PURPOSE: This rule establishes the procedures to be
followed in order for an organization to qualify for a license under sections
210.481 through
210.511, RSMo by the agency
being accredited by Council on Accreditation of Services for Children and
Families, Inc., the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations, or the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
(accreditation bodies).
The Children's Division shall accept accreditation by Council on Accreditation
of Services for Children and Families, Inc., the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, or the Commission on Accreditation
of Rehabilitation Facilities, as specified in section (2) of this rule, as
prima facie evidence that the organization meets licensing requirements under
sections 210.481 through
210.511, RSMo.
(2) Type of License.
(A) The organization shall provide to the
Children's Division, sufficient evidence that they are accredited in the
service or program for which they are requesting a license.
(B) If a service or program, including but
not limited to child placing, maternity, infant/toddler, residential treatment,
and intensive residential treatment in residential child care, is not
accredited by the accrediting body, than the organization must apply for and
meet all other licensing requirements as put forth by the division.
(3) Application/Reapplication for
License for Accredited Organizations:
(A) The
organization shall present to the division-
A copy of the organization's official final accreditation report and
accreditation certificate; and
2. A
list of operating sites which includes the capacity served, the gender served,
and the ages served by that organization. This list must be updated if there is
a change in operating sites by the organization;
(B) If the organization has not been
previously licensed by the state of Missouri, an on-site visit may be required
by the division before a license is issued;
(C) The division shall examine the areas that
the organization is applying for a license. The division then shall issue a
corresponding license for those areas in which the organization is accredited.
The license shall be valid for the period of time up to two (2) years, or when
the organization's accreditation expires, whichever is shorter;
(D) Nothing in this section will result in
the loss of license if the accreditation certificate has expired, but the
organization is still in good standing and the re-accreditation process is
being pursued. The division may, at its discretion, request a letter of good
standing from the accrediting body; and
(E) Any denial or revocation of license based
upon an organization's accreditation standing is entitled to a hearing as
specified under the licensing rules or they may undergo the licensing process
and meet all licensing rules in order to obtain a license.
(4) Information Sharing.
(A) The organization shall notify the
division immediately of any sentinel event and of any revocation of
(B) Sentinel events
are as defined by the accrediting body, but shall at a minimum include the
1. A death of a child in one of the
organization's facilities; or
2. A
serious injury of a child in one of the organization's facilities; or
3. A fire in a location routinely occupied by
children, which requires the fire department to be called; or
4. An allegation of child abuse, physical or
sexual, or neglect which is substantiated by the division or through an
internal investigation by the organization which occurs within a facility;
5. An employee is terminated
from employment in relation to the safety and care of children; or
6. There is any change in the chief executive
officer; or
7. There is a lawsuit
filed against the organization by or on behalf of a person who is or was in the
organization's care; or
8. Any
known criminal charges are filed against the facility, organization, any
resident of the facility, or any employee or volunteer who has contact with
(C) The
organization shall notify the division of the entrance, exit and any
performance review meetings of the accrediting body which are held in
conjunction with the accreditation of the organization. The division has a
right to attend any or all of these meetings between the organization and the
accrediting body.
The division may make such inspections and investigations as it deems necessary
to conduct an initial visit to a facility not previously licensed, for
investigative purposes involving complaints of alleged child abuse or neglect,
at reasonable hours to address a complaint concerning the health and safety of
children which the organization serves, or any other mutually agreed upon
13 CSR
AUTHORITY: section
210.112, RSMo Supp. 2004.*
Emergency rule filed Dec. 23, 2004, effective Jan. 2, 2005, expired June 30,
2005. Original rule filed Dec. 23, 2004, effective June 30, 2005.
*Original authority: 210.112, RSMo