Mich. Admin. Code R. 285.642.1 - Definitions

Rule 1.

(1) As used in these rules:
(a) "Approved" means approval by the director of the department or his or her representative.
(b) "Appurtenances" mean any of the following which are connected to a bulk fertilizer container or which are used for transferring bulk fertilizer between containers:
(i) Valves.
(ii) Gauges.
(iii) Portable manufacturing units.
(iv) Pumps.
(v) Fittings.
(vi) Hoses.
(vii) Mixing containers.
(viii) Plumbing.
(ix) Metering devices.
(c) "Aqua ammonia" means an aqueous solution of anhydrous ammonia which generally contains 18% to 30% of ammonia (NH3) by weight and which has a vapor pressure that usually varies from 0 to 10 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) at 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
(d) "Bulk fertilizer" means fluid fertilizer in a single container that has a capacity of more than 2,500 United States gallons, or a combined total capacity for all storage containers or tanks located at a single site or location greater than 7,500 United States gallons. For purposes of this rule, use solutions and rinsates are bulk fertilizers if they are in containers that meet the capacities specified in this subdivision.
(e) "Department" means the Michigan department of agriculture.
(f) "Discharge" means an uncontained release to the environment in a quantity that is more than 55 United States gallons of bulk fertilizer. "Discharge" does not include a fully contained transfer of bulk fertilizer that is made pursuant to storage, distribution, or intended agronomic use.
(g) "Elephant ring" means a storage container which has an open top and which serves as a secondary containment vessel into which a primary storage container with a smaller volume is placed.
(h) "Existing bulk storage facility" means a facility that on the effective date of this rule, is being used to store or hold bulk fertilizers where the location of bulk containers remains the same whether bulk containers are replaced, added to, or reorganized.
(i) "Farm" means the land, plants, animals, buildings, structures, including ponds used for agricultural or aquacultural activities, machinery, equipment, and other appurtenances used in the commercial production of farm products.
(j) "Farm fertilizer bulk storage" means the storage of bulk fertilizer by an agricultural producer for use in an agricultural operation that is owned, operated, or controlled by that producer.
(k) "Farm storage facility" means a facility which is used to store or hold bulk fertilizer and which is owned, operated, controlled, or leased as part of the farm operation or by a person who uses bulk fertilizer for his or her own agricultural use.
(l) "Fertilizer" means a substance containing 1 or more recognized plant nutrients, which substance is used for its plant nutrient content and which is designed for use, or claimed to have value, in promoting plant growth. Fertilizer does not include unmanipulated animal and vegetable manures, marl, lime, limestone, wood ashes, and other materials exempted by rules promulgated under this part.
(m) "Field operations" means the application of fertilizer to soil or plants in the course of normal agricultural or horticultural practice.
(n) "Floodplain", for the purpose of this rule, means any land area that is subject to a 1% or greater chance of flooding. This is equivalent to a 100-year flood.
(o) "Fluid fertilizer" means fertilizer in fluid form and includes solutions, emulsions, suspensions, and slurries. "Fluid fertilizer" does not include anhydrous ammonia.
(p) "Groundwater" means underground water within the zone of saturation.
(q) "Mobile container" means a container designed or used for transporting fertilizer.
(r) "New bulk storage facility" means a storage facility as designated by the director or a storage facility that locates new, used, or refurbished bulk containers where, before the effective date of this rule, bulk storage was not conducted.
(s) "Operational area" means an area or areas at a farm storage facility where bulk fertilizers are transferred, loaded, unloaded, mixed, or refilled.
(t) "Operational area containment" means any structure or system that is designed and constructed to effectively intercept and contain spills, container or equipment washwater, and precipitation to prevent the runoff or leaching of fertilizer from an operational area.
(u) "Primary containment" means the storage of bulk fertilizer in storage containers at a storage facility.
(v) "Rinsate" means the liquid that is generated from the rinsing of the interior surface of any fertilizer application equipment or fertilizer container that has come in direct contact with any fertilizer. "Rinsate" includes the liquid that is generated by cleaning a containment area in accordance with the provisions of R 285.642.10(2).
(w) "Secondary containment" means any structure, including dikes, that is effectively designed and constructed to contain spills or leaks and to prevent escapes, runoff, and leaching of fertilizer from bulk storage containers and appurtenances.
(x) "Spill" means a contained release, within a containment area or operational pad, in a quantity that is more than 55 United States gallons of bulk fertilizer. "Spill" does not include a fully contained transfer of bulk fertilizer that is made pursuant to storage, distribution, or intended agronomic use.
(y) "Storage container" means a container, rail car, nurse tank, or mobile container that is used for the storage of bulk fertilizer. "Storage container" does not include any of the following:
(i) A mobile container that stores bulk fertilizer at a farm storage facility for less than 30 consecutive days.
(ii) A mobile container that is located other than on property which is owned, operated, or controlled by an owner or operator of a farm storage facility for less than 30 consecutive days.
(iii) A container which is 2,500 gallons or less and which is used solely as emergency storage for leaking fertilizer containers.
(z) "Sump" means any catch basin, pit, or reservoir, and those trenches and troughs connected to them, that serve to collect liquid.
(aa) "Surface water", for the purposes of this rule, means a body of water that has its top surface exposed to the atmosphere and includes lakes, ponds, or water holes that cover an area greater than 0.25 acres and streams, rivers, or waterways that maintain a flow year-round. "Surface water" does not include waterways with intermittent flow.
(bb) "Washwater" means the liquid that is generated from rinsing the exterior surfaces of application, handling, storage, transportation, or nurse equipment.

"Washwater" does not include the liquid that is generated by cleaning a containment area in accordance with the provisions of R 285.642.10(2).


Mich. Admin. Code R. 285.642.1
2003 AACS

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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