Subpart 1. Grounds.

The secretary may revoke or suspend a license according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 325K, for failure to:

A. comply with any requirement of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14 or 325K, or rules adopted pursuant to those chapters;
B. remain qualified for a license according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14 or 325K, or rules adopted according to those chapters; or
C. comply with a lawful order of the secretary.
Subp. 2. Notice.

The secretary shall inform a licensed certification authority by a notice directed to the mailing address and the electronic mail address of a decision to revoke or suspend the license. If an electronic mail message is sent as the notice, it must be sent as a direct message and not as an attachment to electronic mail. The notification must state when the revocation or suspension will be effective, which may not be less than 30 days following the issuance of the order except in the case of a summary suspension.

Subp. 3. Effective date.

If the licensee files an application for a contested case hearing according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14, before the effective date of revocation or suspension, the suspension or revocation will not take effect until so ordered by the administrative law judge, except in the case of a summary suspension.

Subp. 4. Summary suspension.

The secretary may order the summary suspension of a license pending proceedings for revocation or other action as described in Minnesota Statutes, section 325K.14. A summary suspension of a license is effective from the date of the secretary's order.


Minn. R. Part 8275.0080
23 SR 1352

Statutory Authority: MS s 325K.01; 325K.03; 325K.04; 325K.05; 325K.06; 325K.07

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