322 CMR, 322 CMR 6.00 - Regulation of Catches

  1. § 6.01 - Future Regulation of Lobsters or Finfish (Reserved)
  2. § 6.02 - Lobster Conservation and Management
  3. § 6.03 - Regulated Multi-species Groundfish
  4. § 6.04 - Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
  5. § 6.05 - Atlantic Sea Scallop (Placopecten Magellanicus) Management
  6. § 6.06 - Atlantic Salmon Restoration
  7. § 6.07 - Striped Bass Fishery (Morone Saxatalis)
  8. § 6.08 - Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fisheries
  9. § 6.09 - Regulation of Catches (Reserved)
  10. § 6.10 - Management of the Asiatic Freshwater Clam (Corbicula Fluminea)
  11. § 6.11 - Bay Scallops Harvest Criteria
  12. § 6.12 - Fish Pot Fishery Restrictions
  13. § 6.13 - Lobster Trap Limit in the Coastal Waters of the Commonwealth
  14. § 6.14 - Lobster Car Restrictions
  15. § 6.15 - Further Regulation of Catches (Reserved)
  16. § 6.16 - Atlantic Sturgeon Prohibition
  17. § 6.17 - Shad and River Herring
  18. § 6.18 - Bluefish Limits
  19. § 6.19 - Edible Crab Management
  20. § 6.20 - Quahogs, Soft Shelled Clams and Oysters
  21. § 6.21 - Whelk Conservation and Management
  22. § 6.22 - Summer Flounder (Fluke) Restrictions
  23. § 6.23 - Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus Mordax) Restrictions
  24. § 6.24 - Sea Urchin Management
  25. § 6.25 - Lobster Landing Window
  26. § 6.26 - Bycatch Lobster Landing/Possession Limits
  27. § 6.27 - Scup Fishery Management
  28. § 6.28 - Black Sea Bass Fishery Management
  29. § 6.29 - Acushnet River Estuary Fisheries Closures
  30. § 6.30 - American Eels
  31. § 6.31 - Trap Tags
  32. § 6.32 - Shell-on Lobster Parts
  33. § 6.33 - Lobster Conservation Management Areas
  34. § 6.34 - Horseshoe Crab Management
  35. § 6.35 - Spiny Dogfish Management
  36. § 6.36 - Quahog Dredge Management in State Waters
  37. § 6.37 - Coastal Shark Conservation and Management
  38. § 6.38 - Shellfish Landing Restrictions Necessitated by Marine Biotoxins
  39. § 6.39 - Longfin Squid (Dorytheuthis pealeii) Management
  40. § 6.40 - Tautog Fishery Limits
  41. § 6.41 - The Further Regulation of Possession and Size Limits
  42. § 6.42 - Other Minimum Sizes and Possession Limits
  43. § 6.43 - Atlantic Menhaden Management
  44. § 6.44 - Atlantic Mackerel Management


322 CMR, 322 CMR 6.00
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1296, eff. 9/25/2015. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1309, eff. 3/25/2016. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1324, eff. 10/21/2016. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1336, eff. 4/7/2017. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1363, eff. 4/20/2018. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1391, eff. 5/17/2019. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1405, eff. 11/29/2019. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1416, eff. 5/1/2020. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1445, eff. 6/11/2021. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1469, eff. 5/13/2022. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1487, eff. 1/20/2023. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1491, eff. 1/20/2023. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1500, eff. 7/21/2023. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1520, eff. 4/26/2024.


322 CMR 6.00: M.G.L. c. 130, §§ 2, 17A, 80, 100A and 104.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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