Minn. R. 1540.4300 - DUTIES OF INSPECTORS

To ensure the effective administration of the foregoing, inspectors who supervise the handling and treatment of pork to destroy live trichinae shall: recognize the importance of safeguarding the consumer and follow carefully the instructions concerning the treatment of pork to destroy trichinae; check the internal temperatures, with department thermometers, of all products subjected to the heating method; test frequently, with department thermometers, the reliability of establishment thermometers including automatic recording thermometers and reject for use any found to be inaccurate and unreliable; observe department thermometers carefully in order that none be used which have become defective or of questionable accuracy; supervise in a methodical manner the handling, in drying, refrigerating, and curing departments, of pork product under treatment for the destruction of live trichinae, and keep conveniently available, at the official establishment for department use, such records as may be necessary and informative of each lot of product under treatment.


Minn. R. 1540.4300

Statutory Authority: MS s 31A.08

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.