Nev. Admin. Code § 587.2375 - Noxious weed seeds

For the purposes of NAC 587.222 to 587.339, inclusive, the following plant seeds and any propagating parts thereof are noxious weed seeds:

Camelthorn (Alhagi maurorum)

Fieldcress, Austrian (Rorippa austriaca)

Goatgrass, barb (Aegilops triuncialis)

Goatgrass, jointed (Aegilops cylindrica)

Halogeton (Halogeton glomeratus)

Horsenettle, Carolina (Solanum carolinense)

Klamath weed (Hypericum perforatum)

Knapweed, Russian (Acroptilon repens)

Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) subsp. caput-medusae

Peaweed, Austrian (Sphaerophysa salsula)

Quackgrass (Elytrigia repens)

Skeletonweed, rush (Chondrilla juncea)

Sorghum species, perennials, including Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense), Sorghum almum and perennial sweet sudangrass

Sowthistle, perennial (Sonchus arvensis)

Spurge, leafy (Euphorbia esula)

Starthistle, Iberian (Centaurea iberica)

Starthistle, purple (Centaurea calciptrapa)

Starthistle, yellow (Centaurea solstitialis)

Thistle, Canada (Cirsium arvense)

Toadflax, Dalmatian (Linaria dalmatica)

Whitetop or Hoarycress (Cardaria chalepensis, C. draba, C. pubescens)


Nev. Admin. Code § 587.2375
Added to NAC by Dep't of Agriculture, eff. 6-11-80; A 12-3-90; R174-99, 3-13-2000

NRS 587.077, 587.083

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