Minn. R. 7884.0250 - RECALLS

Subpart 1. Starter may at any time order a recall.

The starter may, at any time before the word "go" is given, order a recall and restart the race. If a second recall is sounded because of the same horse, that horse shall be scratched.

Subp. 2. Reasons for recall.

The starter shall sound a recall for the following reasons:

A. a horse scores ahead of the starting gate;
B. there is interference before the word "go" is given;
C. a horse has broken equipment observed by the starter; or
D. a horse falls before the word "go" is given.
Subp. 3. Recall procedures.

In case of a recall:

A. a light, plainly visible to the drivers, shall be flashed and a recall sounded;
B. if possible, the starter shall leave the wings of the starting gate open and gradually slow the speed of the gate to assist in stopping and turning the field; and
C. drivers shall take up their horses and return, without delay, to the point where the field is gathered for starts.
Subp. 4. Inquiry into failure to sound recall.

If the starter fails to sound a recall when required, the stewards shall immediately cause the "Inquiry" sign to be displayed. If the stewards determine a horse was interfered with before the word "go" was given, wagers on that horse shall be refunded and the horse shall be declared racing for purse money only.


Minn. R. 7884.0250
9 SR 2527; 42 SR 1258

Statutory Authority: MS s 240.23; 240.29

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