21. § 430.157 - Communicable Disease Reporting and Parental Education Requirements
  22. § 430.159 - Health Care Staff to be Provided
  23. § 430.160 - Storage and Administration of Medication
  24. § 430.161 - Emergency/Medical Facilities and Equipment
  25. § 430.162 - Personal Hygiene and Laundry
  26. § 430.163 - Protection from the Sun
  27. § 430.165 - Tobacco Use
  28. § 430.166 - Alcohol and Recreational Marijuana Use
  29. § 430.190 - General Program Requirements
  30. § 430.191 - Requirements for Discipline
  31. § 430.201 - Riflery Program Requirements
  32. § 430.202 - Archery Program Requirements
  33. § 430.203 - Personal Weapons Restricted
  34. § 430.204 - Waterfront and Boating Program Requirements
  35. § 430.205 - Crafts Equipment
  36. § 430.206 - Playground, Athletic Equipment and Facilities Requirements
  37. § 430.207 - Storage and Operation of Power Equipment
  38. § 430.208 - Horseback Riding Program Requirements
  39. § 430.209 - Telephones Required
  40. § 430.210 - Plans Required to Deal with Natural Disasters or Other Emergencies (Residential and Day Camps)
  41. § 430.211 - Special Contingency Plans for Day Camps
  42. § 430.212 - Field Trips
  43. § 430.213 - Emergency Communication System Required
  44. § 430.214 - Storage of Hazardous Materials
  45. § 430.215 - Fire Prevention
  46. § 430.216 - Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Required
  47. § 430.217 - Requirements for Tents
  48. § 430.250 - Vehicle Requirements
  49. § 430.251 - Transportation Safety
  50. § 430.252 - Qualifications of Driver
  51. § 430.253 - Automobile Insurance
  52. § 430.300 - Potable Water Required
  53. § 430.301 - Installation and Maintenance of Plumbing
  54. § 430.302 - Cross Connections Prohibited
  55. § 430.304 - Common Drinking Cup Prohibited
  56. § 430.320 - Food Service - Compliance with 105 CMR 590.000: State Sanitary Code, Chapter X - Minimum Sanitation Standards for Food Establishments, Required
  57. § 430.321 - Special Provisions for Primitive, Travel and Trip Camps
  58. § 430.330 - Nutritious Meals to Be Served
  59. § 430.331 - Minimum Daily Food Requirements for Residential, Travel or Trip Camps
  60. § 430.332 - Minimum Daily Food Requirements for Day Camps
  61. § 430.333 - Therapeutic Diets
  62. § 430.334 - Feeding
  63. § 430.335 - Meals Provided from Home
  64. § 430.350 - Facilities for Solid Waste Storage
  65. § 430.355 - Final Disposal of Solid Wastes
  66. § 430.360 - Sewage Disposal
  67. § 430.370 - Toilet Facilities Required
  68. § 430.371 - Urinals May Be Substituted
  69. § 430.372 - Hygiene Supplies at Toilet and Handwashing Facilities
  70. § 430.373 - Handwashing Facilities
  71. § 430.374 - Bathing Facilities
  72. § 430.375 - Ventilation Required
  73. § 430.376 - Hot Water Temperatures
  74. § 430.377 - Maintenance of Sanitary Facilities
  75. § 430.378 - Toilet Facilities for Campers with Special Needs
  76. § 430.379 - Handwash Facilities for Campers with Special Needs
  77. § 430.380 - Shower Facilities for Campers with Special Needs
  78. § 430.400 - Rodent and Insect Control - Residential and Day Camps
  79. § 430.401 - Weed Control - Residential and Day Camps
  80. § 430.430 - Swimming Pools - Compliance with 105 CMR 435.000: Minimum Standards for Swimming Pools (State Sanitary Code, Chapter V), Required
  81. § 430.432 - Bathing Beaches - Compliance with 105 CMR 445.000: Minimum Standards for Bathing Beaches (State Sanitary Code, Chapter VII), Required
  82. § 430.450 - Site Location
  83. § 430.451 - Certificate of Inspection Required
  84. § 430.452 - Screening Required
  85. § 430.453 - Lighting Required
  86. § 430.454 - Structural and Interior Maintenance
  87. § 430.456 - Egresses
  88. § 430.457 - Shelters for Day Camps
  89. § 430.458 - Shelters for Residential Camps
  90. § 430.459 - Non-ambulatory Campers
  91. § 430.470 - Separate Beds to Be Furnished
  92. § 430.471 - Sleeping Prohibited in Food Areas
  93. § 430.472 - All Bedding and Towels to Be Cleaned
  94. § 430.631 - Application for a License
  95. § 430.632 - Board of Health Shall Grant, Suspend or Revoke License; Annual Notification
  96. § 430.633 - Posting of License
  97. § 430.650 - Inspections Required
  98. § 430.651 - Inspection Report Forms
  99. § 430.700 - Orders to Correct Violations
  100. § 430.701 - Violation Which May Endanger or Materially Impair the Health, Safety or Well-Being of the Public
  101. § 430.702 - Contents of Order
  102. § 430.703 - Service of Orders
  103. § 430.730 - Request for Hearing
  104. § 430.731 - Hearing to Be Held
  105. § 430.732 - Decision of Board of Health
  106. § 430.733 - Public Record
  107. § 430.734 - Appeal of the Board of Health Decision
  108. § 430.735 - Compliance
  109. § 430.750 - Operation without License
  110. § 430.751 - Failure to Comply with Order of the Board of Health
  111. § 430.752 - Failure to Comply with Provisions of 105 CMR 430.000
  112. § 430.800 - Board of Health May Grant Variance
  113. § 430.830 - Severability


105 CMR, 105 CMR 430.000
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1361, eff. 3/23/2018. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1363, eff. 3/23/2018. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1516, eff. 3/1/2024.


105 CMR 430.000: M.G.L. c. 111, §§ 3 and 127A.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.