A.Voluntary self-identifcation by employees:
(1) Any employee who requests referral to an employee assistance program (EAP), counseling or a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program, prior to directed to drug and alcohol testing due to reasonable suspicion shall be referred by the substance abuse counselor. Any costs for counseling or rehabilitation shall be borne by the employee.
(2) The chief may grant administrative leave to an employee to participate in an employee assistance program, counseling, or a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program for up to 240 hours for the initial voluntary self-identifcation only.
(3) Employees are subject to drug, alcohol testing or both at the discretion of the substance abuse coordinator at any time between 30 and 180 calendar days of requesting referral. Employees who test positive during this time period or fail to successfully complete such program may be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal. The chief may allow the employee to use annual leave, sick leave, or leave without pay for additional counseling or rehabilitation after considering all factors relevant to the employee's condition and job performance history.
(4)For employees who have been required to undergo an alcohol rehabilitation program, any indication of alcohol at any level during the 30 to 180 calendar day period following the referral shall be considered a positive test result.
B. Positive reasonable suspicion testing:
(1) Employees who test positive on a reasonable suspicion drug or alcohol test or both required by these rules and do not have a satisfactory explanation for the positive test results shall be referred to an employee assistance program, counseling, or a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program.
(2) Employees are subject to drug or alcohol testing at the discretion of the substance abuse coordinator at any time between 30 and 180 calendar days of the first positive test. Any such employee who tests positive for drugs, alcohol or both between 30 and 180 calendar days of the first positive test without a satisfactory explanation or who fails to enter and successfully complete a program shall be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal.
(3) The chief may grant an employee administrative leave to participate in an employee assistance program, counseling, or a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program for up to 240 hours for the initial reasonable suspicion referral only.
C. Refusal to cooperate in testing procedure: Any employee who refuses or fails without good cause to cooperate in the drug or alcohol testing or both procedure by refusing or failing to complete the specifed forms, by refusing or failing to submit a urine or breath specimen, or otherwise refuses or fails to cooperate shall be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal.
D. Possession of drugs or alcohol:
(1)Employees who illegally sell, purchase, or convey from one person or one place to another drugs or any substance in Schedules I and II of the Controlled Substances Act, Sections 30-31-1 to 30-31-41 NMSA 1978 (Repl. Pamp. 1994), while on duty shall be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal and shall be reported to the local law enforcement agency.
(2)When employees, while on duty consume or have in their possession drugs, open containers of alcohol or any substance in Schedules I and II of the Controlled Substances Act, Sections 30-31-1 to 30-31-41 NMSA 1978 (Repl. Pamp. 1994) without a valid prescription or as otherwise authorized by law, they shall be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal and shall be reported to the local law enforcement agency.


N.M. Code R. §
Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 13, July 15, 2015, eff. 7/1/2015

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.