935 CMR, 935 CMR 500.000 - Adult Use of Marijuana

  1. § 500.001 - Purpose
  2. § 500.002 - Definitions
  3. § 500.003 - Colocated Marijuana Operations (CMOs)
  4. § 500.005 - Fees
  5. § 500.029 - Registration and Conduct of Laboratory Agents
  6. § 500.030 - Registration of Marijuana Establishment Agents
  7. § 500.031 - Denial of a Marijuana Establishment Agent Registration Card
  8. § 500.032 - Revocation of a Marijuana Establishment Agent Registration Card
  9. § 500.033 - Void Registration Cards
  10. § 500.040 - Leadership Rating Program for Marijuana Establishments and Marijuana-related Businesses
  11. § 500.050 - Leadership Rating Program for Marijuana Establishments and Marijuana-related Businesses
  12. § 500.100 - Application for Licensing of Marijuana Establishments
  13. § 500.101 - Application Requirements
  14. § 500.102 - Action on Applications
  15. § 500.103 - Licensure and Renewal
  16. § 500.104 - Notification and Approval of Changes
  17. § 500.105 - General Operational Requirements for Marijuana Establishments
  18. § 500.110 - Security Requirements for Marijuana Establishments
  19. § 500.120 - Additional Operational Requirements for Indoor and Outdoor Marijuana Cultivators
  20. § 500.130 - Additional Operational Requirements for Marijuana Product Manufacturers
  21. § 500.140 - Additional Operational Requirements for Retail Sale
  22. § 500.141 - Additional Operational Requirements for Social Consumption Establishments
  23. § 500.145 - Additional Operational Requirements for Delivery of Marijuana, Marijuana Products, Marijuana Accessories, and Marijuana Establishment Branded Goods to Consumers and as Permitted, to Patients or Caregivers
  24. § 500.146 - Additional Operational Requirements for Marijuana Delivery Operators
  25. § 500.147 - Operational Requirements for Marijuana Research Facility Licensees and Research Permits
  26. § 500.150 - Edibles
  27. § 500.160 - Testing of Marijuana and Marijuana Products
  28. § 500.170 - Municipal Requirements
  29. § 500.180 - Host Community Agreement Requirements for License Applicants, Marijuana Establishments, and Host Communities
  30. § 500.181 - Minimum Acceptable Equity Standards Governing Municipalities and Host Communities
  31. § 500.200 - Counties of Dukes County and Nantucket
  32. § 500.300 - Complaints Process
  33. § 500.301 - Inspections and Compliance
  34. § 500.302 - Compliance Examination
  35. § 500.303 - Unannounced Purchase for Purpose of Investigative Testing (Secret Shopper Program)
  36. § 500.310 - Deficiency Statements
  37. § 500.320 - Plans of Correction
  38. § 500.321 - Administrative Hold
  39. § 500.330 - Limitation of Sales
  40. § 500.335 - Removal and Prohibition of Marijuana and Marijuana Products
  41. § 500.340 - Quarantine Order
  42. § 500.350 - Cease and Desist Order and Summary Suspension Order
  43. § 500.360 - Fines and Sanctions
  44. § 500.370 - Order to Show Cause
  45. § 500.400 - Marijuana Establishment: Grounds for Denial of Application for Licensure
  46. § 500.415 - Void Marijuana Establishment License
  47. § 500.450 - Marijuana Establishment License: Grounds for Suspension, Revocation and Denial of Renewal Applications
  48. § 500.500 - Hearings and Appeals of Commission Actions on Licenses
  49. § 500.800 - Suitability Standard for Licensure and Registration
  50. § 500.801 - Suitability Standard for Licensure
  51. § 500.802 - Suitability Standard for Registration as a Marijuana Establishment Agent
  52. § 500.803 - Suitability Standard for Registration as a Laboratory Agent
  53. § 500.820 - Confidentiality
  54. § 500.830 - Petitions for the Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Regulations
  55. § 500.840 - Non-conflict with Other Laws
  56. § 500.850 - Waivers
  57. § 500.860 - Notice
  58. § 500.900 - Severability


935 CMR, 935 CMR 500.000
Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1361, eff. 3/23/2018. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1403, eff. 11/1/2019. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1434, eff. 1/8/2021. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1507, eff. 10/27/2023.


935 CMR 500.000: St. 2016, c. 334, as amended by St. 2017, c. 55, and M.G.L. c. 94G.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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