Chapter Juv 300 - PAROLE PROCESS

  1. Part Juv 301 - PAROLE (ยง Juv 301.01 to Juv 301.04)



Document #7844, effective 3-6-03, contain rules in Juv 300 of the Juvenile Parole Board relative to the parole process.

The prior filings of the Juvenile Parole Board containing rules relative to the parole process include the following documents:

#2971, effective 1-28-85, containing Ju 100 through Ju 400

#4431, EMERGENCY, effective 6-2-88, containing Ju 100 through Ju 600, EXPIRED 8-31-88

#2971, effective again 8-31-88, pursuant to 1988, 173:5, and EXPIRED 1-28-91

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.