N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 7 § 723.5 - Inmate self-dial calling

(a) Description. Self-dial telephones will only handle outgoing collect telephone calls within the continental United States, Canada, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam and Central Northern Marianna. No credit card calls may be made nor incoming calls received.
(1) The self-dial system is the property of the department which is responsible for its installation and maintenance. System abuse or failure to follow established rules and procedures may result in its removal or the imposition of restrictions or limitations. Damaged hardware will be replaced or repaired at the discretion of the superintendent. In cases where the damage is the result of vandalism, other repairs will be considered a higher priority.
(2) System changes (moves, additions or deletions) must be discussed with the Division of Management Information Services.
(b) Access.
(1) System use should not interfere with program and work assignments.
(2) System access should be available to as many inmates as possible, but access may be restricted or denied to an inmate.
(3) System use will normally be on a "first come-first call" basis. During peak periods such as holidays, however, it may be necessary to schedule calls with "sign-up sheets." A sign-in log may be maintained at each telephone location at the discretion of the facility administration.
(4) In order to assure that all inmates have fair and equal access to the facility's inmate self-dial telephones as well as to minimize abuses of these telephone systems, inmate self-dial telephones should be installed adjacent to, or in close proximity to, or in view of the regularly covered correction officer posts.
(5) Superintendents must develop and implement a monitoring/review system to prevent individual inmates or groups of inmates from monopolizing self-dial telephones. This system should meet the facility's need to assure that all inmates have equal access to the use of the facility's inmate telephones.
(6) Call should be limited in duration based on facility needs and will automatically terminate when the specified time limit has been reached. No call shall exceed 30 minutes. When other inmates are waiting to place calls, a 10- minute limit may be imposed.
(7) When a facility-wide emergency situation exists, the superintendent or his designee has the authority to temporarily suspend the telephone call home program. The superintendent shall immediately advise the deputy commissioners for correctional facilities and program services.
(c) Telephone number registration list.
(1) At the reception center, the inmate's DIN number is entered into the self-dial telephone system on the first day of arrival. The number will be activated on the department's system overnight.
(2) To establish the permanent telephone list, the inmate must fill out a "telephone form" and give it to his/her correction counselor for approval. No inmate may add any person who is listed on an active court order of protection which prohibits such contacts.
(i) Each inmate shall be limited to 15 approved names and phone numbers which will be maintained as his/her "telephone list." Except for immediate family members, revisions to the telephone list will only be made when the inmate is due a quarterly review. Phone number changes for immediate family members already on the list will be permitted.
(ii) If the inmate's telephone list contains the allotted 15 names and numbers, deletions must occur before the new names and numbers may be added. If deletions are not provided by the inmate, the new names and telephone numbers will not be added to the telephone list.
(3) A computer generated record including, but not limited to, the following information shall be maintained in the central office management information services' data base:
(i) date;
(ii) time;
(iii) number called;
(iv) duration of call; and
(v) location of telephones used.
(d) Calling procedure. The inmate shall access the system by utilization of an individual PIN number which is the inmate DIN number modified so that the alpha letter is converted to the corresponding numeral. The detailed procedures for inmate self-dial calling are set forth in the departmental directive on inmate telephone calls which are located in inmate libraries and may be viewed by the public at www.docs.state.ny.us under the "Directives" menu options, titled: "Inmate Telephone Calls (Directive 4423)."
(1) To place a telephone call, the inmate picks up the telephone, waits for a dial tone, and dials 0 + the 10-digit telephone number. After the 10th digit is entered, the caller will hear a "bong" sound. The caller then enters his/her PIN number.
(2) If the phone number is not on the caller's list or an erroneous PIN number has been entered, the caller will hear the message, "You have dialed an unauthorized number," and will be disconnected.
(3) If the telephone number and PIN number are valid, the inmate will hear a message to dial "1" if they want English or "2" if they want Spanish. Another message will be heard, dial " 1" for a station-to-station call, or dial "2" for a person-to-person call.
(4) The caller will be requested to give his/her name which is then recorded and incorporated into the next message. Only the inmate's name will be recorded.
(5) The party called will be informed: "You have a collect call from (name stated), an inmate at a New York State correctional facility. If you do not wish to accept the call, hang up now. If you accept the call, dial '55' now."
(6) If the party accepts the call, the connection is made; otherwise, the call will be disconnected.


N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 7 § 723.5

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.