N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 9, subtit. B, ch. I, subch. A, pt. 33 - Miscellaneous Permits
- § 33.1 - Fees
- § 33.2 - Place of filing
- § 33.3 - Permit to sell alcoholic beverages or warehouse receipts
- § 33.4 - Permit to purchase alcoholic beverages
- § 33.5 - Permit to negotiate with wholesaler for an operating agency
- § 33.6 - Permit valid for one transaction only
- § 33.7 - Restrictions on purchases and sales
- § 33.8 - Licensee to obtain copy or photostat of permit
- § 33.9 - Delivery and storage of alcoholic beverages
- § 33.10 - Size of containers; labels on containers
- § 33.11 - Payment of taxes
- § 33.12 - Restrictions on negotiator's permit
- § 33.13 - Restriction on plenary permit
- § 33.14 - Reports
- § 33.15 - Charitable permits
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.