Minn. R. 7884.0180 - TIME TRIALS.

Time trial performances are permitted provided:

A. serum or plasma tests are required for all horses;
B. an approved electric timer is used, however, if a timing device fails during a time trial, no time trial performance record will be obtained;
C. they are held during the course of a race meeting and are officiated by stewards;
D. they are limited to two-year-olds who equal or beat 2:10, and three-year-olds and older who equal or beat 2:05;
E. they are designated on a horse's record and in the official racing program by preceding the time with "TT";
F. that when a horse has other horses accompanying it in a time trial performance, they may not precede it, be harnessed with it, or in any way be attached to it; and
G. a break during a time trial performance results in no time being given to the breaking horse.


Minn. R. 7884.0180
9 SR 2527 40 SR 1393

Statutory Authority: MS s 240.23; 240.29

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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