Chapter XIV - Office for People With Developmental Disabilities

  1. Part 602 - Uniform Hearing Procedures (§ 602.1 to 602.99)
  2. Part 603 - Public Access To Records Pursuant To The Freedom Of Information Law (§ 603.1 to 603.13)
  3. Part 604 - Access to or Correction/Amendment of Records of the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities Subject to the Personal Privacy Protection Law (§ 604.1 to 604.12)
  4. Part 605 - Operational Procedures Governing Implementation of the Youth Opportunity Program in the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (§ 605.1 to 605.99)
  5. Part 606 - Availability and Access to Incorporated by Reference Materials Contained in 14 NYCRR Parts 600-699 and 14 NYCRR Parts 1-500 Applicable to Services and Programs Certified and/or Operated by the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (§ 606.1 to 606.5)
  6. Part 619 - Certification of Facilities and Services (§ 619.1 to 619.4)
  7. Part 620 - Certification of Need for Administrative Review Projects, Substantial Review Projects and Terms of Approval for Acquisition of Property or Construction (§ 620.1 to 620.13)
  8. Part 621 - Financial Assistance for Capital Construction and Financing (§ 621.1 to 621.17)
  9. Part 622 - Implementation of State Environmental Quality Review Act (§ 622.1 to 622.99)
  10. Part 624 - Reportable Incidents And Notable Occurrences (§ 624.1 to 624.20)
  11. Part 625 - Events And Situations That Are Not Under The Auspices Of An Agency (§ 625.1 to 625.5)
  12. Part 629 - Eligibility for Services (§ 629.1 to 629.2)
  13. Part 630 - Eligibility Determinations For Children Who Are Aging Out (§ 630.1 to 630.5)
  14. Part 633 - Protection of Individuals Receiving Services in Facilities and Services Operated and/or Certified by OPWDD (§ 633.1 to 633.99)
  15. Part 635 - General Quality Control and Administrative Requirements Applicable to Programs, services or Facilities Funded or Certified by the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (Subpart 635-1 to 635-99)
  16. Part 636 - Services And Supports For Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (Subpart 636-1 to 636-3)
  17. Part 641 - Rate Setting For Non-state Providers (Subpart 641-1 to 641-3)
  18. Part 643 - Certificate of Relief from Disabilities (Prohibitions) Related to Firearms Possession (§ 643.1 to 643.4)
  19. Part 645 - Limits On Administrative Expenses And Executive Compensation (Repealed) (§ 645.1 to 645.6)
  20. Part 671 - HCBS Waiver Community Residential Habilitation Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (§ 671.1 to 671.99)
  21. Part 676 - Diagnostic and Research Clinics (§ 676.1 to 676.12)
  22. Part 679 - Clinic Treatment Facilities (§ 679.1 to 679.99)
  23. Part 680 - Specialty Hospitals (§ 680.1 to 680.14)
  24. Part 681 - Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (§ 681.1 to 681.99)
  25. Part 686 - Operation of Community Residences (§ 686.1 to 686.99)
  26. Part 687 - Family Care Homes for People With Developmental Disabilities (§ 687.1 to 687.99)
  27. Part 688 - [Repealed]
  28. Part 690 - Day Treatment Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities (§ 690.1 to 690.99)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.