1. § 293.010 - Definitions
  2. § 293.015 - "Polling place" interpreted for purposes of prohibition on soliciting votes and electioneering
  3. § 293.023 - Applicability of chapter
  4. § 293.025 - Submission of complaint concerning violation of provision of title 24 of NRS
  5. § 293.040 - Notice of judicial, statewide and multicounty district offices to be filled
  6. § 293.050 - Repealed
  7. § 293.060 - Designation of offices of justice of Supreme Court
  8. § 293.071 - Publication of constitutional amendments and statewide measures: Request for payment of costs
  9. § 293.073 - Determination by Secretary of State of names and abbreviations of political parties authorized to appear on ballot
  10. § 293.077 - Major and minor political parties: Use of name on ballot, sample ballot or application to register to vote
  11. § 293.081 - Change of manner in which name of candidate appears on ballot
  12. § 293.090 - Format for ballot questions; preparation and distribution of certain information and forms in minority language
  13. § 293.120 - Sample ballots: Primary elections
  14. § 293.130 - Sample ballots: General elections
  15. § 293.135 - Sample ballots: Omission of notice of availability of ballot in large type
  16. § 293.160 - Conduct of voting
  17. § 293.173 - Counting of votes cast by certain challenged voters
  18. § 293.177 - Use of signature stamp by voter
  19. § 293.182 - Requirements for individual documents of petitions other than initiative and referendum petitions
  20. § 293.1823 - Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Form for submission of information to Secretary of State
  21. § 293.1825 - Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Determination by Secretary of State of number required; duties of county clerk; completion of certificate
  22. § 293.1827 - Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Request to remove signature does not necessarily invalidate signature (Repealed)
  23. § 293.183 - Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Limitation of witnesses
  24. § 293.185 - Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Discrepancy in address
  25. § 293.187 - Provision of certain information to persons who are elderly or persons with disabilities: Alternative formats
  26. § 293.190 - Provision of registration and voting aids; notice of availability of registration aids, voting aids and procedures for voting by absentee ballot
  27. § 293.200 - Reimbursement for cost of ballots

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.