Nev. Admin. Code § 554.290 - Contents of certificate for shelled grain grown in or shipped from infested area

In addition to the information required by NAC 554.320, a certificate for shelled grain grown in or shipped from the infested area described in NAC 554.260 must either affirm that the grain has been:

1. Passed through a 1/2-inch mesh screen or less, or otherwise processed before loading and is believed to be free from stalks, cobs, stems or portions of plants or fragments capable of harboring larva of the European corn borer and that the car or truck was free from stalks, cobs, stems or such portions of plants or fragments at the time of loading; or
2. Fumigated by a method and in a manner prescribed by the Director, setting forth the date of fumigation, dosage schedule and the kind of fumigant used.


Nev. Admin. Code § 554.290
Dep't of Agriculture, No. 54.02 § d subsec. 2 par. A, eff. 7-26-51; A 10-20-58; 6-1-63

NRS 554.020, 554.030

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