Subpart 1. Petition or county board document.

A county board document proposing the creation of, or a petition to create, a lake improvement district shall contain the following elements:

A. A written statement of lake problems and objectives.
B. The proposed type or types of water and related land resource management programs to be undertaken by the proposed district. This shall include a detailed statement of intended studies, management programs, remedial actions, and construction projects.
C. A statement of the means by which the programs will be financed.
D. A map showing the boundaries of the proposed lake improvement district. The map shall show the number and location of permanent homes and seasonal dwellings in the district. The scale of the map, and basic geographical information, such as range, township, and section numbers, shall be clearly indicated on the map.
E. The number of directors proposed for the district.
F. Copies of local ordinances which regulate use of the lake or any public access.
G. Any information indicating the degree of local interest and commitment to future management.
H. The identification of any lands and waters which may be adversely affected by the implementation of district purposes, and a preliminary assessment of these adverse effects.
I. A statement outlining the adequacy and ownership of public accesses, including public lands and beaches.
J. An estimate of the total equalized valuation of the property within the district.
K. Any other information demonstrating accordance with the criteria and standards for establishment as contained in part 6115.0960.
Subp. 2. Submission of petition or resolution.

Initial submittal of petition or resolution to county board, the commissioner, and the agency for:

A. Creation by petition. No later than five days after the official filing of a petition for the establishment of a lake improvement district with the county board, the citizens or organization sponsoring the petition shall provide a certified copy of the petition to the commissioner and the agency. This is necessary in order to facilitate preliminary review of the proposed district boundaries prior to the notification of the public hearing.
B. Creation by resolution. At least 40 days prior to the public hearing, the county board shall provide a certified copy of the document containing the information required by this part to the commissioner and the agency. This is necessary to facilitate preliminary review of the proposed district boundaries prior to notification of the public hearing.
Subp. 3. Notification of public hearing.

At least 21 days prior to the public hearing, the county board shall give notice of the public hearing to the commissioner and the agency, and make a reasonable attempt to notify every resident and every resident owner within the proposed district of the pending resolution or petition and the public hearing. A reasonable attempt to notify shall consist of mailing notice to the last known address of each landowner within the proposed district, publication of notice in two successive issues of a newspaper widely circulated in the proposed district, and posting notice in public buildings and several leading commercial establishments in or near the proposed district, as appropriate and reasonable. All local and regional units of government, special purpose districts, and development commissions within and adjacent to the boundaries of the proposed district shall be given notice of the public hearing. All corporations and utilities owning real estate or corporate property within the proposed district shall be given notice of the public hearing.

As part of the notification procedure, a statement shall accompany the notice setting forth the following:

A. a description of the proposed purposes, programs, funding, and boundaries of the proposed district, and the name proposed for the district;
B. the time and place of the public hearing; and
C. the following paragraph shall be included:

"The establishment of the proposed lake improvement district requires review by the commissioner of natural resources and the approval of the (as appropriate) county board(s) (and/or city governing body). Concerned citizens may submit evidence at a public hearing to be held prior to the passage of any resolution establishing the proposed lake improvement district. Concerned citizens may also submit evidence and opinions to the commissioner of natural resources. A copy of the petition (or document, as appropriate) for the establishment of the lake improvement district is available for public review at the (as appropriate) county courthouse (or other appropriate public building; give address and telephone number where interested citizens can review the document)."

If the establishment of the lake improvement district is proposed by the county board pursuant to subpart 2, item B and Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.515, the following paragraph shall be included in the notice of the public hearing:

"Citizens may call for a referendum on the question of whether or not to establish a lake improvement district by filing a petition requesting such a referendum. The petition shall be signed by 25 percent of the land owners within the territory of the proposed district, who are Minnesota residents. Upon receipt of such a petition prior to the effective date of creation of the district, the county board shall hold the creation in abeyance pending the referendum vote of all qualified voters residing within the boundaries of the proposed district."

Subp. 4. Public review of petition or resolution.

The county board shall make the petition or document containing the information required by this part available for review by concerned citizens, at the county courthouse or other appropriate public building.

Subp. 5. Review by commissioner and agency.

Upon receipt of a copy of the petition or document, the commissioner shall:

A. Review the petition or document and any evidence presented by the agency or concerned citizens pertaining to the establishment of the proposed district. This review shall include an evaluation of the statement of district purposes and its relation to existing laws, rules, and regulations, units of government, water and related land management programs and policies. The proposed district boundaries shall be examined to assess their consistency with these parts. When one or more of the stated purposes of the proposed district relate to pollution control, this review shall be conducted with the assistance of the agency.
B. Prepare an advisory report stating findings as to whether the proposed lake improvement district should be established. The commissioner shall set forth in the report any matters pertaining to the district which should be further investigated and evaluated. On determining that the establishment of the proposed district is not in the public interest, the commissioner shall so report the specific reasons and inadequacies. The commissioner may request additional time for review of the proposed district in such cases where additional time can be shown to be necessary for proper evaluation. The commissioner's report may contain reports by the agency.
Subp. 6. Request for continuance or postponement of hearing.

The county board may grant requests by citizens, the commissioner, or the agency for postponement or continuance of the public hearing to a time more than 30 days after receipt of the petition and verification of the signatures thereon. Such requests may be granted if the county board determines that the additional time requested is appropriate and reasonable in order for the requesting organization or citizens to adequately prepare for the public hearing, and consistent with the goals of promptness and fairness in the proceedings.

Subp. 7. Advisory report.

The commissioner's advisory report shall be publicly read into the record at the public hearing.

Subp. 8. Modification of findings.

The commissioner may modify findings based on evidence presented during and subsequent to the public hearing.

Subp. 9. Formal meeting to approve or disapprove district.

No sooner than ten days but within 30 days following the holding of the public hearing, the county board shall formally convene to approve or disapprove the establishment of the proposed lake improvement district. At least ten working days' notice shall be given to the commissioner of the time and place where the board will formally convene for this purpose. If the commissioner or the commissioner's representative does not appear, any modifications of the commissioner's advisory report shall be publicly read into the record.


Minn. R., Part 6115.0970
17 SR 1279

Statutory Authority: MS s 103B.511; 378.41

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.