1. Part Csp 401 - PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE PROGRAM (§ Csp 401.01)
  2. Part Csp 402 - DEFINITIONS (§ Csp 402.01 to Csp 402.13)
  3. Part Csp 403 - ELIGIBILITY (§ Csp 403.01 to Csp 403.03)
  4. Part Csp 404 - FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS (§ Csp 404.01 to Csp 404.02)
  5. Part Csp 405 - SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS (§ Csp 405.01 to Csp 405.05)
  6. Part Csp 406 - ACADEMIC STANDARDS (§ Csp 406.01 to Csp 406.03)
  7. Part Csp 407 - DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES (§ Csp 407.01 to Csp 407.05)
  8. Part Csp 408 - PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS (§ Csp 408.01)



Pursuant to 2019, 346:437, effective 7-1-19, the rules Stra 1100 on the Governor's Scholarship Program were transferred from the Office of Strategic Initiatives, formerly the Office of Energy and Planning, to the College Tuition Savings Plan Advisory Commission (Commission). The rules "shall continue in effect and shall be enforced by the commission until such rules expire or are repealed or amended in accordance with applicable law." The Commission was granted rulemaking authority under RSA 4-C:34, IV pursuant to 346:446, effective 7-1-19.

The Commission subsequently filed Document #13144, effective 12-9-20, which readopted with amendments and renumbered Chapter Stra 1100 as Chapter Csp 400. Chapter Csp 400 replaced all prior filings for rules under the former Chapter Stra 1100. The prior filings affecting the former Chapter Stra 1100 included the following documents:

#12446, INTERIM, effective 1-3-18

#12550, effective 6-19-18

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.