Mich. Admin. Code R. 285.641.9a - Alternative to diking for large storage tanks

Rule 9a.

(1) A storage facility may install a bladder system in an individual large storage tank instead of a diked containment area, provided all of the provisions in this rule are met.
(2) Before construction and installation, the storage facility shall have written department approval for the proposed large storage tank and bladder system.
(3) A storage facility shall ensure that the bladder system plans are sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Michigan.
(4) A storage facility seeking to install a bladder system into a new large storage tank shall ensure the tank is constructed according to API 650 standards by an authorized inspector.
(5) A storage facility seeking to install a bladder system in an existing large storage tank shall ensure the tank is inspected according to API 653 standards by an authorized inspector with a complete, out-of-service internal and external inspection. The tank shall be modified to meet API 653 standards before installing the bladder system.
(6) Large storage tanks equipped with a bladder system shall be inspected according to API 653 standards by an authorized inspector every 5 years after bladder system installation.
(7) The synthetic liner material used in the bladder system shall comply with the following provisions:
(a) The synthetic liner shall have a minimum thickness of 30-mils (0.8 millimeter).
(b) The synthetic liner shall be chemically compatible with all materials stored within it.
(c) The manufacturer of the liner shall provide written confirmation of liner compatibility and an estimate of the liner life expectancy.
(d) The synthetic liner shall be installed under the supervision of a qualified representative of the manufacturer.
(e) The synthetic liner shall be capable of meeting the stresses of normal operations without disintegrating, delaminating, or otherwise failing.
(8) A storage facility shall comply with the following bladder system installation requirements:
(a) The bladder system shall be installed to allow access to the space between the bladder and storage tank wall.
(b) The bladder system shall include a permeable protective geotextile barrier between the bladder and storage tank wall.
(c) The bladder system shall be installed under the supervision of a qualified representative of the manufacturer. All field seams shall be tested and repaired, if necessary, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
(d) The tank shall be prepared in accordance with the bladder manufacturer's specifications.
(e) Following installation, and before filling, the bladder system shall be thoroughly tested to ensure the system is free of leaks.
(9) A storage facility equipped with a bladder system shall have the bladder inspected within 2 years after the initial installation and, if no failure indications are found, at 5-year intervals thereafter.
(10) The large storage tank and bladder system shall be constructed and equipped with the following devices:
(a) A functioning automatic active liquid level-monitoring device. This overfill protection device shall notify the operator before the bladder is filled beyond its capacity by 1 or both of the following mechanisms:
(i) Automatic pump shut-off.
(ii) Audible alarm.
(b) A continuously working automatic liquid level monitoring and alarm system that will detect leaks from the storage tank.
(c) A leak detection system constructed under the synthetic liner that will detect leaks from the bladder system and allow full recovery of any liquid extracted from the effluent ports.
(11) Appurtenances connected to the large storage tank shall be maintained as follows:
(a) All external appurtenances, including pumps and leak detection ports, shall be encased or enclosed to contain any leaks and secured when not in use.
(b) All appurtenances that extend through both the storage tank and bladder system, not including manways, shall be equipped with a valve that meets both of the following requirements:
(i) The valve shall be enclosed within a structural steel containment box capable of withstanding the maximum head pressure of the bladder system and be equipped with a leak detection device or system.
(ii) The valve shall be secured against wildlife, vandalism, and unauthorized access at all times.
(c) The facility shall ensure that the storage tank, bladder system, and appurtenances, including pipes, are protected against reasonably foreseeable risks of damage by trucks and other moving vehicles.
(12) Inspection and maintenance records shall be maintained as follows:
(a) The storage tank, bladder system, and appurtenances shall be visually inspected daily during use, and at least monthly when not in use. The results of the inspection shall be recorded and shall be made available to the department during normal business hours.
(b) Inspection and maintenance records for the large storage tank, bladder system, and leak detection systems shall be maintained at the facility.
(c) The facility shall sample any effluent collected at the monitoring ports and analyze samples for fertilizer content on a quarterly basis. Results of any analysis with fertilizer content shall be reported to the department immediately.
(13) If a spill, discharge, overfill, or tank failure occurs, then the following applies:
(a) The operator shall report all discharges, overfills, and internal spills to the department immediately upon discovery.
(b) If a leak or other failure of the bladder system occurs, then the storage tank shall be emptied within 30 days.
(c) The affected areas of the bladder, bladder protection layer, and interior of the storage tank shall be thoroughly cleaned, repaired, and inspected before the storage tank and bladder system are again placed into service.


Mich. Admin. Code R. 285.641.9a
2006 AACS

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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