121 CMR, 121 CMR 2.000 - Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program

  1. § 2.050 - The Office for Refugees and Immigrants: Purpose and Authority
  2. § 2.100 - Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program
  3. § 2.110 - Administration and Overview of the Massachusetts Refugee Resettlement Program
  4. § 2.120 - Basic Requirements
  5. § 2.130 - Definitions
  6. § 2.200 - Rights of Refugees
  7. § 2.210 - Right to Non-discrimination and Equal Treatment
  8. § 2.220 - Right to Confidentiality
  9. § 2.230 - Right to Information
  10. § 2.240 - Right to a Fair Hearing
  11. § 2.250 - Right to Representation
  12. § 2.260 - Right to Linguistically Appropriate Services
  13. § 2.300 - Responsibilities of Refugees
  14. § 2.310 - Responsibility for Providing Verification
  15. § 2.320 - Responsibility for Notification of Changes
  16. § 2.330 - Responsibility for Furnishing Information
  17. § 2.340 - Responsibility for Cooperating in the Eligibility Determination Process
  18. § 2.400 - Non-financial Eligibility Requirements and Disqualifying Factors for MRRP
  19. § 2.410 - Residence
  20. § 2.420 - Refugee Status
  21. § 2.425 - Date of Entry by Immigration Status
  22. § 2.430 - Time-limited Eligibility
  23. § 2.440 - Participation in Employment Services
  24. § 2.450 - Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Eligibility
  25. § 2.460 - Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) Eligibility
  26. § 2.470 - Medicaid Eligibility (Referred to as MassHealth in Massachusetts)
  27. § 2.480 - Student in Institution of Higher Education
  28. § 2.490 - Unaccompanied Refugee Minor
  29. § 2.500 - Financial Eligibility Requirements and Grant Amount for Refugee Cash Assistance
  30. § 2.505 - Determination of Financial Eligibility and Refugee Cash Assistance
  31. § 2.510 - Assistance Unit
  32. § 2.515 - Filing Unit
  33. § 2.520 - Income in General
  34. § 2.525 - Types of Countable Income
  35. § 2.530 - Non-countable Income
  36. § 2.535 - Deductions from Earned Income
  37. § 2.540 - Verification and Determination of Income
  38. § 2.545 - Failure To Cooperate
  39. § 2.550 - Determination of Financial Eligibility and Calculation of the Grant Amount
  40. § 2.555 - Standard of Assistance Table
  41. § 2.560 - Guide for Income-in-kind
  42. § 2.565 - Frequency of Grant Payments
  43. § 2.600 - Determination of Initial and Continuing Eligibility
  44. § 2.605 - Assignment of Case Management Providers
  45. § 2.610 - The Application
  46. § 2.615 - Filing of Application
  47. § 2.620 - Application Activities
  48. § 2.625 - Methods of Verification
  49. § 2.630 - Concluding the Application Process
  50. § 2.635 - Dates Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance Begin
  51. § 2.640 - Reapplication
  52. § 2.645 - Case Review
  53. § 2.650 - Frequency of Verification
  54. § 2.655 - End of Time-eligibility Period
  55. § 2.660 - Notice
  56. § 2.665 - Notification of the Right to Request a Hearing
  57. § 2.670 - Time Limits for Requesting a Hearing
  58. § 2.675 - Continuation of Benefits Pending Appeal
  59. § 2.700 - Employment Services
  60. § 2.705 - Pre- and Post-employment Services
  61. § 2.710 - Support Services
  62. § 2.711 - Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance
  63. § 2.712 - Early Employment Retention Bonus
  64. § 2.715 - Participation in Employment Services
  65. § 2.720 - Participation Requirements
  66. § 2.725 - Exemptions from Participation
  67. § 2.730 - Good Cause for Failure to Cooperate, Failure to Participate in Employment Services or Terminating or Refusing Employment
  68. § 2.800 - Noncompliance
  69. § 2.805 - Conciliation
  70. § 2.810 - Sanctions
  71. § 2.815 - Written Procedures


121 CMR, 121 CMR 2.000
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1328, eff. 12/16/2016.


121 CMR 2.000: M .G.L. c. 6, §§ 206 and 207; c. 30A; 8 USC 1521, 1522(e)(7); 45 CFR 205.10, 400.23 and 400.83.

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