Subpart 1. Lichens.

The following species of lichens are designated as:

A. Endangered:
(1) Caloplaca parvula;
(2) Dermatocarpon moulinsii;
(3) Leptogium apalachense;
(4) Lobaria scrobiculata;
(5) Parmelia stictica;
(6) Pseudocyphellaria crocata; and
(7) Umbilicaria torrefacta.
B. Threatened:
(1) Allocetraria oakesiana;
(2) Arthrorhaphis citronella, golden-dot lichen;
(3) Coccocarpia palmicola;
(4) Lecanora epanora, a species of rim lichen;
(5) Parmelia stuppea;
(6) Peltula bolanderi, Bolander's peltula lichen;
(7) Protopannaria pezizoides, brown-gray moss-shingle lichen;
(8) Ramalina roesleri, frayed ramalina lichen; and
(9) Usnea mutabilis, bloody beard lichen.
C. Of special concern:
(1) Ahtiana aurescens;
(2) Amygdalaria panaeola, powdery almond lichen;
(3) Anaptychia crinalis;
(4) Arctoparmelia centrifuga, concentric ring lichen;
(5) Arctoparmelia subcentrifuga, a species of ring lichen;
(6) Bryoria fuscescens, pale-footed horsehair lichen;
(7) Buellia nigra, black disk lichen;
(8) Caloplaca stellata, a species of firedot lichen;
(9) Cladonia pseudorangiformis;
(10) Heterodermia obscurata, orange-tinted fringe lichen;
(11) Melanelia subolivacea, brown-eyed camouflage lichen;
(12) Menegazzia terebrata, port-hole lichen;
(13) Ochrolechia androgyna, powdery saucer lichen;
(14) Peltigera venosa;
(15) Platismatia glauca, ragbag lichen;
(16) Ramalina thrausta, Angel's hair lichen;
(17) Stereocaulon pileatum, pixie foam lichen;
(18) Sticta fuliginosa;
(19) Thelocarpon epibolum, a species of thelocarpon lichen;
(20) Usnea longissima, Methusela's beard lichen; and
(21) Usnea rubicunda, red beard lichen.
Subp. 2. Mosses and liverworts.

The following species of mosses and liverworts are designated as:

A. Endangered:
(1) Bryoxiphium norvegicum, sword moss;
(2) Schistostega pennata, luminous moss; and
(3) Splachnum rubrum, red parasol moss.
B. Threatened:
(1) Cirriphyllum piliferum, hair-pointed feather moss;
(2) Cryptocolea imbricata, hidden perianth liverwort;
(3) Cynodontium schisti, mowed mosquito moss;
(4) Lescuraea saxicola, lustrous bow moss;
(5) Sphagnum compactum, cushion peat moss;
(6) Sphagnum lescurii, red twisted peat moss; and
(7) Trichocolea tomentella, down liverwort.
C. Of special concern:
(1) Aphanorrhegma serratum, lidden earth moss;
(2) Atrichum crispum, wave-leaved crane's-bill moss;
(3) Atrichum tenellum, little saw moss;
(4) Aulacomnium androgynum, bud-headed thread moss;
(5) Aulacomnium heterostichum, differential branched crease capsule moss;
(6) Bryum cyclophyllum, egg-leaf true moss;
(7) Buxbaumia aphylla, bug-on-stick moss;
(8) Cyrto-hypnum pygmaeum, pygmy plume moss;
(9) Encalypta procera, tall extinguisher moss;
(10) Frullania selwyniana, Selwyn's ear-leaf liverwort;
(11) Heterocladium dimorphum, spaced-out tangle moss;
(12) Hyophila involuta, rolled-leaf wet-ground moss;
(13) Jaffueliobryum wrightii, Wright's blunt-leaved true moss;
(14) Meesia uliginosa, swan moss;
(15) Pogonatum urnigerum, urn-bearing hair moss;
(16) Thelia hirtella, nipple moss; and
(17) Tortella inclinata, shortleaf chalk moss.
Subp. 3. Fungi.

The following species of fungi are designated as:

A. Endangered:
(1) Psathyrella cystidiosa;
(2) Psathyrella rhodospora; and
(3) Suillus weaverae.
B. Threatened: none.
C. Of special concern:
(1) Boletus subcaerulescens, a species of Porcini mushroom;
(2) Laccaria trullisata;
(3) Lactarius fuliginellus;
(4) Lysurus cruciatus; and
(5) Sarcosoma globosum, a species of cup fungus.


Minn. R., Part 6134.0400
8 SR 1921; 20 SR 2782; 38 SR 217

Statutory Authority: MS s 84.0895

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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