Any instructor(s) that meet the education provider's
instructor qualifications policy, who is responsible for ensuring that the
activity content is communicated to the activity's audience as approved, must
be identified on the education provider's application submitted for approval of
the activity. Such identification must include first name, last name, email
address, and phone number, and state the instructor's qualification as
specified in Section
005.01 of this Chapter.
005.01 An instructor for any qualifying
education activity, continuing education activity, or supervisory real property
appraiser and trainee course, must satisfy at least one of the following
005.01A Hold a bachelor's
degree in any field and have at least three years of experience directly
related to the subject matter to be taught;
005.01B Hold a master's degree or higher in
any field and have at least one year of experience directly related to the
subject matter to be taught;
005.01C Hold a master's degree or higher in a
field that is directly related to the subject matter to be taught;
005.01D Have five years of real property
appraisal practice teaching experience directly related to the subject matter
to be taught; or
005.01E Have seven
years of real property appraisal practice experience directly related to the
subject matter to be taught.
005.02 An instructor for any qualifying
education activity, continuing education activity, or supervisory real property
appraiser and trainee course, must meet qualifications established pursuant to
any other applicable law.
005.03 An
instructor for any qualifying education activity, continuing education
activity, or supervisory real property appraiser and trainee course, who holds
a credential as a real property appraiser in Nebraska or any other jurisdiction
005.03A Maintain each credential in
good standing in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which each
credential is held;
005.03B Not
have had a credential revoked, suspended, or have surrendered a credential in
lieu of disciplinary action within three years; and
005.03C Not have had disciplinary action
taken against his or her credential that may constitute a violation of NEB.
76-2238 within three
005.04 An
instructor for the qualifying education fifteen-hour National Uniform Standards
of Professional Appraisal Practice Course, the continuing education seven-hour
National Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice Update Course,
and/or the supervisory real property appraiser and trainee course, must be an
AQB Certified USPAP Instructor, certified by the Appraiser Qualifications Board
of The Appraisal Foundation.
The standing of an instructor identified on an education provider's application
submitted for approval, who holds a credential as a real property appraiser in
Nebraska or any other jurisdiction, may be verified through the Appraiser
Registry of the Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council.