N.H. Admin. Code Tra, ch. Tra 300, app III - Driveway Statute

RSA 236:13 Driveways and Other Accesses to the Public Way.

I. It shall be unlawful to construct, or alter in any way that substantially affects the size or grade of, any driveway, entrance, exit, or approach within the limits of the right-of-way of any class I or class III highway or the state maintained portion of a class II highway that does not conform to the terms and specifications of a written permit issued by the commissioner of transportation. (Amended 1985, 402:6, I(b)(7).)

II. Pursuant to this section, a written construction permit application must be obtained from and filed with the department of transportation by any abutter affected by the provisions of paragraph I. Before any construction or alteration work is commenced; said permit application shall have been reviewed, and a construction permit issued by said department. Said permit shall:

(a) Describe the location of the driveway, entrance, exit, or approach. The location shall be selected to most adequately protect the safety of the traveling public.

(b) Describe any drainage structures, traffic control devices, and channelization islands to be installed by the abutter.

(c) Establish grades that adequately protect and promote highway drainage and permit a safe and controlled approach to the highway in all seasons of the year.

(d) Include any other terms and specifications necessary for the safety of the traveling public. (Amended 1985, 402:6, I(a)(7).)

III. For access to a proposed commercial or industrial enterprise, or to a subdivision, all of which for the purposes of this section shall be considered a single parcel of land, even though acquired by more than one conveyance or held nominally by more than one owner:

(a) Said permit application shall be accompanied by engineering drawings showing information as set forth in paragraph II.

(b) Unless all season safe sight distance of 400 feet in both directions along the highway can be obtained, the commissioner shall not permit more than one access to a single parcel of land, and this access shall be at that location which the commissioner determines to be safest. The commissioner shall not give final approval for use of any additional access until it has been proven to him that the 400 foot all season safe sight distance has been provided.

(c) For the purposes of this section, all season safe sight distance is defined as a line which encounters no visual obstruction between 2 points, each at a height of 3 feet 9 inches above the pavement, and so located as to represent the critical line of sight between the operator of a vehicle using the access and the operator of a vehicle approaching from either direction.

IV. No construction permit shall allow:

(a) A driveway, entrance, exit, or approach to be constructed more than 50 feet in width, except that a driveway, entrance, exit, or approach may be flared beyond a width of 50 feet at its junction with the highway to accommodate the turning radius of vehicles expected to use the particular driveway, entrance, exit or approach.

(b) More than 2 driveways, entrances, exits or approaches from any one highway to any one parcel of land unless the frontage along the highway exceeds 500 feet.

V. The same powers concerning highways under their jurisdiction as are conferred upon the commissioner of transportation by paragraphs I, II, III and IV, shall be conferred upon the planning board in cities and towns wherein the planning board has been granted the power to regulate the subdivision of land as provided in RSA 674:35 and, they shall adopt such regulations as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. (Amended 1985, 103:4, effective Jan. 1, 1986; 402:6, I(b)(7).)

RSA 236:14 Penalty. Any person who violates any provision of this subdivision or the rules and regulations made under authority thereof shall be guilty of a violation if a natural person, or guilty of a misdemeanor if any other person; and, in addition, shall be liable for the cost of restoration of the highway to a condition satisfactory to the person empowered to give such written permission.


N.H. Admin. Code Tra, ch. Tra 300, app III

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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