465 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 002 - User's Guide

002.01 Composition of Manuals:

Program manuals are written primarily for Department staff use for applying program policies in accordance with state and federal requirements. Each title of the manual contains policies and also an Appendix.

1-002.01A The NAC: The Administrative Procedures Act (APA) Sections 84-901, et seq. of the Nebraska Revised Statutes mandates the procedures for state agencies to follow when adopting rules and regulations. The Nebraska Administrative Code (NAC) is a codification of certified regulations and rules of Nebraska state agencies covered by the APA. The Division of Regulations of the Secretary of State's Office is charged by statute with adopting the numbering system and format for regulations. This division assigns Titles to each agency.
1-002.01B The Appendix: The Department has added an appendix to each Title of the Manual to include supportive materials including forms, charts, listings, examples, miscellaneous procedures and other issuances which are not germane to the State NAC system. These supportive materials, though not regulatory, are binding on Department staff.
002.02 Numbering System:
1-002.02A The NAC System: NAC is the numbering system adopted by the Secretary of State. Nebraska statute requires that all state agencies with certified regulations adopt this uniform system. The Nebraska Department of Social Services is assigned NAC Titles 390 through 406 and Titles 463 through 482.

For a listing of current Program Manuals and assigned Titles, see 465-000-202.

1-002.02A1 Citations: The following is a breakdown of portions of a citation. Each successive breakdown represents more detail.

NAC 1-002Title: The first three digits represent the Nebraska Administrative Code. This number identifies both the agency and the program within the agency.

NAC 1-002 Chapter: The first digit or digits following NAC.

NAC 1- 002 Section: The three digits following the hyphen.

NAC 1-002. 03 Subsection: The two digits following the section number.

NAC 1-002.03A Part: The upper case letter following the subsection number.

NAC 1- 002.03A 4 Subpart: The digit following the part indicator.

NAC 1- 002.03A 4bDivision: The lower case letter following the subpart number.

NAC 1- 002.03A 4b(5) Subdivision: The number in parentheses following the division letter.

NAC 1- 002.03A 4b(5)(c) Segment: The lower case letter, enclosed in parentheses, which follows the subdivision number.

NAC 1- 002.03A 4b(5)(c)[1] Subsegment: The number, enclosed in brackets, following the segment letter.

1-002.02B Appendices System: The appendix is coded with the Title number followed by three zeros, followed by a sequential number. For example, 465-000 -3 is the third form in the appendix of Title 465.

The appendix may vary in different Manuals, however, the usual division is as follows:

1 - 199 Forms
200- 299 Charts and Listings
300- 399 Examples
400- 499 Miscellaneous

Title 465 follows this division for its appendix.


465 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 002

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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